Auction Find - Chapter 11 - Yenie (2024)

Chapter Text

As promised Bonnie keeps a close eye on the loading chips. He is bored out of his mind while doing it though, It’s 3 AM when the loading bar hits 70% making him happy to see no crashes. He hopes that sun is alright, they have always been close friends, usually Bonnie was the one to get booked with the little once while Freddy got the older kids and teens, so he spend a lot of his time at the daycare.

“Please be okey” he says softly before getting up, sure he doesn’t need to stretch his legs but he is still mentally exhausted from everything that has happened in the last two days so sitting still is making him anxious.

He gets up and leaves the workshop, walking towards the back yard. He’s found that he really likes looking up at the starts whenever he doesn’t feel like going into sleep mode. Grabbing your concept sketchbook off of the dinner table as he passes it he takes it with him.

Bonnie knows sun and moon probably won’t care to for their new looks, he knows sunny always liked his cartoony-ness because it helped the kids feel more at ease. He sits down on the lounge chair in the yard and gets comfortable, opening the book on his lap while pulling the pen off of the back cover.

He wants to doodle some idea’s he has, drawing is easy for him when he has a reference since he can robotically copy it easily but now that he has to put his own idea’s on paper he finds himself struggling a bit. How did you make it look so easy? The lines are hard to predict even for his robotic mind, knowing where everything needs to go and not being able to pull it off is mildly frustrating.

He sighs and gives up after trying to draw some humanoid versions of sun, his old face was easy to draw so that sketch looks amazing but the new ones look a bit uncanny.

Sighing yet again, bonnie decides to wait on your help, he doodles some more random things from his time in the plex before getting bored of that as well.

The bunny closes the sketchbook and looks at its cover, you decorated it with stickers of your favorite show. The two of you have been wanting to watch it together so Bonnie can “experience perfection” as you had put it.

It makes him smile softly as he looks at it, running his fingers over the beat up edges. It’s a pretty thick book, only about halfway filled and you’ve been working on it for a few years if he remembers correctly. He opens the book again, this time starting on the first concept sketches of his body.

Realizing, he never really looked at the rest of your work did he? The bunny reopens the book yet again, but this time on the first page. There are some random notes on circuits and programming problems you were struggling with, even your writing translates your frustration at the time which makes him chuckle.

He starts to skim through it looking at every page, your drawings and sketches getting better the deeper he goes.

He pauses on a page that is covered full of sticky notes, the word “censor” written across them.

Bonnie’s ears twitch in interest lifting one of the sticky notes to see what’s under it. His eye’s widen as his ears stand up straight, underneath your make shift censors was a detailed drawing of some genitalia.

No wait- now that he looks closer he sees that it’s supposed to be a design of some sort. He frowns in confused interest before lifting the other sticky note. This one has the actuals notes under it saying

“ realistic adult toy F-01

- i want to try to make it as pleasurable

as possible.

- it has to look realistic but not function

realistically, best performance is

more important.

- will make a male and female version

unsure what materials to use yet. “

And it continues even more on the features you apparently were planning on giving them. Vibration, suction, rotation, thrusting, self lubricating and a lot more. Bonnie finds himself blushing slightly. The thought of having something like that is extremely appealing to him. He didn’t know you already had some designs.

He checks the date seeing that it was from even before you rescued him. He huffs an amused breath at your deviancy before continuing to the next page. More designs and more notes hidden under sticky notes. Some were dicks others just sketches of labia or an internal view of the mechanics for a vagin*l toy.

His eye’s keep lingering on the feminine toys, for some reason they just speak to him a lot more and he can easily imagine himself having one. His thoughts make his free hand unconsciously slid down his side before tracing towards his groin.

It’s smooth right now, no extra sensitivity or anything, no holes or nothing, just a slightly protruding silicone mound. Bonnie feels his internal fans kicking up a notch as he rubs his fingers over it. If he had one of the designs from your sketchbook, what would it feel like? Could he pleasure himself like this? Actually get wet like he’s seen on multiple of his research sessions online.

His cheeks light up in a deep blush before he quickly pulls his hand away slamming his legs closed, he rolls over onto his side in embarrassment and covers his face. ‘FUUUUUCK I WANT TO FEEL IT SO BAD’ he thinks to himself but only whines audibly.

His ears pull back twitching every so often. He knows this feeling, he’s had it plenty of times before even in the plex but his new body makes it feel so much more intense.

The bunny huffs before he sits himself back up, he’s never been able to put a name to this feeling before but now he is pretty sure it’s him being horny. He almost wants to go to your room and wake you up just so the feeling will subside but he knows that you need rest more than him getting off.

Defeated he gets up and takes the book back inside. He walks back towards the workshop and flops down in the chair desperately trying to get his circuits to calm down.

Sun is at 74% which makes him sigh, he didn’t crash so thats good. Bonnie stays and watches for the rest of the early morning, luckily his circuits decide cool down as time goes by.

He doesn’t even notice when you shuffle into the room at first but you turning the overhead lights on snap him back to the present.

You had a good night, slept well and you feel nicely rested. “Hey bon good morning,” you say with your usual groggy morning voice. It makes Bonnie smile fondly “morning lazy, slept well?” He asks as he nonchalantly leans back in his chair.

You nod happily “yeah actually i slept very well, how is sundrop doing?” You ask, walking further into the room, your steps are still careful.

Bonnie holds his hand out for you to lean onto which you accept thankfully before he answers “he’s doing well i think? No crashes or anything. Did you wait this long on me too? It’s taking ages” he says with a tired sigh.

You chuckle and nod “yeah i think i waited about 20 hours on you” you tell him and playfully tug on one of his ears. Bonnie looks at you in surprise “really?” He asks before looking back at the computer “maybe we need to have more than one going at the time than… we still have two more to go” he suggests making you nod.

“I could try to start the other two together but it may take a bit longer” you shrug before you sit down on his lap since he’s occupying the only hair in your workshop. Bonnie doesn’t seem to mind as he immediately shifts his legs so it’s more comfortable for you.

You look over to the screen seeing it at 96%. Smiling happily you nod “do you know if they’ll remember what happened? I know they were in eclips mode but still, eclipse mentioned that sundrop spoke to it right?” You ask Bonnie over your shoulder.

He nods before answering“i mean i think they should remember, eclipse their memories are saved on the same data drive so in theory both sun and moon should remember….. but i mean with that hard of a hit they got who knows” bonnie shrugs as he glances over to the destroyed body of sun and moon, now laying in the scrap pile.

You cringe slightly at the memory before looking back at the screen, 97% now.

You’ve noticed since you walked into the room that Bonnie seems a bit restless, like his mind is elsewhere. You wanted to ask him about it but decide not to, you know that he’d say something if something is really wrong.

You’re surprised when he suddenly rests his hands on your hips before taking in a deep breath. You look over at him with slight worry and are about to ask him what’s wrong but he beats you too it and speaks first“i have thought about your upgrade proposal-” he says forcefully, clearly a bit nervous to discuss it.

You didn’t think he’d been that busy with it but you nod and listen to him anyway, turning towards him a bit more so you can look at him and give him your attention.

He sighs softly before steeling himself “I’m pretty certain of what i want…. I- i mean i am certain” he adds making you smirk a bit. He seems so flustered, you have already thought yourself out of feeling embarrassed about discussing it after that night the two of you spend together.

“you can tell me Bon whatever it is i won’t judge you” you tell him sincerely. Bonnie nods and smiles softly while his ears drop to a more relaxed position “i ehm… i would like a vagin*- i just feel-… like it’s fits with me” he says as a blush creeps up his cheeks.

You find it funny how your roles have reversed, sure it’s a bit awkward but you don’t feel as embarrassed to talk about it anymore. “Thats good, like i said whatever you’re comfortable with, i should still have some blueprints laying around” you say, mumbling the last part in thought.

Bonnie smiles happily and lets out a relieved sigh,“thanks” he says as he rubs the back of his neck, it makes you giggle before shaking your head “who’s the shy one now huh?~” you tease while giving him a playful poke in his side.

he groans in self pity as he slides his hand down his neck “i didn’t know how else to bring it up- i get it now alright- it is slightly embarrassing” he says back playfully before he gently pushes you off of his lap “i’m going to make you some good breakfast! Yell for me when Sunny wakes up” he says a lot more peppy as he puts you back down on the chair.

You nod with a little salute to him as he leaves the workshop. chuckling softly to yourself you look back at the screen, 98% now, it shouldn’t take much longer.

Your eye’s fall on the other two personality chips, Moon and Monty…. Bonnie is right it will be annoying to have to do them both separately. It makes you end up rummaging through one of your old cable bins to see if you have the right adapter for it, but before you can get very far your laptop give a lout *pling* sound.

You immediately sit back up and roll the chair over to the screen reading the message

———— reboot initiated———-

————— rebooting DA Sundrop—-

You let out a relieved breath, for a second there you thought it had crashed. “BON SUNDROP IS BOOTING!!” You yell just like like the bunny had asked of you. immediately you can hear him speed walking towards the workshop.

You type out a message telling the sunny animatronic to input his speech into your voice program. It sucks a bit but you can only let him into his new little body after you’ve made sure that he’s okey and not glitching or anything.

“Hello there sundrop are you able to hear me?” You ask as you look into the computer’s camra that Sundrop should be able to utilize. Bonnie walks in just at that moment quickly standing next to you “hey sunny you there?” Bonnie asks as well.

It’s quite for some time before the ever emotionless voice program speaks up “h-hello? Bonnie is that you?” Sunny asks.

Bonnie smiles so wide before crouching down so he is better visible for the camera “Yeah i am bud! I know i look a little different but it’s still me! Can you hear and see us?” He asks the other AI who answers way quicker this time “OH THANK THE STARS!! I thought it was all a dream for a second!!! But you did come back!! You and your new friend!” Sunny says in relief.

Bonnie nods while you smile gently “hello there Sundrop! It’s nice to meet you” you say and tell the AI your name “but i mostly go by Lazy, i know it’s sounds like an insult but it’s just a nickname” you inform him. The robot voice makes an odd noise that you think may have been a happy attempt to squeal of some kind.

“I’M SO HAPPY TO MEET YOU FRIEND! But please just call me Sun or Sunny!” sundro- Sunny say loudly.

“Do you have any memory data loss? do you still remember everything?” Bonnie suddenly asks. Making Sun hum before answering “OH my memory is just fine!! I remember everything yes yes-…. Well i do have some fuzzy spots but thats mostly from Moon being a bum!” Sun explains.

Bonnie nods in relief, happy that sun doesn’t seem as affected by being powered down as he was.

“Hey Sunny is it alright if i do a virus sweep on you? You see i have a temporary body ready for you but i just need to make sure that you are not carrying anything with you” you ask and explain yourself.

Bonnie chimes in too “yeah it’s very cute!!” He says as he lifts the small robot into Suns line of sight. It’s the yellow version of the Desk Companion that Bonnie had prepared the day prior and he has stuck little triangles on its head to mimic Suns old sunbeams. “i used to live in one too! Before Lazy gave me this new body” Bonnie says happily.

His little tail is wagging making you smile fondly, you wonder for a second if that’s a subconscious thing or not. Sunny makes another attempt at a happy squeal before answering “oh yes of course friend! Go right ahead!” He tells you making you smile. It takes you a few minutes to get everything set up but soon press start.

“Ooh that feels odd~” sunny says in surprise making you chuckle “sorry about that it’ll be over in a second” you tell him while feeling a bit guilty. You can’t imagine that it’s very comfortable to be probed like this. “It’s alright mister Lazy! It’s nothing that i haven’t felt before” he lets you know making you nod.

Bonnie happily puts Sun’s future little body back down before sitting down on your desk. “Hey sun do you remember what happened when we came to get you?” He asks as his eye’s fall on your still injured leg. He hides his worries well but still, he wants to know what possessed Monty to do this to you.

“Mmmh i remember little bits, eclipse accessed me for information on you so i was able to see you two then, the state of the Daycare is so atrocious!” Sun answered unhappily. Bonnie smiles softly, happy to see that Sun hasn’t changed even while he is focusing on the wrong details.

“Do you remember what happened to the plex? What caused the fire?” Bonnie continues to ask not expecting to be yelled at.

“IT WAS THAT LITTLE RULE BREAKER GGGGAHH! Such a naughty boy! I banned him from the daycare and he sets the whole building on fire!! Freddy even helped him?!” Sun says displeased.

Bonnie immediately stiffens up at the mention of Freddy “is this rule breakers name Gregory by chance?” You ask as you tilt your head in thought “AHH yes Gregory!!! He just Just slid into my daycare, caused havoc, broke the rules and than destroys everything! I don’t know why Freddy was even helping him!” Sun explains further.

You hum and nod it seems that this Gregory person was at the center of everything somehow. Bonnie frowns at the new information before jumping back into the conversation“but that would meen that Freddy left us…. He.. h- he wouldn’t do that! Freddy would never leave us behind to burn” he says with confused sadness.

You gently take his hand in yours as silent support which he squeezes to ground himself. His fans speed up in panic and you can feel his hand tremble.

“Well he did Bunnie friend! He helped Gregory destroy us, Monty Chica and Roxy were all broken and had parts stolen. I thought Freddy was a friend as well but it turns out that i was wrong. Moon had warned me before he started malfunctioning- i-… i didn’t want to believe him but thats what happened, Freddy left the Pizza Plex with the kid and night guard” Sun explains.

Before either of you can really process that the scanning program finishes. You check the report seeing that other than damaged hard wear Sun is all clean. It makes you feel a little bit lighter “ ehm well we can continue this conversation later, for now i’d like to transfer you to your new body Sunny is that okey?” You ask still holding Bonnies hand in one of yours.

“Oh yes please Friend i would Love love Love that!” Sunny says with unheard excitement. You nod and grab a hold of his chips “you’ll be temporarily powered down, but don’t worrry i’ll boot you back up in no time!” You say giving the laptops camera a soft smile “alright friend!” Sun simply says before you disconnect him from your laptop.

You sit there for a second before you carefully put Sun’s chips aside and turn towards Bonnie. You gently cup his face, already able to see tears forming “i’m so sorry it turned out to be this way Bon” you say softly as he finally turns his eye’s from the floor to yours. He attempts to smile but it just looks broken and sad.

“I-i’m sure that there is more to this story…. I…. I just can’t believe that Freddy would just-…” a sob interrupts his words making his artificial breath hitch. You feel tears of your own form in your eyes as you pull him into your chest. You hate seeing him so sad. There is no way you can even understand how he feels.

Trying to comfort him as best as you can you hold him close to you, rubbing his back softly while gently swaying from side to side. He silently cries against you, you can feel the artificial tears staining your shirt but you don’t care. He’s clutching you close, holding you like a lifeline while he tries to calm himself down.

“We’ll figure this out Bon I promise, you’ll always have a save place here in my house, whatever happed we’ll get to the bottom of it” you say before telling him comforting words like “you’re okey” and “you’re alright i got you” ‘s.

Bonnie eventually calms down enough and pulls out of your hold. He’s still sitting on the desk in front of you when he sighs “thank you Lazy” he says making you smile in sympathy.

You stand up so you’re face to face and gently wipe his tear streaks from his cheeks “always Bon, lets get sunny set up and begin with the other two, i think it’s best to continue the conversation when everyone is there. Maybe the other two know something that Sunny doesn’t” you say trying to stay somewhat positive.

Bonnie nods in agreement and turns his face into your hand, pressing a thankful kiss onto your palm “you’re right, lets not pull conclusions too quickly” he says more to himself than anything.

You nod before you let go of him, grabbing Sun’s parts afterwards to get to work. It hardly takes any time at all because of all the prep work that’s already been done.

Bonnie hops off of the desk to stand close to you as you start the little robot up. You’ve already put Sun’s voice chip in there so luckily he’ll immediately sound like himself.

He starts up just like Bonnie did his little LED face lighting up before he is actually conscious again. “Hey Sunny, are you with us?” You ask feeling Bonnie’s hands on your arm in anticipation.

The little robot bounces happily and nods his head “OH YEAH! Wow friend this is so much much better thank you so much!!” The sunny bot says happy before starting to look all around your shop from up on the desk.

You sigh in relief before looking over at Bonnie next to you saying “well, one down two more to go”

Auction Find - Chapter 11 - Yenie (2024)


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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.