Eleutheromania - Chapter 8 - kensie51 - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

Hadrian woke to the feeling of being watched. He opened his eyes, seeing Theo lying on his side next to him.

“Good morning, Ollie.”

“Good morning, kallitéchnis mou.” Theo’s voice sounded hoarse as he spoke like sleep clung to him.

“Enjoying the show?”

“You looked so peaceful. I didn’t want to tear you from that.”

“Hmm. How long have you been awake?”

“Not long. Draco came in to tell us to start ‘moving are arses’ and to get ready. I wanted to let you sleep a bit longer. You have about two hours before your meeting with Skeeter.”

“The wretched woman.”

“You're the one that set up the interview. Go get showered and I’ll have coffee when you get out. I put your clothes in the bathroom, shoes are by the bedroom door, and your wand is on the nightstand on my side of the bed. Draco brought you a holster for it. It has a notice-me-not charm on it so once your wand is in it now will pick up on it.”

“Oh that's awesome.”

“Right, and incredibly expensive. Blaise certainly knows how to make a statement with clothing.”

“Good statement or bad statement?”

“Good. I think. The clothes he picked were all top brands, he wanted to show off your money. With who you’re meeting today, that isn’t a bad thing.”

“Today’s going to be a lot isn’t it?”

“Possibly. Now get your toosh out of bed and into the shower.”

“And you called me the bossy one? I'm going.”

Hadrian got out of bed, sitting at the edge stretching before walking to the bathroom. His clothes were spread out on the counter, and his rings and his bracelet were set on top of the shirt.

He got showered, letting the warm water rinse away the rest of the grip sleep had on him. After he got out he looked at the clothes Blaise had picked for him. A dark blue Ralph Lauren shirt with a three-quarter sleeve, light-washed Saint Laurent jeans and a pair of black Moncler trainers.

He put his bracelet on his left wrist. Then, he placed his Lord ring on and set it to the Black Lord ring. Lastly, he kept his Heir ring set to the Slytherin Heir ring. When he had all his jewellery on he pulled on the holster, it wasn’t as uncomfortable as it looked.

Once he was dressed and had brushed his teeth he walked out into the bedroom. Theo was sitting on the bed, already dressed, wearing a white long-sleeve polo, and beige-coloured trousers.

“I have no idea what to do with my hair. I need it cut, otherwise I'd just wear it down.”

“Draco’s mum cuts his hair. I’m sure she’d get yours done real quick. How much do you want cut off?”

“Like 6 centimetres? I don’t want it longer than my jawline, that way I don’t have to worry about cutting it for a while.”

“Get your shoes on and we can go find Narcissa to ask her. Oh, by the way, I think you look smashing.”

“You're pretty easy on the eyes yourself.”

Theo chuckled at that while Hadrian grabbed his shoes from the door to put them on. Once he was done he picked his wand up, placing it in the holster and he and Theo left the room.

“We should get Draco. He should know where to find his mom.”

“Lead the way, Ollie.”

The two walked down the hall into the room Hadrian had been led to by Tilly the day before. Draco was walking out of the bathroom, hair still wet from the shower.

“Where's your mother? We want to ask her to cut Hadri's hair.”

“She’s probably in the kitchen. If she doesn’t have a coffee cup in her hands, steer clear or wait until she does. My mother is not a morning person.”

“Must run in the family.” Theo turned and walked out of the room after that, grabbing Hadrian's hand and pulling him after him.

“Hadri is new.”

“Everyone calls you Hades, and kallitéchnis mou doesn’t always work.”

“Whatever you say Ollie.”

Theo elbowed Hadrian in the side at the remark, making him laugh. They walked the rest of the way with small smiles on their faces, still holding hands.

They walked into the kitchen finding Narcissa standing by the sink with a coffee mug in her hands.

“Hey, Auntie Cissa.”

“Hades. Theodore. What can I do for you two?”

“Can you cut my hair?”

“Of course Hades, follow me.”

Narcissa topped off her coffee before leading the two out of the room. She led them to her bedroom and had them sit on the balcony while she grabbed her scissors from the bathroom.

“How short are we thinking? Do you want layers or to have it all one length? Face framing or no face framing?”

“About my jawline. Yes, layers. What's face framing?”

“It's just a way you cut the hairs to frame your face better.”

“Okay, then yeah sure. Or whatever you think.”

“Alright, Hades. No moving except for if I tell you to, okay?”

“Sounds good.”

Narcissa started cutting at his confirmation. It took her about 30 minutes to get it how Hadrian had wanted it, once she was done she vanished the cut hair from the balcony floor and her and Hadrian's clothes.

“Thank you, Auntie Cissa.”

“Of course, Hades. Have fun today.”

“I will. Have a good day.”

When she finished it was 7:45 so Theo and Hadrian walked out of the room, heading to the floo room.

“Floo back here when you're done and we’ll go to Zabini Manor.”

“Sounds good, Ollie.”

“Hey, you're going to be fine. You’ve told the worst of it all already. You're just getting things started on wrecking Dumbledore's reputation now.”

“Yeah I know that. I just don’t like Skeeter. The urge to curse her is strong.”

“I’d be worried if you did like her. Now stop stalling and go.”

“Yes, dear.”

Theo rolled his eyes as he pushed Hadrian into the Floo and handed him the Floo Powder.

“Leaky Cauldron!”

When he landed he was in the upstairs floo room of the pub. He walked down the stairs not seeing Skeeter anywhere, so he picked an empty table in the back corner and waited for her to show.

He wasn’t alone for long, the reporter walked in shortly after he sat down. She made her way over to him with a smile of fake politeness.

“Lord Valentino! How lovely to see you.”

“Rita, I thought we dropped the formalites last time. How are you doing?”

“Sorry, Alex. I’m doing good, you?” Skeeter spoke rather sheepishly.

“To be determined. Now what I’m about to talk to you about is sensitive. It’s going to be a huge story though so I hope you’ll understand me wanting a Vow this time.”

“Of course, Alex. My boss was delighted with what you gave me last time. I have no issue giving you a Vow. Who would you like to be our bonder?”

Hadrian looked around the room, hoping to see someone he knew. Thankfully he did.

“Severus!” Said man flinched as his name was called, and looked over at Hadrian with a perplexed look.

“Yes?” Hadrian was internally thankful he hadn’t addressed him with a name, that’d make things confusing and problematic.

“Can you be our bonder please? She’s giving me a Vow.”

“Of course. Whenever you're ready.”

Hadrian stretched his hand across the table, Skeeter wrapped hers around his looking distrustful of his chosen bonder. As soon as their hands were linked Snape put his wand to their hands and nodded to Hadrian.

“Will you, Rita Skeeter, adhere to the facts I will give you?”

“I will.”

“Will you, Rita Skeeter, stick to the date I give you for publication?”

“I will.”

“Will you, Rita Skeeter, keep everything you learn today to yourself until the time of publication?”

“I will.”

“Then it is done.”

“Then it is done.”

Hadrian smiled at her, which she returned almost feverishly. He could tell she was more than ready to get the interview started.

“Thank you, Professor.”

“We’re not at school, my Prince. Call me Severus.”

“You can call me Hadrian, Severus. We’re not at a meeting or doing anything for Tom. Plus, you know my father, that's good enough for me.”

“Oh, this is another one of your little plots? Have fun Hadrian.”

“Always, Severus.”

Skeeter looked more and more baffled as the two interacted. Hadrian took a moment to collect his thoughts and then began speaking.

“Would you prefer to read and then have me explain, or explain then read?”

“Read first.”

Hadrian pulled a copy of his inheritance out of his pocket. He handed it to her and watched as she read it. The shock was evident in her facial expression. She looked between Hadrian and the paper reading it over a few more times before setting it down.

“Your name is not Alex.”

“No. Sorry Miss Skeeter. I wasn’t sure when I’d be making this public and I didn’t want to risk it coming out too soon.”

“Rita. Still Rita. So, the explanation?”

“Dumbledore killed my mother after she gave birth to me. Gave me to Lily and James then planted memories in countless people to make everyone believe I was truly their child. They illegally blood-adopted me.”

“So, on top of putting you in an abusive home, he kidnapped you and killed your mother.”

“Yes. It is also suspected that my Father is in hiding because of him. Want to know what else he’s done?”

“Of course.”

“Sirius Black is innocent. Peter Pettigrew was the secret keeper, Dumbledore was the facilitator for the Fidelus. He also hid Sirius and Remus’ memories of being married, put compulsions on the Malfoys, and Severus Snape.”

“How does he keep doing all of this?”

“He’s the Lights leader. He can do no wrong in the eyes of most of the British Magical community, so he gets away with all the wrong he does.”

“Gods. How much am I allowed to disclose in my article?”

“Everything except for my affinity, and the stuff about Sirius being innocent. That should be made public soon. Everything else you can talk about.”

“Why is it being made public?”

“Peter Pettigrew is alive. I sent him to Gringotts who will be sending him to the ministry along with written testimony that Dumbledore knew Sirius wasn’t the Secret Keeper. Sirius also never received a trial.”

“Merlin and Morgana. When can I have this published?”

“September 2nd. There's a strong chance I will be resorted to Slytherin. The hat wanted to place me In Slytherin in my first year but everyone talked about how everyone in Slytherin was evil before my sorting so I begged him not to put me there.”

“Merlin was a Slytherin. The bigotry is astounding.”

“Yes, it is. Are there any questions you have?”

“No I don’t believe so.”

“Thank you for your time, Rita.”

“Of course, Lord Valentino?”

“Hadrian is fine, Rita. I’m the Lord of many Houses.”

“That you are, Hadrian. Would you like me to send you the article when it's done? That way you can add or remove anything if needed?”

“Actually, yeah. That'd be great.”

“Okay. Have a good rest of your day Hadrian.”

“You too Rita.”

As Skeeter got up and left, Snape strode over and took her place.

“So, what was that for?”

“Security. I want to control the media’s response to my resort. She’ll publish it on September 2nd. It’ll paint Dumbledore as a kidnapper and murderer. It should also help people tolerate me and my now being in Slytherin.”

“You should have a great time in Slytherin this year. You should start meditating at night, it’ll help with occlumency.”

“What exactly is occlumency?”

“Shielding your mind. I’m surprised Theodore hasn’t talked with you about it. His Father has made him almost a master at it.”

“He has talked about it. Just didn’t mention what it was.”

“That sounds like Theodore. I believe my Lord will be teaching you legilimency, it will help with your enforcer duties.”

“That is going to be interesting. I won’t have to be sent after you right?”

“No, you will not, my Prince.”

“Good. I’d love to stay and chat more, but I am meeting Pansy and the Greengrass sisters at Zabini Manor today. Thank you for helping earlier Severus.”

“Always, my Prince. Have fun with those three. They can be alot from what I've seen.”

“Yeah, that's what I’m worried about. Enjoy your day.”

After bidding Snape farewell Hadrian walked up the stairs to the floo room. When he got to Malfoy Manor Theo and Draco were sitting in there. Theo was reading a book and Draco was on the floor playing with his wand.

“I love how the one worried about not being refined enough is the one holding himself like a proper pureblood Heir.”

“Hi, kallitéchnis mou. How’d it go?”

“Good. She was surprisingly docile. She’ll send me the article to add or remove sh*t so that it's ready for publication.”

“How’d she take everything?”

“She was weirdly insulted on my behalf. I saw Snape there.”

“Wonder what he was doing.”

“Who knows. I made him be our bonder for the Vow.”

“Smart. He knows when to not question someone.”

“Yeah, he didn’t name me until the Vow was done. Are you two ready to go?”

“Yeah. So one rule. No letting your magic out until me or Blaise say all is good. We don’t know how the girls will react to you and we don’t want to risk your magic causing issues.”

“And you guys think this is a good idea why?”

“You should be fine. They are all just wild cards. Worst case is that they don't believe us and think it's all a joke.”

“Riiight. I don’t like this. To my grave we go.”

“Hadri, you're going to be fine. They aren’t all that dangerous. You sat in a room full of Death Eaters yesterday, this shouldn't be scarier than that.”

“Tom would have let me curse anyone who f*cked with me. I can’t curse the girls! That’s just immoral.”

“You're the one that is immoral here. Come on, let's get this done with.”

The three stepped into the floo, Theo grabbing Hadrian's hand and offering him a soothing smile before Draco threw the floo powder down and the world started spinning.

They landed and were met with Celeste, who looked just as beautiful as the first time Hadrian had met her. She was wearing a light pink dress that ended just short of her knees and had her hair done in two braids.

“Celeste! You look fantastic!” Hadrian said as he stepped out of the floo. Celeste smiled at him and tugged him into a hug.

“As do you, Hades. Blaise told me about you and Theo. Personally, I think you and him are a much better match than you and my son.”

“Oh, thanks. Maybe, I don’t know what to say to that.”

“My son is lovely, but I think you would have gotten bored. I know people Hadrian, and I know what personalities mesh well. You and my son will be great friends but that is all you two are meant for.”

“I do hope we become great friends. Speaking of your son. Where is he?”

“With the girls out on the veranda. The wards told me someone was flooing in so I came to get you guys.” She turned around and started walking as she said that.

The three boys looked at each other and then shrugged before following her out to the veranda. When they got outside the table she led them to was filled with fruits and pastries.

Blaise was sitting next to a girl with short black hair, in front of them were two girls one with long brown hair and one with long blonde hair. As they walked closer Hadrian heard as they were all laughing.

“Here’s the rest of your guests Blaise. Hadrian, if you need to flee, call for my elf, Aria, she’ll take you to one of the Manor's libraries.”

“Thank you, Celeste.”

“Of course, my dear Hades.” Celeste spun around and walked back into the Manor after grinning at her son.

“Well, I got to love her faith in how this is going to go.”

“Hades you're not fleeing until introductions are made.”

“I wasn’t going to.”

“You were thinking about it. Now sit.”


“Next to me, Hades.”

Hadrian looked at Blaise, his scepticism of how this was going to go, showing plainly on his face. Blaise simply raised an eyebrow and gestured toward the chair. Theo rolled his eyes at the exchange and hauled Hadrian over to the chair, pushing him into it and then sitting next to him. Draco laughed at it all as he sat next to the girl with brown hair.

“They’ve been told about everything. Draco snatched one of the copies of your inheritance from the DE meeting yesterday and sent it to me. They also heard about it all from their fathers.”

“Uh Huh. Lovely, can I go now?”

“I will glue your arse to that chair if I need to Hades.”

“I’ll take the chair with me. Try me Draco.”

“ANYWAYS! I told them about what happened with Draco and your imperius. And about what Xavier said about your mother.”

“So they know my whole life story, and my name. I can leave, yes?”

“No. That doesn’t qualify as introductions.”

“Well get on with it then.” Blaise looked at Hadrian then, noting how tense he seemed and assumed that he had his magic too tightly wound up.



“You can let your magic out.”

That was all the confirmation he needed to do so. As soon as he did he felt all his anxiety dissipate. Theo had a look of pure ecstasy as the magic washed over him, Draco looked like he was beginning to grow a headache. Blaise and the girls had varying looks of awe and satisfaction.

“Draco you really should be used to this much dark magic already.”

“But it's so much! All at once!”

“Poor baby. Get used to it, Hadrian feel free to let it loose whenever you want if you're around me.”

“Draco, you do realise he’s not letting it go beyond him and Theo, right? It's not touching you.”

“And how do you know, Pansy?”

“Because Theo looks blissed out right now.”

“I do not!”

“Theo, you kind of do.”

“You are a backstabber, Hadri.”

“And you call me dramatic?” Draco looked towards Hadrian with an offended look.

“So, Hades. Can I introduce you now?”

“Yeah, fine. Go ahead.”

“Hadrian Apollo Black, this is Pansy Idalia Parkinson,” Blaise pointed to the girl with short black hair as he said this. Hadrian looked at her more closely now. She had skin almost as light as Draco's and light-coloured blue eyes.

“You can call me Pansy, none of the Parkinson sh*t.”

“Daphne Sabine Greengrass,” Next, he pointed to the blonde girl, she was pale but closer to Theo’s colour than to Pansy’s or Draco’s. She had blue eyes as well, though not pale like Pansy’s but more grey like Draco's.

“And our dear Astoria Ophelia Greengrass.” He finished, pointing at the girl with brown hair. She had the same skin tone as her sister, but skinnier cheeks and a longer nose. Rather than blue eyes like her sister hers were light brown, almost exactly the colour of caramel.

“Hadrian, you have to tell us what our magic looks like!”

“Astoria, calm yourself. Let the guy breathe for a second.”

“It's okay, Daphne. You should have heard Auntie Cissa when she was asking me to tell them.”

“Draco’s mom lets you call her Auntie? Tell me your secrets!”

“Pansy, my mother is his godmother. There’s no secret.”

“It's my charm, Pansy. Mothers love me.”

“Well, except for the Weasley mother.”

“She doesn’t count.”

“Riight. Hades put the girls out of their misery and tell them what their magic looks like.”

Hadrian laughed before focusing on the magic of each of the girls. Pansy’s was a pale blue, just like her eyes. It was nearly as bright as his, Blaise’s and Theo’s.

“Pansy, yours is the colour of your eyes. And bright too. Brighter than Draco’s.”

“Hadrian! That was not necessary information.”

“I would never withhold information from a Slytherin girl. That spells trouble.”

“See boys, Hadrian understands. Maybe you’ll learn something from him.”

“Blaise and Theo? Maybe. Draco? Never.” Everyone but Draco laughed as Hadrian said that. Draco simply pouted and turned his head from them.

Daphne had vivid pink magic, much like the blossomed flowers on a cherry tree. Her’s was every bit as bright as Pansy’s was. As for Astoria, her magic manifested as the colour of amethyst and was slightly less vibrant than her sisters and Pansy’s.

“Miss Greengrass, have you ever seen the flowers on a cherry tree?” Hadrian looked at the older of the two sisters as he asked.

“Oh, yes! I love the colour of them, they're so pretty. And do call me Daphne, last names get so confusing with siblings.”

“That's what colour your magic is, and it's just as bright as Pansy’s. Astoria? Do you know what Amethyst looks like?”

“Of course! I have a pair of earrings that are made from amethyst. Draco was the one who got them for me.”

“Fitting, your magic is almost that exact shade of purple. Your magic is a bit dimmer than your sisters. You're the younger one right? That probably has something to do with it.”

“Hades, are you saying my magic is the least bright out of all of us?”

“No. You and Astoria are on the same level.”

“I’m regretting arranging this meeting.”

“Poor baby.” All three girls said this simultaneously, making them laugh and in turn making Hadrian, Blaise and Theo start laughing.

“So, Hadrian. You and Theo?” The two boys went stock still at that, glancing at each other, deciding running was the best option here.

“Ari-” The rest of the elves' name was cut off by Blaise shoving a pastry in Hadrian's mouth. Hadrian glared at Blaise, though it was a short-lived glare because the pastry he shoved in his mouth was delicious.

“Why was your guys’ first instinct to run away?”

“Complicated question. Easiest answer is to hide in a library. Aria!” Hadrian leaned away from Blaise as he called the elves' names.

“Yes, Mister Hades?”

“Can you take me and Theo to the library?”

“Of course, Mister Hades.”

The elf put a hand on both boys and they were spinning. When the world finally stopped, the two were alone and sitting in two chairs in a library.

“The Manor has four libraries. We should be safe for a while.”

“If you know where the floo is we can leave. I need to pick up my suits and robes from my grandfather, we can ask Celeste to take us.”

“That's a lovely idea. Call her elf and ask her to have her come here.”


“Yes, Mister Hades?”

“Can you ask Celeste to come here please?”

“Yes, Mister Hades!” The small elf nodded and disappeared.

“She shows up so quickly.”

“That's why she’s my personal elf. What did you need, Hades?”

“Can you take us to Val’s? I need to pick up my stuff.”

“Of course, we can use the floo in my room to go to a coffee shop then apparate from there. Aria!”

“Yes, Mistress Zabini?”

“Can you bring all three of us to my bedroom?”

“Yes! I can, Mistress Zabini.” The elf instructed Hadrian and Theo to hold hands, then grabbed a hold of Hadrian and Celeste taking them to her room.

When they landed Celeste walked over to the fireplace in her room, whispering a spell to get it ready to floo in.

“You guys ready?”


The three got in the floo and Celeste called the address of the coffee shop. When they landed, she guided them out and to the apparation/ disapparition spot. Theo and Hadrian were still holding hands so she put her hand on Hadrian's shoulder and apparated them to Val’s.

They landed in front of the store, and Celeste walked in. Hadrian smiled at Theo who looked like he was ready to throw up, then walked in behind her.

“Il mio nipote! How are you doing?”

“I’m good, sorry for not bringing my godfathers like I said I would. This was a kind of spur of the moment decision.”

“Oh it is fine! I always love seeing Celeste.”

“Xavier! You warm my heart.”

“Let me grab your stuff real quick.” Xavier turned and headed towards the back of his store.

When he came back he was carrying six garment bags. He seemed to be struggling so Hadrian and Theo went to him and grabbed three bags each.

“Who is this handsome young man you have with you, mio nipote?”

“Theodore Nott. He’s a really good friend of mine.”

“It's nice to meet you, Mr. Valentino.”

“Oh, nonsense. If you're a friend of my grandsons you can call me Xavier.” Xavier smiled at Theo and then walked with them to the door.

“It was nice to see you, Celeste. Thank you for bringing my grandson.”

“Of course, Xavier. Have a lovely day.” Celeste bent down and kissed him on the cheek before walking to the apparation/disapparition spot.

“Thank you for the suits and robes. I’m sure they look lovely.”

“If you need any changes done, bring them here and I’ll do it free of charge. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, mio nipote.”

“You too, Xavier.”

After saying their goodbyes, Theo and Hadrian joined Celeste at the apparation/ disapparition spot.

“Are you boys ready to go?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“You two can stay in my room when we get back. No one can go in there with me or Aria and Aria has been told not to bring anyone in today.”

“Thank you, Celeste.”


Celeste left Theo and Hadrian in her room after showing them which door was the bathroom and leading them to her balcony. The balcony had a strong notice-me-not charm so they could sit there and Blaise and the others wouldn't see. After Celeste had left, they sent the clothes over to Ravenclaw Manor before sitting on the balcony.

“O kallitéchnis mou?”

“Yes, Ollie?”

“What will you tell the girls? You know they’ll ask again.”

“First I’ll distract them with the clothes and if that doesn’t work I’ll just tell them the same thing I told your father.”

“And if I asked?”

“They didn’t ask a specific question. I’d ask you to specify.”

“What are we doing, how do you feel?”

"I'm not entirely sure what we're doing, but I know how I feel about you. Theo, I genuinely like you. I admire your intelligence and your magic. I enjoy our conversations, and how easy it is for me to just listen to you. The way we complement each other is special, and I'd like to think it's for a reason. Your trust in me, despite all logic saying you shouldn't, is something I love and will do my best to never take advantage of. Your smiles, which seem to be reserved for me, are becoming something I hope to always be able to see. Loving you would come naturally to me. How do you feel, Theo?"

Theo paused at the question at the end, collecting his thoughts and getting his emotions together before speaking.

"I like you so much. I appreciate that you listen to me and see me for who I am, rather than my background. It's so precious being able to see the gleam in your eyes when you learn something new. Your sarcasm and protectiveness are, honestly, way more attractive than they should be. I love how effortless everything feels when I'm with you. The fact that you proposed a marriage contract when my Father questioned our relationship speaks volumes. Loving you would be as natural as breathing."

“Isn’t that enough, Theo? Knowing how I feel and knowing how you feel.”

“Draco said something about Fred Weasley, while we were waiting for you to get back.”

“Of course he did. I don’t know if telling you more will make you feel better.”

“Please, Hadri? I need to hear it from you.” Hadrian looked Theo in the eyes at how pleadingly he talked. He could tell how much it was troubling him, so he took a few breaths to figure out the best way to explain it all.

“Like I said earlier, we almost certainly have a soul bond. Draco said they amplify the emotions already there, and we think Fred was unsure how he felt, or there were romantic feelings there he just hadn't realised it yet. Gods, I wanted to talk with him about this first.” Hadrian placed his head in his hands, not knowing how to explain it all without having Fred and George's point of view to help.

“If it's too much, I can wait, Hadrian. You've told me enough that I have a good idea of what's going on. Just promise me, we will talk about it at some point.”

“Are you sure? I don’t think I'll see them until term starts.”

“Talk with them about it on the train. We can talk after the Feast. I can wait as long as you promise to talk with them and then with me.”

“I promise, Theo. As soon as I have a better answer you will have it.”

“I trust you. You can go ahead and shag him if need be, just figure it out before we get too involved.”

“That’s a graphic idea.”

“I intend to be your last. I could care less about your first and your in betweens.”

“Theo, have you?”

“No. Haven’t really felt the need to. Have you?”

“Not all the way. Most I’ve done was Dean Thomas sucking me off in the Gryffindor changing room, last year during the Tournament.”

“You’re so vile. Sometimes you can leave things to the imagination. I don’t think I needed a name.”

“I think Draco wouldn’t have disagreed with all of that statement. He would have wanted all the nasty details.”

“Unfortunately I think you are right. We should go back down.”

“Do we haaavve to? I’m quite enjoying the quiet.”

“If we don’t go now it will be worse later.”

“Damn you for making sense. Fine. Come on then.”

“O kallitéchnis mou?”

“Yes, my Ollie?”

“You’re becoming an important part of my life.”

Hadrian beamed at that and offered a hand to Theo who gladly took it. The two walked through the halls of the Manor, down to the veranda. Surprisingly it looked as though Blaise, Draco and the girls hadn’t moved since they took off.

They sat down, ignoring the looks of annoyance from Draco and amusem*nt from Blaise and Pansy.

“So, ready to answer now?” Daphne had mischief painted in her eyes as she asked.

“Draco, I got my suits and robes from Val’s, want to see them?”

“Answer the question Hades, I can make you try them on later.”

“I want to be important to him.”

“We just talked about this, Daphne, Pansy. We’re figuring it out, when we do you’ll know. Okay?”

“Good enough. So Hadrian, my Father said you’ve joined the Dark. Were you marked?”

“Gods no. Tom knows I would never take his mark. I have my own plans and that would interfere with them.” Hadrian looked over at Pansy as she questioned him. The idea of taking Tom’s mark was worse to him than marrying Ginny.

“You intend on becoming a Dark Lord, yes?”

“Yes, Astoria. Draco must have told you that one. I haven’t discussed it outside of him and a handful of others.”

“We had to talk about something while you two were soul searching.”

“Uh huh. It had to be that?”

“Yes, yes it did.”

“You're being resorted to Slytherin, right? How did that come about?”

“I was meant to go there in first year. Draco was a right prat when we met before the sorting, and everyone else I’d met up to that point had made it a point to say how evil Slytherins were.”

“Draco, you robbed me of extra entertainment? You will not be forgiven for that.”

“Hey! He was a Potter then! We likely would not have gotten on then.”

“By a technicality, I'm still a Potter; I’m Lord Potter, even with the blood adoption removed.”

“Yes yes. But your name isn’t Hadrian Apollo Potter, it's Hadrian Apollo Black. Blacks belong in the house of the snakes.”

“Sirius Orion Black.”

“Hated his family, disagreed with their beliefs and defected.”

“Okay yes. But not the point, could you have imagined him in Slytherin? He’s so brash. He can come up with some terrible plots, yes, but he is as Gryffindor as they come.”

“We used to think that about you.” Astoria pointed it out and it made Hadrian flush a bit in embarrassment.

“I was born to Regulus, not Sirius. I was under compulsions then. I’ve also been burned more by the Light than I have been by the Dark. It’s hard for me to understand his actions against his family.”

“True enough. So, tell me, what did you and Draco get caught doing?”


“What? How do you know it wasn’t Draco who told them!”

“Because he threatens me with a Vow every time I tell someone! He’s told Theo. Literally only Theo. I've told everyone else who knows!”

“Okay, maybe I did tell them. But that is not the point here. Answer the lady, it's rude to ignore her.”

“We snogged, there were hickeys. What more do you want?”

“Sadly, I know that's all. Draco looks like he’s chosen to imitate a tomato.”

“Why do you sound so disappointed, Pansy?”

“I was hoping for something more interesting. Blaise made it sound like you went all the way.”

“The way Draco blushed in the coffee shop you would have thought they did.”

“Can’t argue with that.”

“One last thing, Hadrian.”

“Yes, Astoria?”

“You and that one Weasley twin? What's going on there?”

“Mm. Lovely question, I’ll get back to you on that. I just recently found out the school thinks Fred and I have shagged.”

“You're telling me you knew nothing about the rumours?” Blaise looked absolutely scandalised as he realised that.

“Blaise I wasn’t joking when I said I didn’t know what you were talking about when you implied that something was going on there.”

“But you know now?”

“Yes, like I said it was brought to my attention. I was also told that is the reason Fred’s relationships always crash and burn.”

“Soul bonds tend to do that when left unchecked.”

“Draco shut up. Not your thing to talk about.”

“As much as I’d like to question you on that Hadrian I get the sense it has something to do with the stuff you have to figure out for Theo. So I will leave it alone for now.”

“Thank you, Pansy.”

“Of course, Hadrian.”

“Pansy, we have to leave now. Father will be expecting me and Astoria back soon.”

“Oh right, okay. Off we go. It was lovely meeting you Hadrian. We will have to make this a regular thing for the rest of the summer.”

“I’d love that, Pansy. Daphne, Astoria, I enjoyed meeting you two.”

“Oh, we did too Hadrian. I am sure you’ll add some much needed brains to this group.”

With a smirk thrown at Draco, the three girls began to walk inside to the floo room.

“Do you guys want to go to Ravenclaw Manor, and hang out for the rest of the day?”

“Yeah, let me go check with my Mother.”

While Blaise got up to go do that, Hadrian snacked on some of the fruits that were left on the table. Draco and Theo, still upset with each other, hadn't said anything.

“I thought you weren’t mad anymore Draco.”

“I’m not! He is!”

“I am not! You're the one who keeps glaring at me!”

“Yeah, because every time Hades looks at you, you sit there looking so smug. It’s like you want me to get mad about it all over again.”

“It is not smugness! I like that with all the people here he looks at me! It makes me feel special!”

Hadrian shook his head and saw Blaise coming back outside. He got up and walked over to him, not shocked that the two arguing didn’t notice him get up.

“My mother said I can go, she wants me home before 11 tonight. What's the issue now?”

“Theo likes that I look at him even with other people around.”

“And that somehow offends Draco?”

“Apparently, yes. Though I’d venture out on a limb and say he’s more offended for you than for himself.”

“You think?” There was a glimmer of hope in Blaise's eyes as he asked. Ohhh.

“Draco, really? Quite a complex there. Yes, I think.”

“Oh sod off. Leave it be? Just for a bit?”

“Whatever you need, Blaise.”

“Thank you, Hades.”

“Always. Should we go save our boys now?”

“Probably. Though this temper tantrum is quite amusing.”

“It’s Draco Malfoy, what do you expect?”

“Fair enough. Blondes.”

“Yeah. Blondes.” Hadrian glanced at Theo with such pure adoration that it made Blaise truly forgive him for accidentally playing with his feelings even if it wasn't necessarily Hadrian he had wanted.

The two walked the rest of the way to the veranda, going to their designated blonde mess of a person.

“Theo, ready to go?”

“With you? Anywhere. Anytime.”

“Then follow me.”


The four were sitting on the balcony on the second floor, the earlier argument having been completely forgotten.

“So, what are your guys' plans for the rest of the summer?”

“Relex, hangout with everyone, sleep. It's our O.W.L year after all. I can only imagine how horrifying our Theo here will get about his marks.”

“Couldn't be worse the Granger will be. She’s horrifying during a regular year. I can only imagine how bad it’ll be for OWLs and NEWTs.”

“Aren’t you glad you won’t be dealing with that first hand this year?”

“Gods yes. She is way way too much. EVen when we were friends I had to tell her to back the f*ck off sometimes.”

“Are you going to be going out for the Quidditch team?”

“Don’t know, I’d be taking Draco’s spot.”

“Hades with the way you fly I truly wouldn’t be upset by that.”

“We’ll see how the resort is handled by the rest of the House before I make that decision.”

“At least you don’t have glasses anymore. Those had to have been annoying when flying through the air as fast as you have been.”

“Oh they were. I was always worried they’d fly off. It would have made finding the Snitch near impossible.”

“Yeah, we were always secretly hoping you would lose during our matches.”

Hadrian shot Draco a playful glare and that, which Draco returned with one of his own.

“What’d you think of the girls?”

“Terrifying and beautiful.”

“I think they will love that assessment. But seriously?”

“We interacted for a whole of what 10, 15 minutes? They seem cool, that's my assessment.”

“When are you going to introduce Blaise and Theo to the messes known as your godfathers?”

“Now if they want. One at a time though.”

“Oh? Why?”

“Because Padfoot will blow a gasket if I introduce, Heir Zabini son of the infamous black widow Contessa of Italy, the same time as, Heir Nott son of a known Death Eater and my well my something.”

“Okay well when you put it like that. Please don’t actually say those words to him.” Hadrian's only answer to that was a smirk, which worried the three immensely.

“So who’s going first?”

“Me, I want to get this done with.” Blaise practically shot up out of his chair and ran to the balcony doors so no one could argue with him.

“Such bravery. Come on then.” The two headed inside to the East wing. Draco shouted good luck to Blaise as the door shut.

“They're not that bad, right?” Hadrian just shrugged and smiled, leading Blaise through the East Wing door and to his godparent's room.

“Moony! Padfoot!” Hadrian shouted once they got to the room.

Remus was lying on the bed with a book in his hands, while Sirius was sprawled out on the floor looking at a motorcycle catalogue.

“Yes, Hades?”

“Pads get off the floor, and pretend to happily be from an old and noble family for a second.”

“I’ll just imitate your Father then. What's up, pup?” Remus sat up on the edge of the bed, pulling his husband to sit next to him.

“Allow me to introduce Heir Zabini, son of the infamous black widow and Contessa of Italy.”

Sirius lasted all of 10 seconds before he was laughing hysterically on the ground. A reaction which caught Blaise so off guard he flinched and moved behind Hadrian. Remus just laughed at his godson's way of introducing Blaise and hauled his husband back onto the bed.

“I don’t know whose reaction was better, Blaise’s or Siri’s.”

“Definitely Padfoots, I didn’t expect him to hold out that long.”

“Hades, my dearest godson, there is hope for you yet.” Sirius wiped fake tears away at that not noticing the rolled eyes and exasperated look he was getting from his husband.

“Right. So, Blaise, the one that fell to the floor convincing me of his status as a madman was Sirius Black. The refined one, you know already, is Remus Lupin.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Blaise. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Remus got up and held his hand out for Blaise to shake, which after getting elbowed by Hadrian he did.

“It's nice to meet you too. Hades is quite fond of you, Professor.”

“I’m not a professor anymore Blaise. You can call me Remus.”

“You were arguably one of the best defence professors we have had. It’s a shame you were outed, most of Slytherin had no real problem with you. It was Dumbledore our parents were upset with, it should have been made public or at least told to the parents before term.”

“Enough of the other parents would have been upset with my teaching their kids. I enjoyed it but it was not meant to be.”

“Moony, I swear you’ll be able to teach again one day.” Remus just gave Hadrian a sad smile and returned to the bed.

“It’s nice to meet you, er- I don’t know what your title is.”

“Technically he doesn’t have one. Just call him Padfoot.”

“Yeah, Hades is right. He’s Lord Black, and I prefer padfoot to anything else.”

“Lovely. Blaise can you head back to the balcony, I want to talk to my psycho godfather before bringing Theo in.”

“Of course, Hades.” With that Blaise turned and walked out of the bedroom.

“You and Blaise have decided to stay friends?”

“Yes, how’d you guess that Moony?”

“He has the same body language around you that George and Draco do.”

“Hmm. Okay then.”

“Hades, whatever you need to say just say it.”

“Rude. I really like Theo, like a lot. Sirius I know how you feel about the Death Eaters, and I know his father is one. But the sins of the father are not the sins of the son. Theo is not responsible for his fathers decisions and you will not treat him as though he is.”


“No, Sirius. I know how you are, I know no matter how much you love me you will always have problems with me going Dark. You will always resent the decisions I've made the past few days. I’m okay with that, resent me all you want. But not my friends and not my family. If you can’t be civil, I’ll have Remus go sit in my sitting room and meet Theo by himself.”

Sirius just turned his head, not saying anything. Hadrian waited to see if he would give any form of confirmation that he'd be civil, but his body language said all Hadrian needed to know.

“Moony, come with me, I’ll open the door to my Wing for you.” Remus got up without saying anything, following Hadrian out of the room.

Hadrian opened the door to his Wing and led Remus to the sitting room.


“Yeah, Moony?”

“You first. Always.”

“Thank you, Moony. I really do appreciate it.”

“Of course, cub. You really like Theo, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I really do. I’m going to talk to Fred and George on the train ride about the soul bond and everything. Theo knows about it but I want to get it sorted before we get too attached and end up hurting each other. I apologised to Blaise and he said he kind of knew it would end up happening.”

“As long as you and him are happy, I’ll support you.”

“I know, Moony, I know. I’m going to go bring him in now.”

Hadrian walked out, disappointed Sirius wouldn’t be meeting Theo, but not shocked that this is how it played out. He walked out onto the balcony and before he could say anything Theo was on his feet walking to him before wrapping his arms around him.

That was all it took for Hadrian to break. Hadrian started crying, not having realised how much it had upset him until he had Theo's arms around him. He wrapped his arms around Theo's waist and the two sank to the ground.

Theo whispered sweet nothings into Hadrian's ear, running a hand through his hair and using the other to draw circles on his back. Slowly, Hadrian's breathing levelled out and his tearing came to an end.

“What happened, kallitéchnis mou?”

“Sirius would rather hold grudges than meet you, Theo.” Remus was the one who responded to the question, rather than Hadrian. He sat on the ground next to the two, offering Hadrian a tired smile.

“I saw Theodore hug you, cub. I came out as soon as I heard you crying.” Hadrian let go of Theo, going to Remus who wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into his chest.

“Why can’t he just set his sh*t aside for me? I mean, Moony you two are the only real parents I have right now.”

“I don’t know cub, I really don’t. Sirius and James were always quite good at holding grudges when we were kids. I had hoped he’d grown out of it, at least enough to meet someone you very clearly hold a lot of affection for.”

“He was fine with Blaise.”

“Celeste Zabini is neutral, we knew her years ago. Sirius always liked her, he would have liked anyone related to her.”

“But because Theo’s dad is a Death Eater he can’t be civil to him? Gods, Moony I was introduced to the Death Eaters yesterday. As Tom’s enforcer.”

“Hadrian. Look at me.” Hadrian pulled back enough to look his godfather in the eyes, worried about what was to be said.

“I am a Dark Creature. I am persecuted for existing even though I didn’t ask to be bitten. Yes, Sirius and James became animagus’ to help with my changes but they never truly trusted me after they found out. The Dark Lord preached Creatures Rights in the beginning of his rise to power, before his sanity went out the window. If you want to align yourself with him, that is more than fine with me. I don’t think Sirius will handle the news well, and I wouldn’t suggest telling him unless you can handle him leaving. Because Hades I don’t know that he would stay.”

“I think I’d rather tell him and have him leave, then live in a delusion and have him find out later down the line.”

“If you want to, that is your choice. I will back you, 100%. Though I’d suggest having another of your properties be made ready. I would rather us have a new place than to kick Sirius out of a home and have him turn back to Dumbledore.”

“I’ll lock him out of Valentino Manor’s wards. I can ask Ragnok about getting the Peverell property that was on the list he gave me in his office.”

“Sounds good, cub. Now want to introduce me to, how did you put it? The guy that you ‘really like, like a lot’.” Blaise and Draco groaned at that and Theo just shook his head waiting for the inevitable.

“Evil, evil man. This is Heir Nott, son of a known Death Eater and my something.”

“You're something?”

“My something.”

“Right. Makes total sense. It's nice to see you, Theodore."

“Hi, Professor. It’s nice to see you again, personally I preferred you as our teacher, the idiots they gave us before and after you are worth a grain of salt.”

“Thank you, Theodore. For that and for what you are to Hades.”

“Theo, please. There’s nothing to thank me for, it’s hard not to fall for your godson.” Remus laughed at that then turned his attention to Hadrian.

"Are you going to be telling Sirius tonight?”

“Might as well. Let me go to Valentino Manor, and then write Ragnok.”

“We can pack your room while you do that, if you’d like Hades.”

“Thank you, Blaise. Come on, I have to open the door for you.”

Everyone got up and went inside, going straight to the East Wing. Hadrian opened the door and showed them to the bedroom, where all his stuff was. When they started working on that he went to the office to write Ragnok.

The desk had the parchment, a quill and the bottle of ink already out so he sat down and began writing.

Dear Ragnok,

Sorry for writing to you so much the last few days. I was wondering if the Peverell property that you had on the list was ready for me to go to? Some stuff came up and me and Remus will be leaving Sirius at Ravenclaw Manor.

Thank you, H.A.B

Once the letter was written he called Athena and asked her to take to Ragnok as quickly as she could.


“Yes, Master Hadrian?”

“Can you take me to Grimmauld real quick? I’d like to meet Walburga.”

“Of course, Master Hadrian.”

The world started to spin as Kreacher and he elf-apparated to Grimmauld Place. It was stuffy, and Hadrian could feel all the dark magic in the townhouse.

“This way, Master Hadrian.” Kreach pulled Hadrian through the halls to a painting of a woman.

“And who is this, Kreacher?”

“The new Lord Black, Mistress! Regulus’ son! He wanted to meet you.”

“Ah, Kreacher has told me much about you, Hadrian. What can I do for you?”

“I had a question about Sirius.”

“My firstborn. Go ahead.”

“What is his issue with the Dark?”

“I wish I knew. As a kid he loved it, relished in it. Then he went to Hogwarts, sorted Gryffindor and became friends with James Potter. It flipped something in him, he began to resent us and our traditions. I had him checked for every type of mind altering spell, ritual, potion, and charm I could think of. Nothing came back positive.”

“So that's just who he is? I can’t change it?”

“No, dear boy I don't think you can. Your Father asked me a similar question when he was your age, and Sirius had left to live with the Potters. It had devastated me and Regulus, I burned Sirius off the family portrait.”

“I met a guy, he’s becoming someone I hold dear to me. His father is a Death Eater, Sirius refused to promise to be civil to him. Holding a grudge for the sins of his father. The Dark Lord asked me to be his enforcer. I accepted, and I think I’ve lost Sirius because of that.”

“To gain a throne, you often have to give something up. Power requires sacrifice, sometimes we don’t know what that sacrifice is until it is too late. Tell me, knowing you’ve lost him, would you go back and change it?”

“I don’t think so. If it wasn’t this it’d be something else. I can only imagine how he will react to me completing the Rites of Morgana.”

“He likely won’t be pleased, but that’s a path that you have to pick on your own, apart from others opinions and expectations. If you feel it is right, then do it.”

“Thank you, really. This means a lot.”

“You are my grandson, I’ll always be here to help.”

“Thank you, I will try to come by more often.”

Walburga bid him farewell, and he had Kreacher take him to Valentino Manor.

When he got there he pulled on the wards, asking them to remove Sirius’ name from them. They did so, without hesitation. It left him feeling even more defeated, seeing how easy it was for the wards to accept that he no longer wanted Sirius to have access to them.

Hadrian walked out the back door, walking a healthy distance from the Manor, then screamed. Letting his magic and his emotions out as he did so. He could see the whirlwind that was his magic circling him protecting him and ruining the grass under him.


“Yes, Master Hadrian?”

“Could you take me back to Ravenclaw now?”

“Of course, Master Hadrian.”

Kreacher brought him back to the office and watched as he sat at a chair suddenly exhausted.

“Your twins are calling me, would you like me to go to them?”

“Yeah, go ahead Kreacher.”

As Kreacher disappeared, Theo walked into the room sitting on the ground by Hadrian's chair.

“Everything is packed. Remus had Izzy pop all his things into your room so he didn’t need to deal with Sirius.”

“Thank you, Theo.”

“Of course. You okay? You look exhausted.”

“I am. I went to a Black property and talked with the portrait of Sirius’ mother. She told me he won't change, that he’s been like this since he went to Hogwarts. Then I went to Valentino Manor, removed him from the wards, then walked outside and screamed. I let my magic out as I did it, the grass under where I was died as my magic touched it.”

“Let me give you mine?”

“Okay, come here though.”

“The chair is small.”

“Not what I asked. I don't care if you have to sit on my lap, just come here.”

Theo blushed at that but got up and sat in his lap nevertheless. He sat on the arm of the chair with his legs on Hadrian's lap. Once he was settled on the chair. He let his magic wash over both of them.

The longer his magic stayed over them, the more Hadrian’s started coming to life. Eventually, Hadrian's magic joined Theo’s in blanketing the two. They sat like that, silent, and unmoving until Remus came in with Sirius.

“Oh. Sorry I thought Hades was by himself.”

“I love you moony, but can you leave? And take Sirius with you. I need a bit longer before I deal with things.”

“Yeah, of course. We’ll be in the dining room.” With that, Remus turned and shut the door pulling an upset-looking Sirius away.

“O kallitéchnis mou?”


“You can’t just stay here forever.”

“Why not? I’m just waiting for Ragnoks letter.”

“Because you need to talk to Sirius. Get it done so you can heal.”

“I will. After the letter arrives and after I’ve gotten my fill of you.”

“That sounds so sexual.”

“Most things do if said the right way.”

Theo laughed at that, then shrieked as Hadrian pulled him off the arm of the chair and further into his lap. After getting over the shock, he nestled into Hadrian's arms, putting his head in the crook of his neck.

As if some cosmic deity hated them, Kreacher came into the room, looking ready to sh*t his pants.

“Master Hadrian?”

“Yes, Kreacher?”

“Your twins are demanding I bring them to you.”

“Uh, why?”

“They said they could feel you were in pain.”

“Oh. Kay, that's interesting. Bring them I guess.” Kreacher popped away at that, still looking terrified.

“Are you sure about that?”

“Not at all. I’m guessing they felt it when I screamed at Valentino Manor.”

“Would make sense, your magic would have told anyone bonded to you that something was wrong. Do I need to go?”

“Only if you think you should.”

“I think I should, I can meet them after you have whatever talk you need to have with them.”

“Okay, Ollie.”

“You're important to me, kallitéchnis mou.”

“You’re important to me, my Ollie.”

Theo had shut the door as Fred and George appeared in the room with Kreacher.

“What happened?”

“How long do you have?”

“Told mother, a family member of Lee's, died, were not expected until tomorrow afternoon.”

“Okay. So the bigger conversation we need to have will be done later tonight then. But basically, me and Blaise are staying friends. I am currently starting something with Theodore Nott, I really like him and gods, just you’ll get it later. It hurts that Sirius won’t let go of the grudge he holds for Death Eaters even for a little bit. I told Remus about how I'm taking a position as Tom’s enforcer and he told me he can’t see Sirius sticking with me if he finds out. We’re going to move to a Peverell property, I locked Sirius out of Valentino Manor’s wards. While I was there I went outside and screamed, throwing my magic out while I did that. Which is what you two felt because we are soul bonded.”

“Oh f*ck.”

“Yes, Freddie. Oh f*ck. You guys good to meet Blaise, and Theo?”

“Yeah, we are.”

Just then Athena flew into the room landing on the back of Hadrian's chair and dropping the letter in his lap.

Dear Hadrian,

The ministry has been informed of Sirius’ innocence and will be handling things accordingly, I got Pettigrew to them. All of the money has been taken, save for Hermione and Aurthurs, I placed it in the Black Family Vault. Peverell Family Manor is ready for you, the floo address is consolamur in morte. I am sorry about Sirius.


“Well. I’m ready to break my own heart, you guys?”

“Uh, sure?”

“Great, follow me.”

Hadrian led them out of the room and down to the dining room. They found everyone sitting around the table.

“Y’all having a cult meeting?”

“Hades, I am so-”

“Sirius let me talk before you say you’re sorry.”

Theo got up from his chair and walked to Hadrian, grabbing his hand and pushing some of his magic to him.

Hadrian took a deep breath and then began talking, “I was introduced to a group of the Death Eaters yesterday. I was named both as Hadrian, and as Prince Azrael the Dark Lords enforcer and equal. Tom gave total control over them, and told them such. I have feelings for Theo, we have shared magic.”

“Oh, Harry. James would be so disappointed.” Sirius had a sad, disappointed look in his eyes as he said that.

“My name is Hadrian and James isn't my father.”

“Yes, yes I know that. It was a slip of the tongue. How could you do that?” Yeah, a Freudian slip of the tongue, Hadrian thought bitterly.

“Which part? Aligning myself with Tom or getting lost in Theo’s magic?”

“All of it. You are young, Hades. You can’t be doing all of this.”

“What happened to ‘I'm with you in life and I'll be with you in Death.’?” Hadrian could hear how defeated he sounded, and hoped no one else had.

“That was before I knew you were actually serious about all of this! You can’t expect me to be okay with my only godson going off and becoming best friends with the person who killed his parents.”

“They weren’t my parents! My Father is in hiding, likely from Dumbledore. Dumbledore killed my Mother! Then he stole me and convinced everyone that Lily and James were my Parents! You found this out the same time I did.”

“Remus, love, what do you think?”

“I think as long as Hades is happy and he understands the consequences he can do whatever he wants. I am not his Father, but I know he would have supported him in all of this.”

“Remmy? What are you saying?”

“I am saying, Sirius, that I made a promise to Reg. I will always put Hadrian first. I want him happy and loved and safe. If you won’t let that happen because of your own reservations I think we are done.”

“Remmy? You're leaving me?”

“I don’t want to. Tell me I don’t have to. Tell me you can learn to be okay with everything.” Remus grabbed Sirius’ hands, forcing him to look him in the eyes..

“I- I don’t think I can.” That visibly shattered Hadrian and Remus.

Remus let go and got up, looking absolutely heart broken, before walking over to Hadrian. Blaise and Draco followed behind him.

“Take us to Valentino Manor while you key us into the wards where you're taking us.” Remus' voice sounded so dejected as he spoke.


“Yes, Master Hadrian?” The house elf said as soon as he popped into the dining room.

“Kreacher, can you take all of us to Valentino Manor?”

“Yes Master Hadrian.” Kreacher had each of them hold hands so he could take them all at once.

They landed in the entryway of the Manor. Hadrian stepped away from the group, trying to pull himself together enough to get everything taken care of.

“You guys stay here, when I get the wards ready I’ll have Kreacher bring you there.” Hadrian said as soon as they landed, walking to the floo room. He stepped in and said “consolamur in morte”.

The room he landed in was extravagant, he would have looked more but he was more focused on getting the wards done and bringing everyone over. He took a second to let all the emotions wash over him before locking them away and starting to work on the wards.


It took Hadrian a bit more than 30 minutes to get everyone added to the wards. Having to take a break between each person, tearing up knowing he likely would never be adding Sirius into these wards. As soon as he got them done he called Kreacher and told him to bring everyone there.


“Yes, Master Hadrian?”

“Can you go get everyone from Valentino Manor, and bring them here. And can you have a house elf go to Sirius and tell him he can stay at Ravenclaw Manor, and the elf is now his personal elf.”

“Yes, Master Hadrian.” Once Kreacher was gone he decided to use Izzy to bring all of their stuff there.


“Yes, Master Hadrian?”

“Can you bring all the stuff we packed here?”

Hadrian had decided to walk around the Manor and started leaving the room when Kreacher arrived with everyone.

“Hades? Are you going to be okay?”


“Let me rephrase that then, are you okay if me and Draco leave? It's getting late and his Mother sent a letter saying she needs me home soon, and I was gonna go eat dinner with them.”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. You guys can leave.”

“If you need anything, just write to one of us. I will see you soon, my Lord.”

“Have fun explaining everything to your twins, my Lord.”

“You two are ridiculous. Have fun.” Hadrian tried putting a smile on his face but it turned out to be more of a grimace than anything else.

The two had Kreacher take them to Malfoy Manor, leaving Hadrian with the twins, Theo and Remus.

“We should look around, and find where the bedrooms are. Theo can you go with Remus? You too George?”

“Of course, Hades.”

“Whatever you need, kallitéchnis mou.”

Theo, Remus and George went off in one direction leaving Fred and Hadrian to go in the other. They walked around in silence for a little bit, Hadrian noted that he had yet to see any staircases and was beginning to wonder if it was a single-story manor.

“Freddie?” There were barely any emotions in Hadrian's voice, and Fred looked at him as though he was about to break.


“I need you to be completely and utterly honest with me.”

“Oh, this is going to be fun. What's up?”

“Are you sure you’ve never had feelings for me?”

“Gods. Um, honestly? No.”


“Er? Is that all?”

“For now.”

That plunged them back into silence. Though slightly more uncomfortable than before. They walked around, finding the kitchen, dining room, living room and the door to the backyard. When it was clear they weren’t going to find any bedrooms the two turned around and went back to where they started. When they got there George was walking towards them.

“We found the bedrooms.”

“Lead the way, Georgie.”

George turned around, not saying anything about how tense his twin looked. It took them quite a few twists and turns and long hallways but finally, they ended up in a large area that seemed to have at least 4 rooms.

“The door on the left goes to a huge master bedroom. The three doors on the right go to smaller but still big master suites. Remus picked a room and Theo is helping him unpack. He said ‘Go talk to Hadrian so I can jump his bones already.’”

“Uh huh. I don’t believe he said that.”

“Okay maybe that wasn’t the exact wording but you get the point. What do you need to talk to us about?”

“Your secrets, my secrets.”

“So, tell me Georgie, the master bedroom has a place to sit right?” Fred asked when he realised this wouldn't be a light conversation.

“Yeah couches inside and a patio connected to the room.”

“To the patio?”

“Sounds good to me.”


“So, what did you need to talk to us about?” George asked after they got settled in their chairs on the balcony.

“A lot. Like I told Sirius, I’m taking a spot with the Death Eaters. It is only until I complete the rites needed to become a Dark Lord, but Tom figured I’d want to build up a reputation and skills before then.”

“Okay, makes sense. We already told you we’d follow you anywhere, this doesn’t change that.”

“I didn’t think it would. I just wanted to tell you before I start making ‘Prince Azrael’ known to the public.”

“We appreciate it. But I get the feeling that's not even scratching the surface of what we need to talk about?”

“Nope. You remember how ‘your secrets, my secrets’ came about right?”

“Yeah? What about it?”

“Did you guys say it of your own accord? Or was it an impulse, or like something was pushing you to do it?”

“Something definitely put the words in our head. Me and Georgie talked about it after and we both agreed we weren’t sure where it came from. But you never questioned it so neither did we.”

“Remus believes it was a confidant & Lord/Heir soul bond. He said it puts a part of each other's soul in the other.”

“f*cking ironic.”

“That's what I said when he gave that piece of information. I think that's why our magic shares a colour. One of our magics was red beforehand, one was black and one was green.”

“I’m willing to bet Georges was red, mine was green and yours was black.”

“Oh, why?”

“George hated red growing, it’d just be ironic if it was.”

“Georgie, your hair colour is red.” Hadrian pointed out.

“Yes. That was exactly my point.”

“Because that makes so much sense.”

“It does. Now what about the soul bonding? I’m sure there's an actual reason behind bringing this up.”

“Remus said part of the confidant & Lord soul bond was feeling like there was no other place better than with the other person. He said ‘Unless you do a soul binding with someone, there will never be anyone else you rather be with’. Draco is under the impression that Freddie either had feelings for me and didn’t know it when the bond was made or that Freddie didn’t know how he felt yet.”

“Okay, so I’m going to go help Theo and Remus. You guys have fun with this conversation.”


“Freddie, let him. This is more of a me and you conversation.”


The room went silent as George left, neither wanting to say anything to risk or change their friendship. Hadrian stood up and walked over to the patio railing, looking at the grounds.


“Yeah, Hades?”

“You have feelings for me don’t you?”

“I don’t know, Hades. I know I don’t feel as at ease as I do with you, with anyone else. I know I find you attractive and if you gave me the time of day I would take anything you gave me.”

“I can give you one night.”


“One night to sort things out, with nothing off limits. Because I want Theo, I want to give myself to him completely. I can’t do that until I am sure I want him and not you. Because right now, no matter how much I want Theo and how easy it is with him I still feel like no one will ever know me better than you.”

“One night. Okay.”

“Okay. I am serious Freddie. One night. If you think you can’t handle walking away after a night then say no. Because I am serious about Theo.”

“I can handle it. I know I can.”

“If you’re sure. We are going to go inside to have dinner because I am starving and then I will tell Theo something. George can use one of the master suites and me and you can use the other.”

The two headed inside walking out to the other bedrooms. They walked into the only open bedroom and found Theo, Remus and George putting the last of Remus’ things up.


“Is there anything in the kitchen?”

“I’d assume so. Ragnok said everything was ready here.”

“Good enough for me. We can head down now.”

George, Fred and Remus started walking out of the room while Hadrian held Theo back in the room.

“What's up?” Theo had a look on his face that screamed how worried he was that he was about to get bad news.

“I told him I’d give him one night. So he can get whatever closure he needs, and so I can put whatever I feel towards him to rest.”

“Okay, do you want me to go home? Or do you want me to stay so we can talk in the morning?”

“It's up to you, Ollie. If you want to stay the night you can use the master bedroom, me and Fred were going to use one of the other ones.”

“I’ll stay. Whenever you're ready to talk, just find me.”

"Here, can you hold onto my rings?"

"Of course, kallitéchnis mou."

“Thank you. Ready to get food?”

“Very, lead the way.”


After eating dinner everyone went their separate ways. Remus went to his room, George to the one at the farthest end of the hall and Fred and Hadrian went to the room closest to the entryway to the hall.

Fred and Hadrian were sitting on the bed talking when they heard a knock on the door.

“Come in!” It was Remus, he came into the room and walked up next to the bed looking slightly uncomfortable.

“Okay, so I can assume what's going on tonight. Here’s lube, here's condoms. Be safe, and keep things consensual. I’d say sane but Hades has too much crazy in his blood for that.” He set everything on the nightstand and then slowly backed towards the door.

“Er, thanks Moony.”

“Yup. As soon as I shut this door we will pretend like this never happened.”

“Sounds good to me, Moony.” With that, the werewolf turned around and high-tailed it out of the room.

“He definitely regrets walking in here.”

“Yeah that wouldn’t shock me.”

Hadrian got up and walked to the door and thought about the spell Remus had taught him hoping it would work for this. “Nihil auditur.” He said while focusing on only him and Fred being able to hear anything in the room. He felt the ward pull on his magic before it went into place, which made him sigh in relief. He walked back over to the bed and he and Fred resumed their conversation.

“It's going to be so weird, this term.”


“Because it's going to be the ‘heir of slytherin’ all over again but on steroids. Everyone is going to hate you because of sh*t circ*mstances.”

“I could care less about everyone, I have you.”



“I kinda want to kiss you, Hades.”

“Why don’t you?”

Fred pulled himself on Hadrian’s lap, kissing him as though he was intent on stealing his breath. Hadrian curled his fingers around his waist while Fred weaved his fingers through his hair. They fell back against the sheets, Fred on top of Hadrian, lips chasing each other. The kiss was emotion-filled, and searing, everything Hadrisn wanted.

"f*ck. Can I touch you?" Hadrian moaned, wanting to explore every inch of skin he could.

"You don't have to ask. Use me as you need me, remember? Take me, all of me. Please." Hadrian's hands instantly gripped Fred’s thighs. He flipped them over, looking down at the red-haired boy lying under him.

"Do you mean that?" he asked.

“All of it, always."

"f*cking sh*t." Hadrian groaned as he bent down to kiss Fred’s neck.

Fred let out a soft moan, and Morgana, it was one of the most beautiful sounds Hadrian had ever heard. He wanted more of it. More. More. More. One of his hands was still gripping Fred’s thigh, the other currently on an adventure under his shirt.

"Freddie." Hadrian’s voice was rough as he spoke. "You know that you can stop me, right? There’s no going back after this."

"Yes, I know. I want this Hades. Please." Fred whispered, blood flooding into his face

"You're lovely," Hadrian groaned out, starting to unbutton Fred’s green shirt. Once all the buttons were undone he helped Fred sit up enough to shrug it off and toss it aside.

Hadrian’s hands roamed all over his body, with an almost feverish feel, wanting to remember every centimetre of skin. He leaned down, and his mouth followed his hands, trailing kisses on the skin. Fred squirmed under him, small moans and gasps left his mouth.

Hadrian took off his dark blue shirt, throwing it off to the floor. Fred's hands replaced the shirt instantly, touching every piece of skin he could.

Hadrian couldn’t think straight, all he wanted was to feel and memorise every part of Fred’s body. He looked up as he reached for Fred's boxers. The boy nodded, and so he pulled them off.

"Freddie, I'm sorry but you won't get too much foreplay tonight. I want you so bad."

" 's fine, I want you in me." Fred whined.

"Lift your hips then, love."

The older obeyed, and he quickly shoved a pillow under Fred's waist. He lubed up his fingers to start preparing the boy under him.

"If it becomes too much, tell me. I’ll stop as soon as you say the word." He said before he slowly pushed a finger inside. Fred whimpered in pain, getting used to the feeling.

Hadrian slipped a second finger in, putting Fred in more pain, but to make up for it he curled his fingers, instantly hitting his prostate, releasing some tension in his body. He cried out, Hadrian's mouth swallowing his sounds and tongue wiping the tears from his face.

"Good boy, you are doing so good. You are perfect." he praised, noting how the praise ignited something in Fred's eyes.

"Ready for another one?" he asked, Fred just nodded.

The older whimpered, but it didn’t sound nearly as pained as when he put the other two in. Fred wiggled, trying to get comfortable and relaxed. Hadrian started massaging his thighs, hoping to give him a different sensation to focus on. The pained look on Fred's face left soon after, leaving behind nothing but pleasure.

Hadrian pushed his fingers a little bit deeper, again, curling them, making Fred see stars. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he squirmed from the overwhelming sensation. Wanting more of it, he started rocking down on Hadrian's fingers.

Hadrian broke the kiss they had been sharing to sit up, remove the last bit of clothing covering him and put a condom on before lubing himself up.

Hadrian stroked the other's body, waiting for a nod to tell him he could continue. Once he got it he removed his fingers and kissed the boy as he lined up. He asked for entry into his mouth as he slowly pressed in, the older moaning into his mouth.

Fred whined, and bit down on Hadrian's neck to stop a loud moan from escaping his lips thinking they had forgotten the silencing spell. He picked up Hadrian's wand and cast a wordless "Silencio".

Hadrian went nice and slow, not wanting to hurt Fred more. It took everything in him not to thrust up into him with full force.

"f*ck you're so good."

They both gasped as Fred took a larger part of Hadrian. Soon after Hadrian bottomed out, it felt so warm being inside him like that.

"Love, are you okay?" Hadrian asked with concern filling his voice. His eyes have never left Fred's face, looking out for any signs of discomfort or him wanting to stop.


"You're crying." He pointed out. "Am I hurting you?”

"No, of course not. I'm just..happy." Hadrian smiled, relieved.

"I think I'm- can you move?”

"Of course."

Hadrian started moving, first slowly, then taking up pace. He was in heaven. Knowing how much he was filling another's body, how much he was giving him pleasure had him delighted. He kept hitting Fred's prostate and watching as the older arched with every thrust.

The pace Hadrian had picked up was perfect, the way their bodies moved in sync was perfect. The way he hit Fred's prostate so well with every f*cking thrust was perfect. They were excellent at this.

Hadrian could feel Fred tightening around him. Knowing they’d both cum soon, he sped up just a little more, making Fred gasp and arch his back. He felt as Fred tensed, felt as he came against his stomach. That had pushed him over the edge.

They stayed like that, gasping, lips rarely leaving each other, bodies pressed together for a moment. Hadrian eventually pulled out and collapsed next to Fred, hugging that fragile body of his, holding him close and kissing every inch that he could reach.

Seeing Fred like that, body glowing from sweat, eyes glazed over in bliss, and hearing the sounds he made as he was being f*cked made him realise that what he felt for him was purely a physical attraction and that this was never going to happen again

Fred looked at him, saw the look of realisation on his face and offered him a knowing smile.

“Let me go get a rag then I’ll be right back.”

Hadrian got up and went to the bathroom, wetting a rag with warm water before going back to Fred.

“You know there’s spells for this right?”

“You deserve more than that Freddie. I’m going to transfigure some of the towels into clothes, any preferences?”

“A baggy shirt and tight pants. I think you’ve got all of the lube Hades.”

Hadrian had been wiping all the lube out from between Fred’s legs a little too intently.

“Er, sorry? I didn’t want it to dry in there and make you uncomfortable.”

“It's okay, I just don’t think you want to go again. You know, you f*ck like you do it for a living.”

“Uh, no. First time I’ve done that. I just hear a lot of sh*t in the changing rooms.”

“That was your first time doing it? And it was all based on changing room gossip?”

“Yeah, I guess. And just watching what you responded to, I liked doing the stuff you liked having done to you.”

“Gods, Theo is a lucky guy. Oh f*ck this isn’t going to mess things up for you two right?”

“No, he uh, he told me and I quote ‘shag him if need be, just figure it out before we get too involved.’.”

“Smart man.”

“Very. I really am sorry Freddie.”

“Hades, what we felt was nothing but physical attraction. I love you but I was right I’m not in love with you.”

“Are you sure? The way you smiled at me made it seem like the opposite was true.”

“I’m sure. I was just tired, Hades you shagged me into the mattress like a proper slag.”

“Right, you are something else Freddie. Do you want me to stay?”

“Can you? Until I fall asleep?”

“Of course. I’ll go transigure you some clothes, then I'm going to take a shower.”

Hadrian got up, amused with the whole situation. As far as he was concerned things could have gone worse. He got some towels transfigured and then took them to Fred who took them gratefully.

He then hopped in the shower, rubbing the tension from his muscles. It took him longer than usual to shower, wanting to be sure he smelt nothing like sex and Fred. When he was done he patted his hair until it was only damp and wrapped a towel around his waist since he’d be going to his room.

He walked out into the bedroom and looked over at Fred who was lying down looking ready to fall asleep any second. He walked over to him and sat down next to him, grabbing one of his hands and threading his fingers in between his.

He sat there rubbing circles on the back of Fred's hand until he shut his eyes and his breathing had evened out. He bent down to kiss him on the forehead. When he straightened back up he ran a hand through his hair and walked to the door, dropping his privacy ward.

He shut the door and leaned against it, reeling in his emotions. It was a moment later that he heard the muffled sobs. He cursed under his breath and then went to the room George was in.

He opened the door, not caring about his lack of clothes. George was still awake and looked over at Hadrian before getting up.

“He’s crying.”

“You're going to Theo.”

“I am. George, yell at me later. Go to your brother. Please.”

“I’m not going to yell at you. You two needed to do this. I just wish you had given him more than a night.”

“More than a night would have been harder on him, Georgie. I’ve ruined things haven’t I?”

“It might have, but it would have made him feel more valued. You could never ruin things with either of us. Just give him space? Until term starts.”

“I can do that. Georgie?”

“Hades, he knows you love him. I promise he does. Now go to your lover.”

George pushed him out of the doorway and to his room. Hadrian opened the door, turning to watch as George slipped into Fred’s room.

“O kallitéchnis mou?”

“Ollie. My Ollie,” Hadrian shut the door and walked over to the bed, climbing in next to Theo, forgetting to grab clothes first.

“I have a better answer for you now.”


“Yeah. Ask me again.”

“What's going on between you and Fred Weasley?”

“Nothing. I was attracted to him, but it was purely a sexual attraction. He has or had, not sure on that, feelings for me. But I don’t want him the way he wants me. I want you, just you. All of you.”

“Gods. I want all of you too. And I want to give you all of me.”

“I’m ready to give you all of me. Whenever you're ready to take it.”

Theo grabbed Hadrian's hand, drawing circles on his palm with his index finger.

“You look troubled.”

“I think I just broke my best friend's heart.”

“You didn't. He knew how it was going to end. He knew before you fell into bed with him.”

“How do you know Theo?”

“Because he didn’t rush through dinner. He kept his eyes and hands off you. Because he watched you look at me, and I saw the moment he realised I was it for you.”

“Then why would he go through with it?”

“Love makes people do crazy things. He wanted to have you, to be yours, to know what it’d be like to be loved by you.”

“Moony said I’d never feel more at home with anyone but them, not unless I binded my soul to theirs.”

“You just removed the romantic attraction part of the bond. You will still feel at home with him and George, but you gave it what it needed to realise you two aren’t meant for that.”

“Theo, how are you so confident in this?”

“Me and Remus looked into it while we were at Valentino Manor. Lots of books on soul bonds. When romantic feelings are in question, shagging is the best way to confirm it. Confirming it means the romantic feelings are pure or not lust fuelled. It has to be pure for both parties. It wasn’t for you guys.”

“Did you tell Fred that?”

“Remus did. I didn’t think it’d be a good idea. But Remus thought he should be fully informed before you two did anything.”

“Gods why can’t sh*t be easier?”

“Because if everything about life was easy it’d be boring. If it were boring you’d go crazy.”

“Stop making sense will you?”

“Never, you do realise you're still mostly naked, yes?”

“No. No I did not.”

“Mm. Not that I don’t enjoy the sight, but go put clothes on then come to bed.”

“‘M not tired.”

“We can talk until you are. Just get clothes on and come sit with me.”


Hadrian quickly threw a pyjama shirt on and a pair of boxer briefs before sitting on the bed.

“George called you my lover.”

“Did he now?”

“He did.”

“Am I?”

“Do you want to be?”

"If you're going to ask me, do it better than that."

“Theodore Oliver Nott?”

“Yes, Hadrian Apollo Black?”

“Be mine?”

"I'll be yours, as long as you will be mine."



"Mhm. I'll always be yours, and you'll always be mine." Theo smiled at that, lacing his fingers with the hand he was drawing circles in. The two sat like that for a few more moments, before Theo spoke.

"When we're older I have no problem binding our souls. Our magic is already becoming intertwined, I feel yours calling mine even when it's locked to you.” The smile Hadrian gave Theo was enough to make him forgive the few moments he was unsure of how Hadrian felt about Fred.

“Is it too late to send a letter to Luci?”

“You are not requesting a marriage contract to be drawn up the same night you shagged your best friend and asked me out!”

“Mm. Tomorrow then.”


“You adore me.”

“I do adore you.”



“It is truly a shame I hadn’t met you sooner.”

“It is. Though I did enjoy watching you in the halls the past few years.”


“Yours only.”

“Better be.”

“You should not find that idea attractive.”

“I’m not stable, leave me alone.”

“That is not an excuse.”

“It is too an excuse.”


The two ended up going back and forth for hours, slowly coming together, wrapping their arms around each other and falling into the land of dreams.

This time it was Hadrian who woke up first. He watched Theo sleep, watched the rise and fall of his chest, watched as the rising sun turned the room into a display of colours.

A piece of hair ended up falling into Theo’s face, so Hadrian reached out and pushed it back, running his fingers through his hair as he did so.

Not wanting to wake his new lover he pulled his hand back and got out of bed, leaving the room to go to the kitchen and make coffee.

By the time the pot was brewed Remus joined him in the kitchen, looking even less awake than Hadrian felt.

“Long night?”

“I was waiting for a fight to break out.”

“Ah. Ye of little faith.”

“It ended badly though, didn't it? You have a haunted look in your eyes.”

“I don’t have feelings for Fred. We shagged, I thought everything was fine afterwards. He started joking around with me, like nothing was wrong. I told him I wouldn’t leave till he was asleep, I took a shower, I sat with him and held his hand until it looked like he had fallen asleep. I kissed him on the forehead and walked out, dropping my silencing ward as I did. I leaned against the door, getting my head straight then heard muffled sobs. I had George go to him, George thinks I should have given him more than a night. He also thinks everything will be fine.”

“Another night would have made it worse on the both of you. You did what you needed to do to sort things out.” Remus found the cabinet with the coffee mugs and grabbed three out, giving two to Hadrian.

“Yeah Theo said you guys researched soul bonds before I had Kreacher bring you here.”

“What else did he say?”

“He said Fred knew that I’d pick Theo. He said he saw the moment he realised that.” Hadrian poured the coffee into the mugs and then passed the pot to Remus.

“I think everyone but you knew that, Hades.”

“I mean, I did but I wanted to make sure there truly was nothing between us. I knew I felt something but I couldn’t tell what it was.”

“I get it. So you and Theo?”

“Theo is my boyfriend.”

“You look so happy saying that.”

“Should have seen me when he said yes.”

“I can imagine it, now go back to him. No one enjoys waking up to an empty bed.” Remus sounded so exhausted as he said that.

“I’m sorry Moony.”

“Not your fault, the issues have been there for a long time. We were happy in the beginning, and happy when we got it back. But the issues were never fixed so they came back worse.”

“Still, I’m sorry.”

“I know. Now go, have a lazy day with your boyfriend.”

Hadrian beamed at that, walking back to his room he was careful not to spill the coffee. He hesitated as he passed by the door to the room he had left Fred and George in, wondering if they were still there.

His curiosity was sated when George opened the door and slipped out. He saw Hadrian and shook his head, walking to the kitchen to get him and his brother coffee.

Hadrian shut down a bit at that and went into his room. Theo was still sleeping so he brought the coffee mugs to his side of the bed, setting them down before sitting on the bed, covering his lap with the sheets.

Theo shifted as he got settled and moved to where his head was resting where his calves were crossed. He accio’d a book from his bookshelf and started reading while carding his fingers through his lover's hair, stopping only to get a sip of coffee.

The silence was broken by a quiet knock on his door. He set his book down and shifted Theo out of his lap before getting up and answering it. Fred and George were standing there.

“We’re going to Lee’s house. We didn’t want to leave without saying anything to you.”

“Oh, okay.”


“Yeah, Freddie?”

“I want you to know I don’t blame you, or Theo. I still love you and I’ll still follow you wherever, but I need time. To get over this, and you. You're my best friend. I want us to get back to that.”

“I love you Freddie. Truly. I’m here when you're ready to have me as your friend again.”

“I know, Hades. I know.”

With that the two left, Hadrian smiled a bit, feeling less like he’d lost a part of his soul. Which he guessed he almost had. He stepped back into the room and shut the door, turning to the bed. Surprised to see Theo was still asleep.

He just laughed and crawled back into his spot on the bed. Almost instantly Theo found his way back into his lap. Rather than picking up the book he started carding his fingers through Theo’s hair again, enjoying being able to do so.

As he was watching Theo he noticed a small smile forming and grinned at that. He watched as Theo opened his eyes, and decided nothing else would come close to the beauty of seeing him stare up at him with sleep clouded eyes.

“Good morning, my love.”

“I like that.”


“The ‘my’ it's more intimate.”

“Mm. How’d you sleep?”

“Amazingly, you?”

“I could go for a few more hours, but I slept pretty well.”

“When did you get up?”

“An hour or so ago. I watched you sleep for a moment or two then went and started the coffee. I talked with Remus while making it. He told me to have a lazy day with my boyfriend.”

“Oh, wonder who that is?”

“This really awesome guy. Smart and co*cky. And he’s got this brilliant blonde hair and these gorgeous blue eyes.”

“I am not co*cky!”

“Eh. What do you want to do today?” Before Theo could answer an eagle came flying into the room.

“f*cking Malfoy.”

“You tried.”

“That's just evil, Theo. Blaise wants to.”

“How do you know?”

“He told me he’s had feelings for him since third year.”

“Damn. That's a complex.”

“That's what I said. If we ignore it will it go away?”

“No, it’s followed me all the way to California before.”

“Malfoys. Okay, here birdie, I am not getting up.” Shockingly the bird flew over and dropped the letter on his lap, landing on the nightstand.

“sh*t in my coffee and I send you back to Draco in pieces.” Hadrian warned the bird before opening the letter and reading it, then giving it to Theo to read.

Dear Hadrian,

Bring Theo with you to my Manor.


“So much for a lazy day with you.” Hadrian groaned, his head falling back against the headboard.

“We could just not go.”

“He’d show up here.”

“Yeah, fair enough. I’m gonna go shower. Mind if I borrow some clothes?”

“If I ever turn down seeing you in my clothes, check me for compulsions.”

“Whatever you say, my beloved.”

While Theo was in the shower Hadrian tried to pick out his clothes for the day. He gave up and went to Remus for help.

“I don’t know what to wear.” Hadrian said as he flopped down on his godfather's bed.

"Do you want me to pick something out from my clothes?"

"Could you? Draco asked me and Theo to come over, so can it be something I can run from him in."

"You and Draco are something else. Any preferences for colours?"

"Light colours, I think. I don't want to get hot."

"Hmm, you okay with baggy shirts?"

"Yeah, I want to be comfy today."

"Okay, I'll grab some stuff, " Remus walked to his wardrobe, pulling out shirts here and there and then putting them back.

Eventually, he settled on a baggy white shirt, he brought it over to Hadrian and had him put it on. It was a white AC/DC t-shirt.

After Hadrian put the shirt on Remus went to his dresser, pulled out a few pairs of jeans, and set them on the top of it. He looked between them before deciding on the baggy light grey pair.

"Here you go. Let me get you a belt. These are loose on me, so I can only imagine how loose they'll be on you. You got the Black figure that much is obvious. You should wear a pair of the white Converse we got you."

"The 'Black figure'?" Hadrian questioned as Remus pulled a black belt out of a drawer.

"Here you go. All the Blacks I've met have had a small waist and broad shoulders. Your father used it to his benefit, the clothes he was able to wear made him look even more aristocratic than he already did."

"You know, I don't think I could ever describe Sirius as aristocratic."

"When we were younger he still looked and held himself like a Black. As we've gotten older he's done everything he could to hide it. Layering clothes, gaining weight, acting as wild as he could. Sometimes I think he had Fleamont and Euphemia blood-adopt him."


"James' mum and dad. Around 17 his figure changed to be more like a Potter than a Black. I never asked because I didn't want to start anything."

"Huh. That'd make me keeping the Potter Lordship more understandable."

"It would. Now, shoo. Go get dressed and have fun today."

"You know I wouldn't be upset if you went to Sirius, right? He’s still your husband."

"Go, Hades."

“We’re talking about this later.” Hadrian said as he heard the pain in his voice, and walked out of the room with the jeans and belt in his hands.

He walked into his room, as Theo was making the bed. He was wearing one of his black band t-shirts and a pair of light blue jeans with a pair of black Vans.

"You look amazing, Ollie."

"You're just saying that because I'm wearing your clothes. Did you go talk to Remus while in your pants?"

"I'm saying it because you look amazing. I might have forgotten I didn't wear shorts to sleep like I normally do."

"So smart. Are you going to get dressed or just going to keep standing there?"

"Well, if you insist on me getting dressed." Hadrian set the belt down on the nightstand and pulled the jeans on. Remus was right, even after buckling and zipping them they started to slip down below his hips.

Theo laughed as Hadrian tried holding the jeans up where he wanted them at the same time as threading the belt through the loops on the jeans.

"Need help, my beloved?"

"Need is a strong word. I'd like your help."

"Uh-huh. Hold them up where you want them."

Once Hadrian had them pulled up to just below his waist Theo picked up the belt and started working it through the loops. As he pulled it through each loop he brushed a finger over the skin peeking out from the jeans and shirt. By the time he had gotten the belt through all of the loops and was ready to buckle it, Hadrian was flushed.

As Theo buckled the belt he tilted his head up, looking Hadrian in the eyes and smirking. They were close enough that if Hadrian leaned down just a hair their lips would be touching.

"Prat." Hadrian breathed out as Theo straightened out, stepping closer to him and putting their lips even closer.

"You adore me." Hadrian felt the words on his lips as Theo spoke.

He put his hands on Theo's waist, relishing the closeness and the heat of his body.

"I do. Very much, my love." He whispered as Theo circled his arms behind his neck.

"We should go."

Without a word, Hadrian closed the gap and gently kissed him. It was a tender and chaste kiss, filled with affection. As they pulled apart, Theo rested his forehead against Hadrian's, not wanting to fully separate.

"Draco will be getting annoyed if we don't show up soon."

"I know. He has sh*t timing."

"He does. Come on, my love."

They stepped apart at that, Hadrian grabbed his wand from where it was on the nightstand.

"Here's your rings." Theo said, his hand out as Hadrian turned back to him.

"Thank you, Ollie." Theo grabbed both of his hands, putting the two rings on.

"You don't take the bracelet off much."

"It was my Fathers, Sirius gave it to me for my birthday. Before we even knew Regulus was my Father."

"Must've been fate."


Hadrian laced his fingers with Theo's then led him out of the room, casting a point-me to the floo room. They got there and stepped in heading to Malfoy Manor.

When they stepped out of the floo, Draco was standing there looking impatient.

"How long does it take two people to shower and get ready?"

"We were still in bed when your letter came."

"So? You should have been here like 20 minutes ago."

"We got the letter 45 minutes ago. It took Theo 30 minutes to shower and get ready. I showered last night so I just got dressed, which took longer than expected because I couldn't pick anything out. Remus ended up giving me clothes. Then Theo helped me put my belt on."

"You needed help with your belt? Actually, I don't want to know. Come on, we're hanging out with Matheo and Blaise."

"You ruined my lazy day with my boyfriend to hang out with the Dark Lord's son and Blaise?"

"Yes, yes I did Theo." Draco turned and began walking out of the floo room.

Hadrian and Theo shared a look before Hadrian started counting down with his fingers. 5..4..3..2..1..

"Wait. Boyfriend!?" Draco spun around, an accusatory glare gracing his face.

"Boyfriend. Lover. Beloved. Consort. Pick your poison. Now where's Blaise and Matheo?"

"Hadrian, no! Explain. Do you even know what a consort is for the wizarding world?"

"When we're with Blaise and Matheo, I don't have to repeat myself. And no, no I don’t."

"You're going to leave me in suspense so you don't have to repeat yourself?"


Draco rolled his eyes then spun around, leaving the room and shouting at the two telling them to hurry up and follow him. They followed him through the Manor, eventually going outside by an in-ground pool.

The pool was surrounded by greenery, and the crystal-clear water sparkled under the gentle mid-morning sun. Lavish loungers with soft, white cushions lined the poolside, with a sunbed on the far end of the pool.

A table straight out of a luxury magazine set just a few metres from the pool. The top was a massive pane of glass that reflected the sun's rays like diamonds. Surrounding it were sleek, hand-carved, dark wood legs. The edges were lined with tiny lights that put off a white glow.

Blaise was sitting on a lounge chair, while Mattheo had taken up a spot on the ground right by the pool.

"Finally. Draco was starting to get on our nerves with how impatient he was getting."

"Speak for yourself, Blaise. I was ignoring him."

"That's worse Matheo."

"Debatable. Hey, Apollo. Hi Theo."

"Hey, Matty. Why Apollo? How's things going here?"

"I like Apollo more than Hades. It's your middle name so it works. Draco is insufferable. You're not allowed to leave me alone with him."

"Stop being dramatic Matheo."

"Pot calling kettle black?"

"Matheo shoosh. Hades and Theo have something to tell us."

"You're something else Drake. You should have told me we'd be by the pool. I'd have worn shorts."

"You're a wizard. Transfigure them." Blaise stated the obvious with an exasperated tone.

"They're not my jeans."

"Then take them off and transfigure your pants into swim trunks."

"But Theo spent so much time putting my belt on." That broke their brain.

"O kallitéchnis mou. Stop trying to confuse them. Just go transfigure your pants."

"Can I do it with them on? Or would that end terribly?"

"Yeah, that would end terribly. Theo, take your boyfriend to the loo and help him."

"I'm not helpless!"

"So, you don't want me to come to the loo with you? Just us, in a room with you almost naked?"

"Well, when you put it like that."

"No shagging in my bathroom!"

"Trust me, Drake, the first time I shag him will not be in a bathroom."

Theo flushed at that and grabbed Hadrian's hand, pulling him into the house and to a loo on the first floor.

"You cannot say sh*t like that to Draco or Blaise."


"Okay? You're not going to argue?"

"No? Should I?"

"No. You're not going to ask why?"

"If you want me to."

"I want you to."

"Why can't I say sh*t like that to Draco or Blaise?"

"It will go back to Pansy and then the whole school will hear it. I don't talk about my sex life with them."

"Okay, love. I won't talk about it with them."

"You're not going to argue?"

"Why should I? You're allowed to have boundaries."

"Huh. Okay anyway, get naked and give me your pants."

"I never thought I'd hear those words while in a loo in Malfoy Manor." Hadrian commented while undoing his belt and setting his wand on the counter.

He got his jeans off and tossed them on the ground, pulling his pants off next and handing them to Theo.

Theo pulled his wand out of his pocket and transfigured them into swimming trunks before handing them back to Hadrian to put them on.

"I'm wearing a pair of your pants, can I transfigure them too?"

"Uh, yeah. I really could have done without that knowledge, love."

"If you get hard I am leaving you in here to deal with it."

"Right. I'll just think about Petunia and Vernon shagging."

"That's terrible."

Theo handed his wand to Hadrian and then began taking his jeans and pants off.

Hadrian really meant to not watch, but Theo wobbled so he stuck his hand out for him to steady himself with and his eyes had a mind of their own.

The shirt Theo had picked out was just long enough that since Theo was bent down he didn't see anything. Then he stood up and everything was on full display.

It took every ounce of self-control Hadrian had not to get on his knees and kiss every bit of exposed skin he could.

Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your perspective, Theo got the pants transfigured and slipped the swim trunks on.

"o kallitéchnis mou?"

"Uh huh?"

"Quit looking at me like you want to eat me."

"I was not. I was simply.. enjoying the view."

"Right, well come on then."


"Hmm?" Theo had been turning towards the door when his name was called, he looked at Hadrian who grabbed his wrist and pulled him into him.

"You're stunning," Hadrian murmured as he wrapped his arms around Theo's waist, who in turn wrapped his arms around Hadrian's neck.

"Oh, really? Tell me more."

"You're an Adonis. My Adonis."



"I don't think I'll ever tire of hearing that."

"Good, I'll never tire of saying it."

"Better not. Let's get back out there before Draco thinks we're shagging."

"Mhm. We'll do that later." Theo chuckled at that, picking up Hadrian's wand from the counter, passing it to him, and then taking his hand to guide him out of the bathroom and back out to the pool.

"You two took your time."

"Could have taken longer."

"Hadri I'm going to push you into the pool."

"What, we could have. I could have come up with plenty of things to make us take longer."

"I'm sure you could have. Now sit and tell us everything."

"Drake, stop being so bossy." Hadrian sat down next to Matheo, taking his shoes and socks off and then dipping his feet in the water.

"Theo, make him tell us."

"Theo could tell you just as well as Apollo could, no?"

"Well, yeah. But there's more to be told by Hades."

"Matty, it's a pointless argument. You're not going to let me run away this time, are you?"

"Nope. I will actually glue your arse to where you're sitting this time."

"I shagged someone, and discovered it was purely sexual attraction. Broke his heart, and possibly damaged our friendship forever. Then I went to bed with Theo, after showering and making sure I didn't smell like sex. I told him I had a better answer to his question, and gave him the answer. I asked him to be mine, and he said yes."

"Not gonna name names?"

"No, if you use your brain you can guess but I'm not confirming or denying anything. Out of respect for the person."

"Fair enough."

"Is that all you wanted us for?"

"No. I wanted us all to hangout."



Draco lounged on a chair by the pool, a glass of iced pumpkin juice in hand. He wore a smile, his grey eyes watching the scene with a mix of entertainment and joy.

Blaise was sitting at the edge of the pool, his feet dangling in the water as he chatted with Matheo, who was casting a levitation charm on a beach ball.

“Are you going to get in the water at some point today, Draco? We didn't change into swim trunks for the fun of it.”

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps later, Matheo. I'm enjoying my drink."

On the opposite side of the pool, Hadrian and Theo sat close together on a sunbed, their fingers entwined and lost in their own world.

"Hades, Theo," Blaise called out, his tone teasing. "Are you two planning to join us in the water, or are you content to whisper sweet nothings all day?"

Hadrian's lips curled into a smirk. "We'll join you two soon enough, Blaise. Right, Theo?" His voice filled with a playful tone.

Theo nodded, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Just enjoying the moment," he replied, leaning into Hadrian.

Blaise, watching the exchange, chuckled. "Lovebirds aside, how about a race, Matheo? First to the other end of the pool owes the other 5 galleons?"

Matheo's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Oh! You're on, Zabini."

As Matheo and Blaise prepared for their race, Theo turned to Hadrian, his expression turning serious. "O kallitéchnis mou? How do we protect this?"

Hadrian's gaze softened slightly as he looked at Theo. "What do you mean, love?"

"You've become the Dark Lord's enforcer. There's always going to be someone who wants to take days like this away from us."

Hadrian paused, his brow furrowing as he considered Theo's words. "I understand your concern, Theo. It's a dangerous world we live in, especially with the role I'll be playing soon. But I won't let anything or anyone threaten what we have."

Theo nodded, his expression serious. "I know you're capable, Hadrian. It's just hard not to worry when we're both tangled up in this."

"I'll do whatever it takes to keep us safe," Hadrian assured him, his voice firm. "I need you to promise me something. If things ever get too dangerous, if you feel threatened in any way, you'll tell me. We face this together."

Theo nodded, his expression softening with relief. "I trust you, kallitéchnis mou. Just promise me one thing: that no matter what happens, you'll always come back to me."

"I promise," Hadrian said, his voice filled with conviction. "I'll always come back to you, Theo. You're my home."

The serious atmosphere surrounding the two was washed away as they got hit with a wave of water.

Draco was standing a few metres away from them, with a mischievous glint in his eyes and his wand in his hand.

"I am going to burn all your perfectly placed hairs off your head."

"You wouldn't dare." Draco said, voice dripping with fear, stepping back ready to flee.

"Try me." With that Hadrian removed himself from Theo and took off after Draco, who ran as soon as he saw Hadrian move.

Hadrian chased Draco around the grounds, proving to be the more athletic when he caught up to Draco and tackled him.

"I yield! I yield!"

"You think that'll save you?" Hadrian pointed his wand at Draco's hair, changing it from its pristine platinum blonde to a bright neon green.

Hadrian got up, spun around and ran back to the pool, hiding behind Blaise.

"What'd you do?" Blaise questioned, raising his eyebrow and glancing around looking for Draco.

Hadrian blinked, then looked at Blaise and said, "I messed with his hair."

"Does he know?"

"I don't know. I just ran after I cast the spell."

"Hmm. And why, pray tell, are you hiding behind me?"

"Uh. Draco wouldn't do anything to you."

"Are you sure about that?" Blaise asked, noting Draco walking towards them.

"Pretty sure."

"He's got his wand pointed at me right now. I think he might've realised his hair is lime green."

Hadrian gulped and peeked from behind Blaise, seeing a furious Draco Malfoy.

"Hades, my dear? Why is my son's hair green? And why Are you hiding behind Blaise?" Narcissa had appeared, wearing a vibrant, floral-printed one-piece swimsuit paired with oversized sunglasses and a wide-brimmed straw hat. She had a tote bag carrying sunscreen, a book, and snacks.

"I, uh, I turned it green because he sprayed me and Theo with water."

"Oh, is that why you're hiding?"


"Lovely. Well I'm taking over the pool, go inside or go to one of your guys' houses if you want to stay in the water."

"Zabini Manor has a pool. We can go there and send a letter to the girls so they can come meet Matheo." Blaise pointed out as he spelled himself dry.

"Let me and Theo get our clothes from the loo then we can head there." Hadrian looked at Theo, sharing a look with him trying to get him to go along.

"Yeah, I'd hate to forget them here." As Theo said that he walked to Hadrian, whispering the spell to dry the both of them off.

"Sounds good, I'll write to the girls while you guys do that."

The group walked up to the Manor, separating as Theo and Hadrian went to the loo and Draco, Blaise and Matheo went to the floo room.

Hadrian shut the door to the bathroom and pulled Theo into him, placing one hand on his cheek and one hand on the back of his neck before pulling him into a kiss.

Just like the one this morning it was nothing more than lips against lips. But it was filled with unsaid reassurances and emotions.

"What was that for?" Theo asked as they pulled apart.

"Reassurance, and just because."

"Just because, huh?." Hadrian had a dopey smile plastered on his face as Theo repeated that.

"Mhm. Just because"

Theo returned the smile, though like always, it was smaller and more subdued. "I like that you can kiss me 'just because'."

"So do I. We should get back to the 'crazies'."

"We're just going to keep calling our friends that. Aren't we?"

"We're saying it affectionately so it's fine." Theo rolled his eyes, and pulled away from him, picking up their clothes and shrinking them.

"I'm surprised you kept your rings on."

"I honestly forget they're there sometimes. I'm sure a bit of water won't hurt them."

"You, my beloved, are one of a kind." Hadrian smirked at that and grabbed Theo's hand, squeezing it.

"And I have a one of a kind boyfriend."

"You just love saying that don't you?"

"Of course I do. The Theodore Nott is my boyfriend. Life is good."

"Right. I believe the first words you said to me were something along the lines of 'how have I never seen you around school before'."

"We don't talk about that. I've seen you, but you were a Slytherin and I was a Gryffindor. I fought for the Light, you believed in the Dark. We were on different sides in every aspect."

Theo blinked at that, before slipping on a smirk. "You don't fancy a 'forbidden romance'. No 'Romeo and Juliet' fantasies?"

"They both died at the end because they were stupid and thought 'love' conquered all." Hadrian deadpanned.

"They were young and in love."

"She was like 13 and he's like 16. That is not young love, that is grooming." Hadrian countered with a quirked eyebrow, opening the loo door and leading them to the floo room.

"Okay, you've got me there."

"That I do. You've read Shakespeare?"

"Once or twice. Old English gives me a headache. But I've heard the mudbloods talk about him like he was a god, so curiosity got the best of me."

"You can call the mudbloods but still admit they got you curious?"

"Yeah. They are mudbloods. Their blood isn't pure even in the slightest. I enjoy reading. Very simple concept."

"Right. Whatever you say." They had arrived at the floo room at that, causing everyone to look up at them.

"Took your damn time. Ready?" Draco asked as he stood up.

"You complain too much, Drake, yeah we're ready."

Blaise got into the floo and went by himself first, then Draco took Matheo with Hadrian and Theo going last. Once Hadrian and Theo had stepped out of the floo Blaise led them all out to the pool.

In the late morning haze, the pool sparkled like a treasure trove, the water a deep cerulean blue. Surrounding it, marble pillars rose like sentinels, their alabaster surfaces glistening under the sun's light. Mosaic tiles decorated the pool's perimeter in an elaborate tapestry of vibrant hues. Palm fronds swayed lazily in the breeze, casting fleeting shadows over the water's surface.

A blue circular sunbed was on the grass, 10 or so metres away from the pool. Its white cushion was garnished with vibrant throw pillows. Above it, a near transparent grey billowing canopy.





Blaise watched the interaction with eyes full of amusem*nt, calling a house elf to bring down drinks and snacks.

"Before you two lovebirds go off into your own world, the girls should be here soon. You should at least pretend to like us before ignoring us in favour of snogging on my sunbed."

"We would not snog with you people so close to us."

"Theo," Hadrian said with a tone dipped in playful suggestion, draped with a hint of mischief.

"Shut up."

"Oh, how you wound me. It's so much hotter here than in England." Hadrian shrugged off his shirt, letting it fall to the ground as he spoke.

"Hadrian you better hope your mother gave you her ability to tan, otherwise you're going to be a lobster by tonight."

"Couldn't be worse than Draco."

"I have sunscreen on."

"Do share." Draco rolled his eyes, pulling out a tube of sunscreen and tossing it to Theo.

"Why throw it to me, Draco?"

"You don't want to put it on your boyfriend?" Theo flushed at that, looking over to Hadrian.

"Hey, I'm not going to turn this down. I can't reach my back."

"Prat. Go sit on one of the loungers." Hadrian laughed at that before turning and walking to one of the loungers next to where Draco had laid down.

"Blaise, would your mother allow us to drink?" Draco asked as he saw Pansy, and Daphne come into view.

"Fifteen gets one glass of wine. Sixteen gets two and one occasion hard liqueur. Seventeen free rein since it's the wizarding age of majority. That's her rule."

"Lovely, can we all have a glass?"

"Yeah. Pansy!"


"Do you want white wine or are you going to keep being a weirdo and ask for red?"

"Nothing is wrong with a chilled red, Blaise," Pansy said as she and Daphne sat at one of the small tables placed around the pool.

"I have to agree with Pansy. Some chilled reds are actually pretty good."

"Hadrian, how would you know?"

"My aunt was a wine snob. I've heard more lectures about what wine goes with what and when you drink reds versus whites, and Rose how is a class of its own. Certain reds are actually good when chilled, but you have to avoid overly tannic or heavy-bodied varieties because chilling can accentuate bitterness or mute complex flavours."

"See Blaise, now get me a glass of Chateau d'Angles Rose, please."

"Any other requests?"

"A glass of the Frappato you gave me last time." Theo said while uncapping the sunblock and started working it into Hadrian's back, giving some to him for his front and legs.

"Chardonnay, please, Blaise."

"Always, Chardonnay, Draco. Domaine Leflaive good?" Draco nodded at that, an appreciative smile on his face.

"Sauvignon Blanc, the Lail Vineyards bottle."

"You and my Mother are the only ones that like that, Daph." Daphne smiled and pulled a book out of the bag she and Pansy had brought.

"Chenin Blanc, Catena Zapata if you have it."

"We have an unopened bottle, I think. Hades what do you want?"

"Got a bottle of Quintarelli Recioto della Valpolicella?"

"Yeah, I think."

"Lovely, want help bringing it all down?"

"Yeah, actually. That'd be great."

Theo had finished with Hadrian's back, so he got up and followed Blaise into the house. They walked through the kitchen, and down a set of stairs before turning to an expensive-looking wine room.

"Gods, there is so much money in this room."

"Yeah, Mother still won't tell me how much it cost to put it in."

"I'd rather not know. You grab glasses, I'll grab the bottles."

"Sounds good."


20 minutes and a lecture about what glass goes with what wine later and they were back by the pool.

"What took so long?"

"Blaise tried putting white wine in a red wine glass. Then tried putting the Chardonnay in the Rose glass."

"I didn't know it mattered!"

"Why would there be different glasses if it didn't matter? You know, Heir's to rich muggle family learn this sh*t growing up."

"The muggles you were dumped on weren't even your relatives! And they weren't rich!"

"No, but they liked to make people think they were modest, but still had money." Hadrian started passing the glasses out, carefully ensuring he got each person what they wanted.

"Anyway. Blaise, what'd you get this time?"

"Some Albino Armani Moscato."

"Have I pretended to like you people enough to go lay down?"

"No, Matheo hasn't been introduced. You have to do that." Draco stated as he lazily sipped on his glass of Chardonnay.

"Matheo is in his own world right now." Hadrian pointed at said boy who was on a pool lounger, eyes closed not paying attention to anything."

"You handed him his wine, did you not?"

"Yes, and they he shooed me away."



"Introduce Matheo."


Hadrian walked over to the pool, put his feet in and pulled the lounger Matheo was on over to him. He tapped on Matheo's shoulder, causing the boy to open his eyes and give him a lopsided grin.

"Yeah, 'pollo?"

"Apparently I have to introduce you to people."

"Mm, can I stay here?"

"You're the only half-blood here, so no. I'd get out and shake hands with them."

"You're telling me my father is a half-blood."

"Mhm. But we don't talk about it."

"Can we just pretend I'm a pureblood? For like posterity or something?"

" Er, no. Thats not how that works. Come on, Matty. You were raised by a pureblood witch. Act like it."

"Fine. Hold my wine."

"So bossy." Nonetheless, Hadrian held his wine and kept the lounger still so Matheo could escape it.

"Ready to meet the rest of the crazies?"

"Is that what you call them?"

"Technically I call of you that. Minus Theo."

"Oh, of course. Because he's stable."

"Exactly." They reached the table the girls were sitting at, at the end of the short conversation.

"Hadrian, do you have answers for us?"

"Later, Pansy. I've been told I'm responsible for introducing this thing."

"I am not a thing."

"Matty, you're a thing."

"Nu huh."

"So eloquent. Pansy, Dapnhe, this is Matheo Laurent, son of the Dark Lord and a French pureblood."

"Son of who?"

"The Dark Lord. Anyway. Matty, one with startling blue eyes is Pansy Parkinson. Her father was at the meeting sitting in between Alecto and Pettigrew."

"Lovely to meet you, Heir Parkinson."

"You as well, Heir Laurent."

"Matty, are you Heir Laurent?"

"Yeah, I think I hold two Heirships. Not sure what the other is."

"Interesting. Daphne Greengrass it he one who finds Pride and Prejudice more interesting than meeting you apparently."

"I'm paying attention, Hadrian. I just needed to finish the paragraph."

"Right, well I've made introductions. Don't f*ck up Matty."

"You're leaving me with them?"

"Yeah, I'd like to spend time with my boyfriend."


"That's my que." Hadrian turned around, walking to Theo and dragging him to the sunbed.

Theo chuckled and laid down on it once they got to it. Hadrian pulled his wand out of his waistband and cast the two-way privacy ward.

"Nihil auditur."

"What's that?"

"Two-way privacy ward. We won't here them, they won't hear us."

"Planning anything devious?"

"Ignoring Pansy."

"Ah, that'll go good. Are you enjoying this?"

"I am, yeah. It's nice being with people who actually want me with them."

"Makes sense. Have you noticed how Blaise's eyes rarely leave Draco?"

"No, but it doesn't shock me. Think Draco feel's the same?"

"Oh yeah. He told me he liked Blaise at the end of the school year. He doesn't want to ruin the friendship though."

"Understandable. Blaise asked me not to interfere."

"You going to listen?"

"For now, their dance is entertaining."

"Isn't it. Pansy looks interested in Matheo."

Hadrian looked over at the two, they seemed to be having a heated conversation, with Matheo's arms flying around and Pansy's eyes dancing with excitement.

"She does. This feels like a sitcom."

"It does, have you seen 'Friends'?"

"The American sitcom?"


"Yeah. Joey Tribbiani can get it."

"Please, Rachel is far more attractive."

"I don't think you can compare a girls attractiveness to a guys."

"I can and I did."

"Okay, love. You know, your surprisingly okay with a lot of muggle things."

"Their inventions I like. Them I could do with out."

"Fair enough."

Hadrian pulled Theo into his side, lacing their fingers together and kissing him on the forehead. Theo leaned his head against his shoulder and they stayed like that, watching their friends and enjoying their drinks.

Matheo got up from his conversation with Pansy, walking over to the couple. Before he got too close Hadrian dropped his privacy ward, looking down at Theo who had fallen asleep.



"Mind if I sit?"

"Go ahead, wake Theo and I'll kill you." Matheo chuckled at that, laying on his back and looking up at the sky. Once he seemed to be comfortable Hadrian threw the privacy ward back up.

"So, what do you think of them?"

"Draco and Blaise need to admit they have feelings for each other. Pansy, gods, she's something. Daphne seems like she'd rather be somewhere else."

"Daphne has a thing for Pansy, Pansy is straighter than a metal rod."

"Oh. Theo, did I wake you?"

"No, I wasn't asleep. I was just in my labyrinth." Theo said like it was the most obvious thing ever, and as though he expected them to know what it'd meant.


"That's how I protect my mind, it manifests as a labyrinth. If someone comes into my mind without permission they'd get lost in it and go mad. I'd have to give you Ariadne's Thread to help you get out."

"You have a thing for the Greek mythos, don't you?" Hadrian pointed out, more than he asked.

"Of course I do. Greek and Rome. The mythologies are interesting, polytheistic religions make more sense to me the monotheistic ones. Because how could you trust an all-knowing being? One that calls himself perfect and merciful yet he punishes you for not believing in him?"

"Never go exploring muggle Italy, love. You and the Catholics would not like each other."

"Probably not. The churches they build are beautiful, almost as much as the temples made for the Greek gods."

"Their cathedrals down to their rural churches are all beautiful in their own way."

"You guys have seen all the markers of Catholicism in this Manor, yes? The statues of the Saints? Blaise's name comes from the Saint of throat illnesses. Blaise's mother had a St. Monica necklace one when she came down here while Hadrian and Blaise were getting wine."

"I don't know that much about the Catholic faith."

"Theo you need to avoid the religion topic with Blaise."

"What, and you're any better, Hades?"

"Petunia was a devout Catholic. I went to a Catholic all-boys school before Hogwarts."



"Apollo, you're a very strange person." Matheo was looking at Hadrian like he was trying to solve a complicated riddle.


"You look the part of a pureblood, act and sound like it too, most of the time. But you don't limit your knowledge because of where it came from."

"Why should I? Knowledge is knowledge, one way or another."

"I guess that's true. Pansy is coming over here."

"Oh fun. Desino."

"What was that?"

"Cancelled the privacy ward I had around us. "

"Oh, okay then."

Pansy sat down next to Matheo, who had sat up when he noticed her walking over to them. She crossed her legs in her lap and then looked at Hadrian and Theo, who were still nestled into each other.

"Boyfriend?" She pushed, looking at them with a look in her eye that said they weren't running from this.

"Uh-huh. Asked him yesterday night."

"So you got the answer to the question he asked?"

"I did, not that you need to know."


"Respecting people's privacy isn't you're strong suit Pans. He's keeping the details from everyone."

"Draco said you shagged someone to get the answer."

"Theo, remind me to turn his hair pink in a moment."

"Sounds lovely. It's a pity the green washed away in the floo."

"A pity indeed. Yes Pansy, I shagged someone so I could give Theo his anwer."

"I'm not going to pretend to understand, and since I don't understand I am not going to judge. Now, are you guys hungry?"

"It's well after lunch, and we haven't eaten all day. So yes we are hungry."

"Lovely, come join us then. We're gonna eat at the veranda."

Pansy got up, Matheo following her like a lost puppy. Hadrian and Theo laughed at that before getting up as well.

They walked by the pool, so Hadrian could get his shirt and put it back on.

The table was changed from the rectangle it was the day before to a smaller circle one.

As they got close to the veranda Hadrian slipped his wand into his hand, walking behind Draco and turning his hair pink.

"So, what's on the menu?" Theo asked as he and Hadrian slipped into the last two empty chairs.

"Nothing. There wasn't actually food. Pansy wanted us all up here."

"Sounds ominous."

"Just a bit. I have questions, and I want answers. There big questions so think about them, I like you but I need to know a few things."

"Okaaay. Ask away."

"We're doing this in categories. Anyone has a question pertaining to the category, ask."

Pansy got out a notebook and a quill and then started her interrogation.

"Starting with Slytherin. You intend on resorting into our house. What have you been told about it?"

"Does it matter who I told me all of it?" Hadrian didn't want Pansy to get upset with Draco for telling him, she seemed like she could be quite vindictive.

"Uh. No? Just answer the question."

"Okay. There's a hierarchy. One group above everyone, for each year and for the whole house. The hierarchies for each year are based on magical and political power, but the group above the House depends on who holds the Prince/Princess title. You get the title by defeating the previous Prince/Princess in a duel. Currently, Flint is the Prince.

Some rules are in place to help you be a Slytherin and protect yourself along with your housemates. Don't get caught breaking rules, don't go anywhere alone, remember the names and faces of anyone who hexes you and give them to the older years, present a united front, meaning no fighting outside of the common room and dorms, go to Snape if you're having school or home problems, and leave the 5th and 7th years alone they have exams, the other years can help you."

Hadrian noticed how the original Slytherins of the group, minus Draco, were shocked at how much he knew and how detailed it all was. Pansy seemed to notice this as well because she sent a glare towards him.

"Okay. You're more informed then I thought you'd be. Do you know anything specific about the hierarchy? Besides the Prince/Princess title?"

"Uh, no. Everything I just said is all I know."

"Okay, that's reaffirming. There can be a Princess at the same time as the Prince, it helps keep the group in power. In the top group, there are names for each ranking, they're based on trust and ability. There are the Swords, those best with offensive magic or just good at making sure people stick to the rules the Prince and/or Princess sets. The Shields, are best with offensive magic or good at keeping people out of dangerous situations. The Prince has his Crown. The Crown acts as his proxy in case he is not available. The Princess's version of that is 'Tiara'." Pansy took a breath while Blaise took over the explanation.

"We never have the Prince in the same room as the Princess when talking with an enemy or unknown element. The Prince would be with the Tiara, and the Princess would be with the Crown. The Crown/Tiara is the closest person to the Prince/Princess. Mainly because you have to really know them to act as a proxy."

"Draco? Damn you for being a prat in first year."

"Just this once, I will agree with you on that. It would have been lovely to watch you grow up in that enviorment."

"Draco, I will deal with your loose lips later. Hadrian? I was told you were planning on becoming a Dark Lord."

"Yeah, so I wouldn't start the Rites until 7th year. The Dark Lord isn't actually a Dark Lord people just assume he is and enough people no longer know what that means so it's more of a fear thing."

"Okay, that makes sense. Speaking of him, do you want to keep him in place or stage a coupe?" That made Hadrian pause. It wasn't something he had considered before.

"Keep him in place as a scapegoat. Let him and his followers degrade their public image by doing all the horrid sh*t while I build mine. Anything I or my followers would do that's not exactly 'good' would be done covertly, in the shadows."

"Oh! That reminds me, Apollo?"

"Yeah, Matty?"

"My Father had a spell on the room, once they left they couldn't talk or write about what he said. If they did they'd get incredibly sick."

"Our fathers just show the memories." Daphne said while pointing between her and Pansy.

"Uh, I wouldn't say that to me. I'm supposed to go after those that betray him."

"It's not a direct betrayal. Anyway, opinions on us following you?"

"You have almost 3 years to make that decision, if you chose not to fine but you're swearing a Vow to keep all knowledge I deem a risk to yourself."

"Would you keep 'Hadrian' separate from, what was it Draco called you?"

"Assuming it's what Sirius called me at Gringotts, 'Lord Charon'. Sticks with Greek Mythology, but isn't as obvious as Hades."

"Right, that's what it was. So, are you going to keep those identies seperate?"

"Yes. I see more benefits to keeping them separate then I do openly saying I am a Dark Lord."

"What are your feelings regarding mudbloods?" This question came from Daphne, rather than Pansy like the rest had.

"Genetically we need them, without them our gene pool shrinks which weakens the magic passed down and leads to inbreeding and incest intentional or not. Now I think we need to pull away from the muggle world, their wars have caused over 120 million deaths in the last 100 years. We can open an orphanage where we put mudbloods once they're identified, allowing couples who can't have kids to adopt. This would help keep old traditions and keep us safe from discovery. For the muggles that we're taking their child, we can grab one from an orphanage and replace it."

"You've put a lot of thought into that." Theo looked morbidly impressed as Hadrian finished his tirade.

"Not the first time in the few days I was asked my view on mudbloods."

"Fair enough. What about creatures?" Pansy reinserted herself as a questioner.

"They should slowly be reintegrated into Magical society. This means repealing laws against them and putting programs in place to help get them jobs and help them co-exist with non-creature wizards."

"That sounds like a sh*t ton of work."

"This is a long game, Draco. I have years of bigotry and oppressive laws to undo."

"You'll have help. What do you want to do with the Dark Arts?"

"Promote better education to help reduce biases and keep people safe. People should be persecuted not Magic. Killing someone should get you in Azkaban not using a dark spell or ritual."

"Speaking of education, what do you want to do with Hogwarts? And the Ministry?"

"They need to be separate. Hogwarts, as far as I know, isn't funded by the Ministry. Though keeping them separate means working on what is taught needs to be done by a Headmaster and the teachers so we'd have to take Hogwarts. Politics needs to be kept out of education, if you are a Ministry employee you can't teach at Hogwarts, if you quit or are fired there has to be 1 year between you applying at Hogwarts and you're no longer working for the Ministry. All branches of Magic should be taught, as well as ways to defend yourself againt them. Not teaching them breeds curioustiy and dangerous learning enviorments. You can't say 'you can't learn this' and not expect people to go behind your back and try learning it theirselves."

"Very well put. I think I've heard everything I wanted to hear. Anyone else?" Everyone shook their head at Pansy's question.


"Yeah, 'pollo?"

"You'll keep this conversation from your father right?"

"Yeah. Like Theo, I've been made to master occlumency. Father has tried and failed to figure out the mess of my brain."

"Lovely. Now food?"

"Uh, we're kinda sh*t out of luck. My Mother is gone and the house elves don't like to cook for me."

"Great. Remus loves cooking, want to come to mine?"

"Are me and Daphne keyed in?"

"Yeah, everyone here is keyed into Peverell Family Manor."


"Draco, you didn't tell them all my lordships?"

"No. I forgot all of them."

"Ah. Okay, so I am Lord Black, Lord Valentino, Lord Potter and Lord Peverell. I'm also Heir Slytherin."

"Valentino is your mum right?"

"Yeah. Wait, wasn't this all on the inheritance test Voldy gave your fathers."

"They didn't show us that part of the memory. Just him unmasking you."

"Oh. Okay."

"So, food?" This time the question was posed by a very hungry-looking Matheo.

"Yeah. Let me go change my trunks back to my pants and put my jeans on then we can go."

"Oh, I forgot about that. I want to change too." Theo said getting up and pulling Hadrian out of his chair.

"Draco, Matheo I have clothes you guys can wear if you want to change as well." The two mentioned nodded at that and the three boys stood up, getting ready to head into the house.

"Me and Daph brought a change of clothes. We might as well all change right now."

"Smart. Theo, you take Hadrian to the bedroom you use here. Pansy and Astoria can use the guest room and Draco and Matheo can use mine."

With that, everyone went inside, separating once they got to where all the bedrooms were.

"Theo?" Hadrian asked when they got to their designated room and the door was shut.

"Yeah, love?"

"Why do you have a room here and at Malfoy Manor?"

"I, uh, I usually hate sharing a bed, and I refuse to sleep on the floor or on a chair."

"Oh. Okay." The smile plastered on Hadrian's face made Theo incredibly happy his boyfriend was observant and had asked the question.

Theo pulled the two pairs of shrunk jeans out of his pocket and unshrunk each pair before he handed the jeans to Hadrian.

"Here's your jeans, gimme your trunks so I can transfigure them back to pants." Hadrian tugged his trunks off handing them to Theo, then sat on the bed.

"Any chance you'd consider putting my pants on for me?"

"Nope. Though, if you behave I might let you put yours on for me."

"You just had to remind me everything you're wearing is mine, didn't you."

"I did yes. Now, here. Put your pants and jeans on. Draco has all of our shoes and socks in the floo room."

"Yessir." Hadrian did a mock salute to Theo before getting off the bed and taking his pants to put back on.

Once he was dressed Theo pulled his trunks off, taking his time, and stretching his back once they were in his hands. It gave Hadrian a perfect view of everything, though his eyes were practically glued to Theo's iliac furrows. Which, funny enough, is also referred to as the Adonis belt.

Theo laughed at his boyfriend and decided he had kept his eyes mostly to himself. He handed the pants to Hadrian.

"You're letting me?"

"Unless you'd rather I do it myself?"

"No. No, I can do it."

Hadrian stood beside the bed, holding Theo's pants in his hands. His touch was gentle, almost reverent, as he smoothed the fabric with his fingers. He had a tender smile on his face, showing the deep fondness he held for Theo.

Theo, who had sat on the edge of the bed, watched Hadrian with a soft, affectionate gaze, his eyes filled with trust and warmth.

"Ready?" Hadrian asked softly, his voice a gentle murmur that harmonised seamlessly with the peaceful silence of the room. Theo nodded his own smile a mirror of Hadrian's.

Hadrian knelt down, his movements slow and attentive. He held the pants open, waiting for Theo to step into them. Theo placed a hand on Hadrian's shoulder for balance as he put each foot into the holes of the pants. With steady hands, Hadrian guided the pants up Theo's legs, his touch lingering as he smoothed the fabric into place. The moments when his fingers brushed against Theo's skin, sent a warm shiver through them. Hadrian's eyes met Theo's, and they shared a smile that conveyed their connection.

Hadrian stood up, his hands resting lightly on Theo's hips, adjusting the waistband of the pants to ensure they fit him comfortably. He paused, his fingers tracing small, affectionate circles on Theo's skin, a gesture filled with tenderness.

"Perfect," Hadrian said, his voice barely above a whisper but still carrying all the emotion he felt. Theo reached out, cupping Hadrian's cheek, his thumb gently brushing against his skin. They leaned in, their foreheads touching, eyes closed, savouring the closeness of the moment.

The kiss that followed was soft and lingering, chaste but deeply intimate. It was a simple act, Theo letting him help put on his pants, but in the moment, it was filled with importance and devotion. They pulled back slightly, still holding each other, the room filled with a quiet sense of serenity and contentment.

"Thank you," Theo whispered, his voice full of warmth. Hadrian just smiled, knowing that these small moments are what truly define their love.

"Always, my love." They shared one more kiss before leaving the room, hand in hand, with Theo guiding them to the floo room.

"Morgana, you two look so in love." Pansy said as she saw the two come in. The couple shared a smile before sitting down and getting their shoes on.


"Yeah, Pansy?"

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Theo smiles so freely with you, I think I've seen more smiles on his face today then I have the whole time I've known him."

"I intend to keep him smiling, Pansy. There's no need to thank me for this, he's stunning. Both physically and intellectually."

"You can call me Pans if I can call you Hades."

"Of course, you can, Pans. You didn't need to ask. Or actually that was a bribe."

"Semantics. Apollo, I will eat someone if I don't get food in me soon."

"Matty you're being dramatic. Blaise?"


"How many people can you floo take at a time?"

"Two, why?"

"Deciding if I should just call Kreacher," Said house elf appeared as soon as the last syllable of his name left Hadrian's mouth.

"Yes, Master Hadrian?"

"Uh, take us all to Peverell Family Manor, please."

"Yes, Master Hadrian. Your wolfy is sad, he'll be glad you be home." Kreacher, like he does with all groups, had them hold hands so he could take them all at once.

They landed in the entryway, which was becoming a theme with Kreacher, and walked to the kitchen. No one was in there, which didn't shock Hadrian, so he went to see Remus.

Hadrian's steps faltered as he made his way towards Remus's bedroom, the door slightly ajar, a sliver of light seeping through the crack.

Pushing the door open gently, Hadrian's heart sunk at the sight before him. Remus was lying in bed, curled up in a fetal position, his shoulders trembling with silent sobs.

Hadrian's breath caught in his throat as he took in the raw despair etched on Remus's face, a stark contrast to the usual warmth and kindness that defined his godfather. Without a word, Hadrian moved closer, his footsteps light but purposeful, crossing the room until he stood by Remus's bedside.

"Remus," Hadrian said softly, his voice barely a whisper, filled with concern and empathy. Remus startled at the sound, his tear-filled eyes meeting Hadrian's with a mixture of surprise and anguish.

"Hadrian," Remus murmurs, his voice hoarse with emotion, his words hardly audible amidst the weight of his grief. He made no effort to hide his tears, allowing them to flow freely down his cheeks.

Hadrian reached out, his hand hovering uncertainly over Remus's trembling form, a silent offer of comfort and consolation. Remus hesitated for a moment before leaning into the touch, seeking sanctuary in the warmth of Hadrian's company, a lifeline amid his despair.

For a long moment, they remained like that, wordless but connected, attached by the implicit bond of family and love. Hadrian didn't offer empty platitudes or false promises, knowing they wouldn't ease his godfather's pain.

As the minutes tick by, Remus's sobs gradually subside, his breathing evening out into a steady rhythm.

"I have people over I was going to ask if you could make dinner but I can send them home if you'd rather be alone."

"No, its okay Hades. I enjoy cooking, and could use something to eat."

"Okay, Moony. I'm having them leave after dinner, we can spend the night together."

"You don't need to do that, cub."

"We both lost him, Moony. It's just as much for me as it is for you."

"Okay, cub. Who all is here?" Remus wiped a hand down his face, trying to get rid of the evidence of his pain.

"Draco, Blaise, Theo, Matheo, Pansy and Daphne."

"Right. Who are the last three?"

"Matheo is Tom's son. Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass are both Slytherins, and their dads are Death Eaters."

"Parkinson and Greengrass. So I have 5 of the sacred families' Heirs to feed?"

"And the Lord to a sacred family.."

"I forget your a Lord and an Heir. Come on then." Remus stood up and walked out of the room, Hadrian following close behind.

When they walked into the kitchen the conversations stopped, Theo nothing the tear stains on Remus' cheeks looked over at Hadrian who shook his head.

"So, Moony, Pansy is the one sitting on the counter and Dapnhe is the girl standing next to her."

"Good evening, Miss Greengrass, Miss Parkinson."

"Hi, Professor." The two spoke at the same time, causing Daphne to flush and Pansy to giggle.

"I give up on getting people to stop calling me that. Matheo, its nice to meet you."

"Yeah, it's useless. Matty, this is my godfather, Remus Lupin. Moony, that's Matheo he is seemingly starving so."

"Good thing I cook big meals. Is everyone okay with burgers and a salad?" Everyone nodded at that, and Remus smiled at them and then began pulling everything he needed out of the cabinets and fridge.

"Hades, Theo can you make lemonade?"

"Yeah, of course."

"We can help too, Professor." Pansy said looking between her and Daphne as she hopped off the counter.

"You two can cut the tomatoes and chop up lettuce for the salad. Boys, will you help?"

"Of course, Professor." Blaise replied pulling Draco and Matheo closer to Remus.

"One of you cut some purple unions some for the burgers and some for the salad, one slice some cheese and the other get the table set up. When that's all done can you set the buns on the table and get anything else you want on your burger out of the fridge?" They all nodded at that then got to work.

Blaise started working on the onions, while Draco did the cheese and Matheo got all the dishes and silverware set on the table.

When Matheo finished he helped Remus shape the burgers and then take them out to the grill.

"Leaving Sirius finally hit him, huh?" Theo asked when he noticed Remus was no longer in the room.

"I think it hit him when we were talking to Sirius, he just didn't want to show it around me."

"Want me to go home tonight?"

"Yeah, a bit after dinner though I want a bit more us time."

"Sounds lovely."

Once all the salad fixings were cut and chopped they put it in a big bowl and took it to the table, getting the buns, mayonnaise and pickles set out as well. Hadrian and Theo got the lemonade done and took the pitcher to the table, filling up each glass.

When they were done, Remus and Matheo walked back into the house, burgers cooked and on a tray.

"I made one for everyone, I figured since I made them big and we have salad, that'd be enough."

"It's perfect, Professor. Thank you."

"Of course, Miss Parkinson."

"Professor, I am your godson's friend, you can call me Pansy. Plus you're not actually our professor, it just feels odd to not call you it."

"Well, Pansy, I hope you enjoy the food." With that, everyone dug in.

It was a relaxed dinner, filled with laughter and banter and soft smiles between Hadrian and Theo. Throughout it Remus seemed to gain a bit of his light back, making Hadrian decide to have them all over for meals more often.

Draco and Matheo left first, after telling Remus how much they enjoyed the food of course.

Blaise left shortly after, making sure to thank Remus for the meal and asking for his burger recipe.

Pansy and Daphne left an hour or so after that, having talked to Remus about their schooling and picking his brain on a few of the darker creatures not mentioned in their curriculum.

Theo and Hadrian helped Remus clean up once everyone else had left. When they were done Remus went to his room, leaving the young couple in the kitchen.

"We're doing this at least once a week." Hadrian looked at Theo, who had hopped up on the counter.

"Oh, that I don't think you have a choice in. Pansy will have made it her personal mission to get your godfather smiling again. We all saw how you relaxed as he seemed to be happier."

"He deserves to be happy. I hate knowing I am part of the reason he wakes up to an empty bed now."

"He loves you, Hadrian. Don't undermine that. He picked you, yes comfort him but don't question his decision."

"Okay, Theo. Thank you for helping with cleaning up."

"It felt strangely intimate helping you and your godfather clean up after dinner."

"I was thinking that the whole time. I think it helped reassure his decision though."

"Hopefully. I should head home, its almost 11."

"It feels like we barely had time together." Hadrian moved closer, settling between Theo's legs, and placing his hands on the counter on each side of his legs.

His eyes met Theo's gaze with an unspoken promise of passion. Without a word, he reached out, his fingers trailing lightly along Theo's jawline before cupping his cheek with a possessive grip.

Theo's breath caught in his throat as he leaned into the touch, his heart hammering in his chest. He could feel the heat of Hadrian's body radiating against him, drawing him in like a moth to a flame.

"You're irresistible," Hadrian murmured, his voice low with desire.

Theo's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and arousal at the words, his pulse quickening in response to the raw desire in Hadrian's voice. He reached out, tangling his fingers in Hadrian's hair as he pulled him closer, their lips meeting in a searing kiss that sent sparks flying.

Their mouths moved together with fierce haste, tongues tangling in a heated dance as they lost themselves in each other. Hadrian's hands roamed Theo's body, tracing every curve and dip with a possessive hunger that sent shivers down Theo's spine.

Theo moaned softly into the kiss, his head spinning with the intensity of their connection. He could feel himself surrendering completely to Hadrian's touch, his body aflame with a need that burned hotter with each passing moment.

Hadrian broke the kiss reluctantly, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he pressed his forehead against Theo's, their breath mingling in the quiet darkness of the room.

"I could get used to this." Theo whispered, not wanting to end what had just started.

"Without a doubt. Let me walk you to the floo." Hadrian finally stepped away, putting his hand out to help Theo get down.

They walked hand in hand to the floo room, sharing another kiss before Theo went home.

Hadrian made his way to his godfather's room and softly tapped on his door before gently pushing it open. Remus sat on his bed, his eyes tired and his expression weary. Hadrian could feel the weight of Remus' recent decision hanging heavy in the air.

"Remus," Hadrian said softly, stepping into the room. "Mind if I come in?"

Remus looked up, offering a muted smile. "Of course, Hadrian. Please, sit."

Hadrian took a seat beside Remus, feeling the tension in the air thickening around them. He knew Remus needed someone to talk to, someone who could offer comfort and understanding. As his godson, Hadrian felt a responsibility to be there for him in his time of need.

"How are you holding up?" Hadrian asked, his voice gentle.

Remus let out a tired sigh, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know, cub. I feel like I've torn my heart in two."

Hadrian reached out, placing a comforting hand on Remus' shoulder. "I can't even begin to imagine how hard this must be for you. But I want you to know that you're not alone. I'm here for you, no matter what."

Remus leaned into Hadrian's touch, the warmth of his presence offering some small measure of consolation. "Thank you, Hadrian. It means more to me than you know."

They sat in silence for a while, the only sound the soft rustle of fabric and the occasional creak of the floorboards beneath them. In that moment, surrounded by darkness yet filled with the light of their shared bond, Hadrian and Remus found comfort in each other's presence.

"Hades?" Remus spoke, finding the silence of the room becoming more and more suffocating.

"Yea, Moony?"

"Did you know one of the first fights me and Sirius had was about your father?"

"Really? What about him?"

"I was friends with Pandora Rosier, later Pandora Lovegood, her twin was Evan Rosier. He was a close friend of Regulus'. I had spent an afternoon with them, in 6th year. Pandora and Evan went off, I think to find Barty. Me and Reg sat there and talked about his parents and bout Sirius, he was nothing like Sirius made him out to be. You'd have thought Reg had torn Sirius's childhood pet into pieces the way he talked about him towards the end of our years at Hogwarts."

"So he was mad that you guys talked?" Hadrian questioned, his confusion apparent on his face.

"Uh, no. So we're talking, right? Sitting in the back of the library on a loveseat, in our own little world, Sirius walks up to us. He startled us both and we jumped away from each other. He immediately assumed something was going on between us." Remus looked irritated as he recalled the arguments that spawned from Sirius jumping to conclusions.

"Oh, f*ck. How long did it take you guys to sort things out?"

"We really didn't, he just decided a few weeks later to stake his claim on me to Regulus. Your Father was so annoyed by the whole thing, that he almost didn't ask Sirius to be your godfather."

"Why'd he ask you then?"

"I'm not sure. When he asked me he said 'I appreciate how open-minded you are, who better to be responsible for my child than someone who will never judge what makes them happy?'."

"Huh. We'll have to ask him when we see him."

"You're so confident that we will."

"If I say it out loud enough times it'll become true."

"Uh-huh. We'll pretend that's how that works."

"We will. Did you guys ever hangout after that?"

"A bit, always with Pandora or Evan with us. Most of the time we just studied together. Though a few times he asked my advice on relationships, he and Barty had a bit of a thing for a few years. Then there was the 3 times Reg and James shagged behind Sirius' back. I don't know if he ever found out about that."

"My real father, shagged my fake father?"

"Gods that sounds so terrible when you say it like that. But yes, the first time was right before James and Lily got together, the other two happened during break the two had taken. Lily knew, ignored it, but she knew."

"You know, some of this I could go without knowing. Seriously, Sirius and James, I could see, not James and Regulus."

"Oh, yeah that happened once. They were pissed out of their mind. I walked in on it, me and Sirius hadn't gotten together yet so I just walked away."

"Horrifying. Tell me none of you shagged Pettigrew."

"None of us shagged Pettigrew."

"Good. I think I'd have thrown up at the thought."

"Yours as dramatic as Draco is sometimes."

"Sometimes a dramatic flare is needed."

The two talked back and forth all night, sharing stories of Hogwarts, talking about future plans, and whispering reassurances that everything would work out in the end.

They had fallen asleep as the sun was coming up, Hadrian lying in a ball on the foot of the bed, and Remus sprawled across the top.

Eleutheromania - Chapter 8 - kensie51 - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.