MAA MathFest Archive – Mathematical Association of America (2024)

Table of Contents
Tuesday, August 4 Registration Wednesday, August 5 Registration Invited Address Invited Address Invited Address Themed Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Other Mathematical Session Invited Address Themed Contributed Paper Session Panel Session Workshop Themed Contributed Paper Session General Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Minicourse Minicourse Themed Contributed Paper Session General Contributed Paper Session Invited Session Invited Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Other Mathematical Session Panel Session Other Mathematical Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Poster Session Minicourse Minicourse Panel Session Panel Session Undergraduate Student Activity Social Event Social Event Social Event Thursday, August 6 Registration General Contributed Paper Session Invited Address Undergraduate Student Activity Undergraduate Student Activity Themed Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session General Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session MAA MathFest 2015 Exhibit Hall Undergraduate Student Activity General Contributed Paper Session General Contributed Paper Session Invited Address Invited Address Other Mathematical Session Undergraduate Student Activity Panel Session Workshop Themed Contributed Paper Session Minicourse Minicourse Themed Contributed Paper Session Invited Session Invited Session General Contributed Paper Session General Contributed Paper Session General Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Graduate Student Activity Undergraduate Student Activity Undergraduate Student Activity Themed Contributed Paper Session Panel Session Special MAA Centennial Event Poster Session Minicourse Minicourse Undergraduate Student Activity Undergraduate Student Activity Undergraduate Student Activity Panel Session SIGMAA Activity Other Mathematical Session Social Event Social Event Friday, August 7 Registration Themed Contributed Paper Session Invited Address Themed Contributed Paper Session General Contributed Paper Session Undergraduate Student Activity Undergraduate Student Activity Invited Session MAA MathFest 2015 Exhibit Hall Undergraduate Student Activity General Contributed Paper Session General Contributed Paper Session Invited Address Graduate Student Activity Invited Address Invited Address Panel Session Workshop Themed Contributed Paper Session Minicourse Minicourse General Contributed Paper Session Invited Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session General Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Invited Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Other Mathematical Session Undergraduate Student Activity Undergraduate Student Activity Themed Contributed Paper Session Panel Session Poster Session Other Mathematical Session Minicourse Minicourse Special MAA Centennial Event Undergraduate Student Activity Panel Session SIGMAA Activity SIGMAA Activity Social Activity Invited Address Social Event Saturday, August 8 Registration Invited Address Themed Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session General Contributed Paper Session Undergraduate Student Activity MAA MathFest 2015 Exhibit Hall Undergraduate Student Activity Invited Address Invited Address Undergraduate Student Activity Undergraduate Student Activity Other Mathematical Session Panel Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Invited Session Minicourse Minicourse Themed Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Invited Session Themed Contributed Paper Session General Contributed Paper Session Graduate Student Activity Graduate Student Activity Graduate Student Activity Undergraduate Student Activity Other Mathematical Session Panel Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Themed Contributed Paper Session Minicourse Minicourse Social Event Other Mathematical Session Social Event Social Event FAQs References

Tuesday, August 4


3:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Registration 1/2

Wednesday, August 5


7:00 AM – 7:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Registration 1/2

Invited Address

MAA Centennial Lecture 1

Replicators, Transformers, and Robot Swarms: Science Fiction through Geometric Algorithms

8:20 AM – 9:20 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Erik Demaine,Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Invited Address

Earle Raymond Hedrick Lecture Series

Hedrick Lecture 1

9:30 AM – 10:20 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Karen Smith,University of Michigan

Invited Address

MAA Centennial Lecture 2

Network Science: From the Online World to Cancer Genomics

10:30 AM – 11:20 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Jennifer Chayes,Microsoft Research

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#1: The History and Philosophy of MathematicsPart A – History of Mathematics

10:30 AM – 11:55 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 4

Ellipsographs: Drawing Ellipses and the Devices in the Smithsonian Collections

10:30 AM – 10:55 AM
Amy Shell-Gellasch,Montgomery College

Charter Members of the MAA and the Material Culture of American Mathematics

11:00 AM – 11:25 AM
Peggy A. Kidwell, Smithsonian Institution

History of Mathematics in Washington, DC

11:30 AM – 11:55 AM
Florence Fasanelli,MAA

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#1: The History and Philosophy of MathematicsPart B – History of Mathematics

10:30 AM – 11:55 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 5

Eisenhower, the Binomial Theorem, and the $64,000 Question

10:30 AM – 10:55 AM
Cathleen O’Neil,Johnson County Community College

John Horton Conway: Certainly a Piece of History

11:00 AM – 11:25 AM
Siobhan Roberts, Freelance Writer, Math & Science Journalist, Biographer

A Pair of Early MAA Presidents = A Pair of Mathematics Historians: Florian Cajori and David Eugene Smith

11:30 AM – 11:55 AM
Eileen Donoghue, City University of New York/CSI

Other Mathematical Session

Project NExT Lecture

Reducing Stereotype Threat in the Mathematics Classroom

11:00 AM – 11:50 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1

Catherine Good,Baruch College, City University of New York

Invited Address

MAA Chan Stanek Lecture for Students

Seventy-Five Years of MAA Mathematics Competitions

1:00 PM – 1:50 PM,Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Joseph Gallian,University of Minnesota Duluth

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#20: Evidence-­Based Approaches to the Mathematical Preparation of Secondary Teachers

1:00 PM – 1:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 1

Lesson Study: A Capstone Experience to Address the Recommendations of the MET II Document

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Connie Yarema,Abilene Christian University
David Hendricks,Abilene Christian University

Focusing on Mathematical Arguments

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
AnnaMarie Conner,University of Georgia
Laura Singletary,Lee University

Investing the Preparation of Teachers of Mathematics: The Influence of Content Knowledge on Novice Teaching

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Allyson Hallman-Thrasher,Ohio University
Jeff Connor,Ohio University
Derek J. Sturgill,Ohio University

Panel Session

Panel 7. Implementing the 2015 CUPM Curriculum Guide

1:00 PM – 2:20 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Delaware A


What’s the Story? A Graduate Student Workshop on Formulating a Research Presentation for a General Audience

1:00 PM – 2:20 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland C

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#7: Financial Mathematics

1:20 PM – 2:35 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 6

Insurance and Financial Investment Strategy under a Stochastic Process Model

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Wanwan Huang,Roosevelt University

Social Security Benefit: Now or Later?

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Amanda Mummert,Washington & Jefferson College
Katie Linthicum,Washington & Jefferson College
Kadie Clancy,Washington & Jefferson College

An Undergraduate Research Experience in Financial Mathematics

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Jeong-Mi Yoon,UH-Downtown

Actuarial Present Value: Calculations for Two Parametric Models

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Veera Holdai,Salisbury University
Barbara Wainwright,Salisbury University

General Contributed Paper Session

Teaching or Learning Introductory Mathematics Part A

1:00 PM – 2:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland B

Exploring Probability Using The Settlers of Catan

1:00 PM – 1:10 PM
Jathan Austin,Salisbury University
Susanna Molitoris Miller,Kennesaw State University

Estimating the Number of Extraterrestrial Civilizations in a Statistics Class

1:15 PM – 1:25 PM
Alexander G. Atwood,Suffolk County Community College

Elementary Statistics using Facebook

1:30 PM – 1:40 PM
Krishna Kaphle,University of Maine at Fort Kent

Experiences and Experiments in Implementing a Flipped Classroom Design in an Introductory Statistics Course

1:45 PM – 1:55 PM
William J. Heuett,Marymount University

Integrating Worked Examples into a Flipped College Algebra Classroom

2:00 PM – 2:10 PM
Tyrone Washington,Millersville University

Collins Math Magic Number Blocks and the Wobble-Square Method of Multiplication

2:15 PM – 2:25 PM
Dennis G. Collins,UPR-Mayaguez
Glenn H. Collins

Promoting Student Understanding of Properties of Logarithms

2:30 PM – 2:40 PM
Erin R. Moss,Millersville University of Pennsylvania

Applications ofRto Introductory and Intermediate Statistics

2:45 PM – 2:55 PM
Leon Kaganovskiy,Touro College Brooklyn Campus

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#1: The History and Philosophy of MathematicsPart C – History and Philosophy of Mathematics

1:00 PM – 2:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 4

Doing Arithmetic in Medieval Europe

1:00 PM – 1:25 PM
Chuck Lindsey,Florida Gulf Coast University

Imagination and Reading the Third Dimension in Early Modern Geometry

1:30 PM – 1:55 PM
Travis D. Williams,University of Rhode Island

The Arc Rampant in 1673: An Early Episode in the History of Projective Geometry

2:00 PM – 2:25 PM
Christopher Baltus,SUNY Oswego

William Brouncker’s Rectification of the Semi-Cubical Parabola

2:30 PM – 2:55 PM
Andrew Leahy,Knox College

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#21: Show Me Geometry: Geometry Software and Tablet Demonstrations

1:00 PM – 2:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia C

Investigation of Geometric Theorems Using Geometer’s Sketchpad

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Nora Strasser,Friends University

Active Exploration of Desargues’ Theorem and Projective Geometry

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Michael Hvidsten, Gustavus Adolphus College

The Poincaré Disk Model in GeoGebra

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Martha Byrne,Earlham College

GeoGebra and Hyperbolic Geometry

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Violeta Vasilevska, Utah Valley University

Math on a Sphere: an Interactive Programming System for Spherical Geometry

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Michael Eisenberg, University of Colorado
Hilary Peddicord, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Sherry Hsi, Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley

Using A Dynamic Software Program to Develop Geometric Constructions

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Laura Singletary,Lee University


2. The Mathematics of Games and Gambling Part A

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Hampton Room


4. Recruiting Students to Take More Mathematics Courses and to be Mathematics Majors Part A

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Calvert Room

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#16: Curriculum Development to Support First Year General Education Mathematics Students

1:00 PM – 3:35 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 3

Redesigning a Liberal Arts Math Course for Student Performance

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Crystal Lorch,Ball State University
John Lorch,Ball State University

Design and Implementation of a Quantitative Literacy Course at a Large Research Institution

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Vince Melfi,Michigan State University
Dave Bramer,Michigan State University
Jeff Craig,Michigan State University
Richard A. Edwards,Michigan State University
Andrew Krause,Michigan State University
Amanda Lorenz,Michigan State University

Just Enough Algebra — Or How Teaching Interesting, Useful Algebra in Applied Contexts Incorporating Active Learning Led to Higher Student Engagement and Success

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Suzanne I. Dorée,Augsburg College

System-wide Co-requisite Pedagogical Approaches for Learning Support Mathematics Students

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Minsu Kim,University of North Georgia

Eliminating Pre-Foundational and Comprehensively Redesigning First Year General Education Mathematics Courses at Trinity Washington University

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Kent Kraft,Trinity Washington University

Reorganization and Innovation in First Year General Education Mathematics Courses

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Grace E. Cook,Bloomfield College
Michael Schiro,Bloomfield College
Kevin Kline,Bloomfield College

Alternative Pathway for General Education Mathematics Students

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Rachel M. Bates,Redlands Community College

Building Learning Communities for Students and Instructors in Introductory and Intermediate Algebra

3:20 PM – 3:35 PM
Janet Nichols,Colorado State University – Pueblo

General Contributed Paper Session

Algebra and Linear Algebra

1:00 PM – 3:40 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia B

Linear Algebra and Forensics

1:00 PM – 1:10 PM
Donna Beers,Simmons College
Catherine Crawford,Elmhurst College

New Algorithms for Solving a System of Linear Equations

1:15 PM – 1:25 PM
Michael F. Zimmer,Teradata, Inc

New Canonical Forms for Matrices Over a Principal Ideal Domain

1:30 PM – 1:40 PM
Peter M. Joyce,CCBC

On the Structure of Generalized Symmetric Spaces of the Special Linear and General Linear Groups of Degree 2 Over Finite Fields

1:45 PM – 1:55 PM
Jennifer Schaefer,Dickinson College

The Index of a Numerical Semigroup in Four Generators

2:00 PM – 2:10 PM
Bernadette Boyle,Sacred Heart University

The Space of Biorders on Some Solvable Groups

2:30 PM – 2:40 PM
Kelli Karcher,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Polynomials, Discriminants, and Root Counting in Number Fields

2:45 PM – 2:55 PM
Chad Awtrey,Elon University

Can this Polynomial be Factored?

3:15 PM – 3:25 PM
Gary Brookfield,California State University, Los Angeles

Valuation Derived from Graded Ring and Module and Krull Dimension Properties

3:30 PM – 3:40 PM
Mohammad Hassan Anjom Shoa,University of Birjand
Mohammad Hossein Hosseinie,University of Birjand

Invited Session

MAA Invited Paper Session: The Non-Traditional “Traditional NSA Mathematician”

1:00 PM – 3:45 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Delaware B

The Coming of Enigma

1:00 PM – 1:30 PM
David Perry,National Security Agency

Public Key Cryptography: From Abelian Groups to Yellow Padlocks in 30 Minutes Flat

1:45 PM – 2:15 PM
David Fu,National Security Agency

Extending Pairwise Element Similarity to Set Similarity Efficiently

2:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Steve Knox,National Security Agency

Teaching Computers to See

3:15 PM – 3:45 PM
Christine Edwards,National Security Agency

Invited Session

MAA Invited Paper Session: Generations of Monthly Gems

1:00 PM – 3:50 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1

1894 – 1919

1:00 PM – 1:20 PM
Karen Parshall,University of Virginia

1920 – 1939

1:30 PM – 1:50 PM
John Stillwell,University of San Francisco

1940 – 1959

2:00 PM – 2:20 PM
Ron Graham,University of California at San Diego

1960 – 1979

2:30 PM – 2:50 PM
Bob Devaney,Boston University

1980 – 1999

3:00 PM – 3:20 PM
Paul Zorn,St. Olaf College

2000 – 2015

3:30 PM – 3:50 PM
Rebecca Goldin,George Mason University

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#6: Mathematics and Art Part A

1:00 PM – 4:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland A

A Kaleidoscopic Journey

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Jeff Johannes,SUNY Geneseo

Artistic Patterns on Triply Periodic Polyhedra

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Douglas Dunham,University of Minnesota – Duluth

Maps of Strange Worlds: Beyond the Four-Color Theorem

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Susan Goldstine,St. Mary’s College of Maryland

Virtual Bumblebees

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
James P. Howard,University of Maryland University College

Surprises from Iterating Discontinuous Functions

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Brian Heinold,Mount St. Mary’s University

The Many Lessons in Fractals

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Lisa A. Oberbroeckling,Loyola University Maryland

Parametric Equations at the Circus: Trochoids and Poi Flowers

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Eleanor Farrington,Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Modeling the Mathematical: Man Ray, Equational Mimesis, and Kinesthetic Learning

3:20 PM – 3:35 PM
Steve Zides,Wofford College

Pythagoras to Secor: Generalized Keyboards and the Miracle Temperament

3:40 PM – 3:55 PM
Anil Venkatesh,Ferris State University

Mathematics and Poetry: The Sweetest Noise

4:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Randall E. Cone,Salisbury University

Differential Equations in Music, Dance, and the Visual Arts

4:20 PM – 4:35 PM
Lorelei Koss,Dickinson College

Counting with Your Toes!

4:40 PM – 4:55 PM
Julian Chan,Weber State

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#12: Improving Undergraduate Math Writing

1:00 PM – 5:15 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia A

Creating and Assessing Writing Prompts in Calculus and Below

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Garry Johns,Saginaw Valley State University

I Need Some Focus! Helping Calculus Students Navigate Mathematical Writing

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
David Clark,Grand Valley State University

Student Engagement and Learning through Reading and Writing in Differential Equations

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Michael C. Barg,Niagara University

Using Writing in Introductory Statistics to Enhance Understanding

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Tonya Adkins,Johnson & Wales University

Writing with Critical Thinking and Values for Effective Problem Solving

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Jacci White,Saint Leo University
Monika Kiss,Saint Leo University
Brian Camp,Saint Leo University

Definitions as Proof Blueprints

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Andrew Cooper,North Carolina State University

Product and Process: Writing Portfolios and Feedback in Introduction to Proof Techniques

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
May Mei,Denison University

Revised Writing Across the Math Major

3:20 PM – 3:35 PM
Jacqueline Anderson,Bridgewater State University

Typesetting Homework in LaTeX: Best Practices that Support Teaching and Learning in Post-Calculus

3:40 PM – 3:55 PM
James Quinlan,University of New England

Revising for Clarity

4:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Jeffrey Clark,Elon University

Why Induction Is Like Ice Cream: Writing About Analogies in Discrete Mathematics Courses

4:20 PM – 4:35 PM
Joshua Holden,Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Emphasizing Mathematical Writing in On-line Courses

4:40 PM – 4:55 PM
Byungik Kahng,University of North Texas at Dallas

Teaching Mathematical Proof Writing Skills in a General Education Course: Graph Theory Algorithms and Color-Coding

5:00 PM – 5:15 PM
Robin L. Blankenship,Morehead State University

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#10: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Collegiate Mathematics

1:00 PM – 5:35 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 2

Comparing Oral and Traditional Assessments in Math Content Courses for Pre-Service Elementary Teachers

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Daniel Visscher,University of Michigan
Nina White, University of Michigan

Assessing the Effects of Interactive Technology on Concept Retention in Precalculus

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Doug Ensley,Shippensburg University
Lea Adams,Shippensburg University
Barbara Kaskosz,University of Rhode Island

Curing the High DFW Rate in First Year Calculus

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Adam Childers,Roanoke College
Jan Minton,Roanoke College
Hannah Robbins,Roanoke College
Kristin Emrich,Roanoke College
David Taylor, Roanoke College

Increasing Student Success in the Calculus Sequence

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Mary Shepherd, Northwest Missouri State University

Investigating Student Learning Gains from Content Videos in a Flipped Calculus I Course

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
John (Zig) Siegfried, James Madison University
Cassie Williams, James Madison University

Does Calculus Help with Algebra?

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Cory Johnson, California State University, San Bernardino

Introducing Technology to a Vector Calculus Course

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Tyler Kloefkorn, University of Arizona

Engaged Learning Through Writing: A Faculty Development Project

3:20 PM – 3:35 PM
Mary E. Pilgrim,Colorado State University
Sue Doe,Colorado State University
Hilary Freeman, Colorado State University
Kate Kiefer, Colorado State University

From Scratch to Proof: Preliminary Report

3:40 PM – 3:55 PM
Margaret L. Morrow, SUNY Plattsburgh

SoTLE: Assessing the Effectiveness of Moodle Glossaries

4:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Jill E. Thomley, Appalachian State University
Sarah J. Greenwald, Appalachian State University

The Emporium Teaching Model and Its Effect on Students’ Conceptions of Mathematics, Metacognitive Awareness and Course Performance

4:20 PM – 4:35 PM
Yevgeniya Rivers,University of New Haven
Joshua Goss, University of New Haven

Student Beliefs on Math Ability and Sense of Belonging to a Math Community

4:40 PM – 4:55 PM
Frank Hassebrock, Denison University
Lewis Ludwig, Denison University

Assessing the Cognitive Levels of Exam Problems in Mathematics: A Comparison Across Years

5:00 PM – 5:15 PM
Sandra M. Merchant, University of British Columbia
Wesley Maciejewski, University of Auckland

Development of Students’ Bayesian Reasoning Skill

5:20 PM – 5:35 PM
Frank Wang, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#1: The History and Philosophy of MathematicsPart D – History and Philosophy of Mathematics

1:30 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 5

Inspiration for Elementary Mathematics Descriptions from a “Heritage” Reading (in the sense of Grattan-Guinness) of On the Nonexistent by Gorgias

1:30 PM – 1:55 PM
Ann L. von Mehren,Arcadia University and University of Houston

Going to the Source

2:00 PM – 2:25 PM
Thomas Q. Sibley,St. John’s University, College of St. Benedict

Rope Geometry of Ancient India in the Classroom

2:30 PM – 2:55 PM
Cynthia J. Huffman, PittsburgState University
Scott V. Thuong,Pittsburg State University

Getting to the Root of the Problem

3:00 PM – 3:25 PM
Steven J. Tedford,Misericordia University

Reenactment of the Calculus Controversy: Newton vs Leibniz

3:30 PM – 3:55 PM
Abraham Ayebo,North Dakota State University

Other Mathematical Session

Special Panel Session on Science Policy

2:30 PM – 4:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Panel Session

Panel 6. The Updated AP Calculus AB/BC courses: What Does This Mean For You?

2:35 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Delaware A

Other Mathematical Session

MAA Section Officers Meeting

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson A/B/C

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#1: The History and Philosophy of MathematicsPart E – The Mathematics of Euler

3:30 PM – 5:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 4

Euler and Phonetics: The Untold Story of the Mathematics of Language

3:30 PM – 3:55 PM
Dominic Klyve,Central Washington University
Olivia Hirschey,Central Washington University

Leonhard Euler: The Final Decade 1773 to October 1783

4:00 PM – 4:25 PM
Ronald S. Calinger,Catholic University of America

Euler’s Method for Computing the Movement of a Mortar Bomb

4:30 PM – 4:55 PM
William W. Hackborn,University of Alberta

Euler on L’Hôpital’sAnalyse

5:00 PM – 5:25 PM
Robert E. Bradley,Adelphi University

Euler’s OTHER Constant

5:30 PM – 5:55 PM
Jonathan Martin,Purdue University
Andy Martin,Kentucky State University

Poster Session

Highlights from AWM Chapters

3:30 PM – 5:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Marriott Foyer


3. Heavenly Mathematics: The Forgotten Art of Spherical Trigonometry Part A

3:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Hampton Room


7. Teaching Mathematics with Bead Crochet Part A

3:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Calvert Room

Panel Session

Panel 4. A Discussion of the MAA/NCTM Joint Position Statement on Calculus

4:10 PM – 5:30 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Delaware A

Panel Session

Panel 11. Congratulations on Getting Tenure! Now What?

4:10 PM – 5:30 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 6

Undergraduate Student Activity

Radical Dash

4:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1

Social Event

Centennial Reception

5:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Exhibit Hall A

Social Event

Mathematical Carnival at the Centennial Reception

5:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Exhibit Hall A

Social Event

Cirque de Mathematiques

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Thursday, August 6


8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Registration 1/2

General Contributed Paper Session

Mentoring and Outreach

8:15 AM – 11:10 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland B

What’s It Like to Be Editor-in-Chief of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society?

8:15 AM – 8:25 AM
Frank Morgan,Williams College

Upper Elementary Outreach Mobius Bands and Polyhedra

8:30 AM – 8:40 AM
Beth Schaubroeck,United States Air Force Academy

“Energizing” Students

8:45 AM – 8:55 AM
Elizabeth Yanik,Emporia State University

Girls in Science: Over 15 Years of STEM Outreach for Middle School Girls

9:00 AM – 9:10 AM
Susan Kelly,University of Wisconsin – La Crosse

Expanding Your Horizons at James Madison University: Math and Science Outreach to Middle and High School Girls

9:15 AM – 9:25 AM
Elizabeth Arnold,James Madison University
Katie S. Quertermous,James Madison University

Rural STEM Model

9:30 AM – 9:40 AM
Elizabeth Mauch,Bloomsburg University

How to Hook Pre-Service Teachers on Professional Development

9:45 AM – 9:55 AM
Pari Ford,University of Nebraska at Kearney
Amy Nebesniak,University of Nebraska at Kearney

Impact of 2015 National Math Festival on Undergraduate Mathematics Students

10:00 AM – 10:10 AM
Alice E. Petillo,Marymount University
Nicole Ferree,Marymount University

Increasing Diversity in the Classrooms: A Path towards Inclusion in Mathematics

10:15 AM – 10:25 AM
Li-Sheng Tseng,University of California, Irvine
Alessandra Pantano,University of California, Irvine

Native American-based Mathematics Materials for Undergraduate Courses

10:30 AM – 10:40 AM
Charles P. Funkhouser,California State University Fullerton
Miles R. Pfahl,Turtle Mountain Community College
Harriet Edwards,California State University Fullerton

Creating a Meaningful Undergraduate Research Project

10:45 AM – 10:55 AM
Brandon Samples,Georgia College & State University

Supporting the Success of Women Faculty through an NSF ADVANCE Grant: Looking Back, Moving Forward

11:00 AM – 11:10 AM
Jenna Carpenter,Louisiana Tech University
D. P. O’Neal,Louisiana Tech University

Invited Address

MAA Centennial Lecture 3

Mathematics for Art Investigation

8:30 AM – 9:20 AM,Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Ingrid Daubechies,Duke University

Undergraduate Student Activity

MAA Student Paper Session #1

8:30 AM – 10:25 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia A

MAA Student Paper Session #2

8:30 AM – 10:25 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia B

MAA Student Paper Session #3

8:30 AM – 10:25 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia C

MAA Student Paper Session #4

8:30 AM – 10:25 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson A

MAA Student Paper Session #5

8:30 AM – 10:25 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson B

MAA Student Paper Session #6

8:30 AM – 10:25 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson C

Undergraduate Student Activity

PME Student Paper Session #11

8:30 AM – 10:25 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Delaware B

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#1: The History and Philosophy of MathematicsPart F – Special Session in Memory of Jackie Stedall

8:30 AM – 11:25 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 4

Sylvester’s Amphigenous Surface

8:30 AM – 8:55 AM
June Barrow-Green,The Open University

Jackie Stedall and the Mathematics of Thomas Harriot

9:00 AM – 9:25 AM
Janet L. Beery,University of Redlands

The Construction of Map Projections in the Works of Lambert and Euler

9:30 AM – 9:55 AM
Rosanna Cretney,The Open University

Soviet Views of Early (English) Algebra

10:00 AM – 10:25 AM
Christopher Hollings,University of Oxford

Bolzano’s Measurable Numbers: Are They Real?

10:30 AM – 10:55 AM
Steve Russ,University of Warwick
Katerina Trlifajova,Centre for Theoretical Studies, Prague

The BSHM, 1971-2015

11:00 AM – 11:25 AM
Robin J. Wilson,Oxford University, UK

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#11: Cultivating Critical Thinking through Active Learning in Mathematics Part A

8:30 AM – 11:25 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 1

Teaching Elements of Effective Thinking Through Mathematics

8:30 AM – 8:45 AM
Michael Starbird, The University of Texas at Austin

Fostering Critical Thinking in a Liberal Arts Mathematics Course through Graph Theory

8:50 AM – 9:05 AM
Elizabeth S. Wolf, Saint Mary’s College

Creative, Critical and Correct: Achieving Common Objectives in an Introductory Proofs Course

9:10 AM – 9:25 AM
Kayla B. Dwelle, Ouachita Baptist University

Active Learning in Linear Algebra Through Preview and In-class Activities

9:30 AM – 9:45 AM
Feryal Alayont, Grand Valley State University
Steven Schlicker, Grand Valley State University

RAMScholars: Increasing Student Engagement in Learning Calculus Through PBL, Oral Assessments, and Writing

9:50 AM – 10:05 AM
Jessica Gehrtz, Colorado State University
Mary E. Pilgrim, Colorado State University

Beginning an Emerging Scholar’s Program in Calculus II

10:10 AM – 10:25 AM
Jacqueline Jensen-Vallin, Lamar University

Wonders of 11 Stars: Mathematical Cultivations through Paper Folding

10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Duk-Hyung Lee, Asbury University

Teaching Validity and Soundness of Arguments Using the Board Game ‘The Resistance’

10:50 AM – 11:05 AM
Derek Thompson,Taylor University

Puzzles + Games = Mathematical Thinking

11:10 AM – 11:25 AM
Edmund A. Lamagna,
University of Rhode Island

General Contributed Paper Session

Graph Theory

8:30 AM – 10:55 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 3

Social Implications of the Königsberg Bridge Problem

8:30 AM – 8:40 AM
Paul J. Janiczek,Virginia Military Institute

Coprime and Prime Labelings of Graphs

8:45 AM – 8:55 AM
Jonelle Hook,Mount St. Mary’s University

Propagation Time on Directed Graphs

9:00 AM – 9:10 AM
Nathan Warnberg,University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Counting Loops and Paths: The Monoid of a Directed Graph

9:15 AM – 9:25 AM
James Hamblin,Shippensburg University
Lance Bryant,Shippensburg University

The Isoperimetric Constant of a Paley Graph

9:30 AM – 9:40 AM
Anthony Shaheen,CSU Los Angeles

Two Intersection Sets and Paley Graphs

9:45 AM – 9:55 AM
Liz Lane-Harvard,University of Central Oklahoma

Generating Combinatorial Identities via Walk Counting

10:00 AM – 10:10 AM
Nathan Moyer,Whitworth Univesity

Book Thickness of Zero-Divisor Graphs of Commutative Rings

10:15 AM – 10:25 AM
Shannon Overbay,Gonzaga University

DI-Pathological Conjectures and Results

10:45 AM – 10:55 AM
John Asplund,Dalton State College
Joe Chaffee
James Hammer,Ceder Crest College

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#6: Mathematics and Art Part B

8:50 AM – 11:25 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland A

Geometry in Paintings: Where Two Dimensional Becomes Three Dimensional

8:50 AM – 9:05 AM
Blair Lewis, Weber State University

Geometric Islamic Star Patterns of Carved Mamluk Domes

9:10 AM – 9:25 AM
Lynn Bodner,Monmouth University

Geometry in 18th Century Japan: Exploring and Creating Sangaku

9:30 AM – 9:45 AM
David Clark, Randoph-Macon College

Randomness and Structure in Computer-generated Art and Design

9:50 AM – 10:05 AM
Vincent J. Matsko, University of San Francisco

“iFlakes”: Interactive Line Designs for iOS

10:10 AM – 10:25 AM
James E. Mihalisin, JedMDesigns

Ten Years of Student Art in a Math Class

10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Bryan Clair, Saint Louis University

Art of Teaching Mathematics

10:50 AM – 11:05 AM
Radmila Sazdanovic, North Carolina State University
Andrew Cooper, North Carolina State University

Math = Art (or: How to Enhance Threaded Discussions)

11:10 AM – 11:25 AM
Debra M. Kean, DeVry University

MAA MathFest 2015 Exhibit Hall

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Exhibit Hall

Undergraduate Student Activity

Student Hospitality Center

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Exhibit Hall

General Contributed Paper Session

History or Philosophy of Mathematics

9:15 AM – 11:25 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon A, Balcony A

More of 1915: Why is Mathematics Continually Deemed So Essential to Science?

9:15 AM – 9:25 AM
G. Arthur Mihram,Princeton, NJ
Danielle Mihram,University of Southern California

The Derivative Productions of Classical Heat Analyses

9:30 AM – 9:40 AM
Shigeru Masuda,Kyoto University

Romance in Many Dimensions

9:45 AM – 9:55 AM
Tereza Bartlova,Charles University in Prague

An Animation of the Maya Tzolkin Calendar

10:00 AM – 10:10 AM
Megan R. Rehm,Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Cynthia E. Taylor,Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Ximena Catepillan,Millersville University of Pennsylvania

On Mathematical Reasoning and the Decision Problem

10:15 AM – 10:25 AM
Linda Becerra,University of Houston-Downtown
Ron Barnes,University of Houston-Downtown

History of Mathematics – The Illinois Connection

10:45 AM – 10:55 AM
Herbert Kasube,Bradley University

Mathematics, Baseball and Shakespeare: What Do They Have in Common?

11:15 AM – 11:25 AM
Charlie Smith,Park University

General Contributed Paper Session

Teaching or Learning Calculus

9:15 AM – 11:25 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1, Balcony B

Warmup Problems: How to Help Students Learn, Avoid Grading Homework, and Make All Your Dreams Come True

9:15 AM – 9:25 AM
Ryan Higginbottom,Washington & Jefferson College

The New Mathways Project’s STEM Prep Curriculum: Learning Outcomes & Example Lessons

9:30 AM – 9:40 AM
Frank Savina,Charles A Dana Center, University of Texas, Austin
Stuart Boersma,Central Washington University

High Impact Practices at UHD: Calculus I Teaching Circle

9:45 AM – 9:55 AM
Sergiy Koshkin,UH-Downtown
Ronald Barnes,UH-Downtown
Jeong-Mi Yoon,UH-Downtown
Ryan Pepper,UH-Downtown
Plamen Simeonov,UH-Downtown
Timothy Redl,UH-Downtown
Volodymyr Hrynkiv,UH-Downtown
Arati Pati,UH-Downtown

A Surprisingly Simple Integral

10:00 AM – 10:10 AM
Alan Levine, Franklin and Marshall College

Integration By the Wrong Parts

10:15 AM – 10:25 AM
William Kronholm,Whittier College

Integrating Ideas: A Calculus II Project

10:30 AM – 10:40 AM
Jonathan Hulgan,Oxford College of Emory University

Reflections on Using Mastery-Based Testing in a Calculus II Course

10:45 AM – 10:55 AM
Alyssa Armstrong,Wittenberg University

The Effects of Assignment Timing on Student Learning

11:00 AM – 11:10 AM
Emma Smith Zbarsky,Wentworth Institute of Technology

Integrating First-year Physics and Mathematics through Project-based Learning

11:15 AM – 11:25 AM
Randall Crist,Creighton University
Gintaras Duda,Creighton University

Invited Address

AMS-MAA Joint Invited Address

The Arithmetic of the Spheres

9:30 AM – 10:20 AM,Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Jeffrey Lagarias,University of Michigan

Invited Address

MAA Centennial Lecture 4

The Role and Function of Mathematical Models in Interdisciplinary Mentorship through Research: Lessons from the World of Epidemics

10:30 AM – 11:20 AM,Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Carlos Castillo-Chavez,Arizona State University

Other Mathematical Session

MAA Prize Session

11:30 AM – 12:15 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Undergraduate Student Activity

Secrets of Mental Math

Arthur Benjamin,Harvey Mudd College

1:00 PM – 1:50 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Panel Session

Panel 2. Applying for and Obtaining Grants

1:00 PM – 2:20 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1


USE Math: Undergraduate Sustainability Experiences in the Mathematics Classroom

1:00 PM – 2:20 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland C

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#1: The History and Philosophy of Mathematics Part G – History and Philosophy of Mathematics

1:00 PM – 2:25 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 4

Robert Patterson: American ‘Revolutionary’ Mathematician

1:00 PM – 1:25 PM
Richard DeCesare,Southern Connecticut State University

Lisbon: Mathematics, Engineering and Planning in the Eighteenth Century

1:30 PM – 1:55 PM
Maria Zack,Point Loma Nazarene University

Vera on the Foundations of Mathematics

2:00 PM – 2:25 PM
Alejandro R. Garciadiego,UNAM

TCPS#1: The History and Philosophy of Mathematics Part H – History and Philosophy of Mathematics

1:00 PM – 2:25 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 5

Yoshikatsu Sugiura: A Good Japanese Friend of Paul Dirac

1:00 PM – 1:25 PM
Michiyo Nakane,Nihon University Research Institute of Science and Technology

Ramanujan, Robin, Highly Composite Numbers, and the Riemann Hypothesis

1:30 PM – 1:55 PM
Jonathan Sondow,Independent Scholar
Jean-Louis Nicolas,University of Lyon, France

A Visit to the Vatican Library

2:00 PM – 2:25 PM
Matthew Haines,Augsburg College


1. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Mathematics Part A

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Hampton Room


6. Creating Flipped Learning Experiences in the College Mathematics Classroom Part A

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Calvert Room

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#13: Successful STEM Programs for Elementary Education Majors

1:00 PM – 3:15 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 2

Lecturing Left on the Cutting Room Floor: A Video Project for Pre-service Teachers

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Matthew D. Zawodniak,University of Georgia

Examining the Features and Outcomes of a STEM-Focused Elementary Teacher Preparation Program

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Temple A. Walkowiak,North Carolina State University
Valerie N. Faulkner,North Carolina State University
Paola Sztajn,North Carolina State University

Calculus for Pre-Service Elementary Teachers

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Alina N. Duca,North Carolina State University
Karen Keene,North Carolina State University

Graduate Certificate in STEM Education

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Cynthia Orona,University of Arkansas

An Overview of a Successful Mathematics Minor in Elementary Math Teaching at PUC

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Diana Underwood,Purdue University Calumet
Catherine Murphy,Purdue University Calumet

The Pennsylvania Math Initiative: The First Three Years

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Andrew Baxter,Penn State University, University Park
Fran Arbaugh,Penn State University, University Park
George Andrews,Penn State University, University Park

Reflections on Twenty Years of Wheelock College’s Math/Science Majors for Prospective Elementary Teachers

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Debra K. Borkovitz, Wheelock College

Invited Session

AMS-MAA Invited Paper Session: The Arithmetic of the Spheres

1:00 PM – 3:50 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Delaware A

The Apollonian Structure of Imaginary Quadratic Fields

1:00 PM – 1:20 PM
Katherine Stange,University of Colorado Boulder

Circles in the Sand

1:30 PM – 1:50 PM
Lionel Levine,Cornell University

Pythagoras Meets Euclid: A Euclidean Algorithm for Pythagorean Triples

2:00 PM – 2:20 PM
Dan Romik,University of California Davis

Dynamics of Apollonian Circle Packings

2:30 PM – 2:50 PM
Elena Fuchs,University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Variations on Apollonian Circle Packing Rules

3:00 PM – 3:20 PM
Steve Butler,Iowa State University

Geometry and Number Theory of Integral Sphere Packings

3:30 PM – 3:50 PM
Kei Nakamura,University of California Davis

Invited Session

MAA Invited Paper Session: Improving Access to Mathematical Modeling Research

1:00 PM – 4:20 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Delaware B

Global Disease Monitoring and Forecasting with Wikipedia

1:00 PM – 1:25 PM
Sara Del Valle,Los Alamos National Laboratory

Engaging students in applied mathematics via experiential learning through research

1:30 PM – 1:55 PM
Sherry Towers,Arizona State University

Overcoming Epistemic Obstacles to Teaching Mathematical Modeling in Calculus

2:00 PM – 2:25 PM
Patrick Thompson,Arizona State University

Mathematical Modeling Experiences in Secondary Schools

2:30 PM – 2:55 PM
Kathleen R. Fowler,Clarkson University

Mathematics Education Commentary: At the Interface Between Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education

3:00 PM – 3:25 PM
Carlos Castillo-Garsow,Eastern Washington University

Applied Mathematics Commentary: Math at Top Speed: The Role of Mathematical Modeling in Science and in My Personal Life

3:30 PM – 4:20 PM
Richard Tapia,Rice University

General Contributed Paper Session


1:00 PM – 4:40 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1, Balcony B

Exploring Mathematical Ideas through Origami

1:00 PM – 1:10 PM
Arsalan Wares,Valdosta State University

The Right Pascal’s Triangle

1:15 PM – 1:25 PM
Yaping Liu,Pittsburg State University

Generalizing the Law of Cosines

1:30 PM – 1:40 PM
Lee N. Collins,County College of Morris
Tom Osler,Rowan University

Perfect Heptagons and 13-Sided Triskaidecagons

1:45 PM – 1:55 PM
Genghmun Eng

How to Add Guards to an Art Gallery

2:00 PM – 2:10 PM
T. S. Michael,United States Naval Academy
Val Pinciu,United States Naval Academy

New Perspectives on Polygonal Area

2:15 PM – 2:25 PM
Owen D. Byer,Eastern Mennonite University

Area Bounds of Covers of Unit Arcs

2:30 PM – 2:40 PM
Libin Mou,Bradley University

What Isn’t an Ellipse?

2:45 PM – 2:55 PM
Alex Meadows,St. Mary’s College of Maryland
Casey Douglas,St. Mary’s College of Maryland

The Bounding Problem for Infra-Solvmanifolds

3:00 PM – 3:10 PM
Scott V. Thuong,Pittsburg State University

Nested Sequences of Triangles in Non-Euclidean Spaces

3:15 PM – 3:25 PM
Andrew Lazowski,Sacred Heart University

Excursions in Combinatorial Taxicab Geometry

3:30 PM – 3:40 PM
John Best,Summit University of Pennsylvania

Inequalities in Spherical Geometry: Ancient and Modern

3:45 PM – 3:55 PM
Marshall Whittlesey,California State University San Marcos

Angle-of-Parallelism Spectra in Non-hom*ogeneous Geometries

4:00 PM – 4:10 PM
J. Mealy,Austin College
Malin Pappas,Austin College

A New Theorem Concerning Isopivotal Cubics, Could it be the ‘Swiss Army Knife’ of Geometry?

4:15 PM – 4:25 PM
Ivan Zelich,Anglican Church Grammar School

Plane Geometry Construction of Gravity Field Mechanical Energy Curves

4:30 PM – 4:40 PM
Alexander L. Garron,Sand Box Geometry LLC

General Contributed Paper Session

Teaching or Learning Introductory Mathematics Part B

1:00 PM – 4:40 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland B

“Reverse Engineering” to Strengthen Critical Thinking for Pre-Service Teachers

1:00 PM – 1:10 PM
J. Lyn Miller,Slippery Rock University

An Algebra Course for Pre-Service Middle Level Teachers

1:15 PM – 1:25 PM
Dorothee J. Blum,Millersville University

Designing a General Education Mathematics Course in Linear Algebra

1:30 PM – 1:40 PM
David Hecker,St. Joseph’s University
Stephen Andrilli,La Salle University

Fractals, Linear Algebra, Python, and Sage: A Linear Algebra Course for Computer Science Majors

1:45 PM – 1:55 PM
Vincent J. Matsko,University of San Francisco

Project-Based Learning in First Year General Education Mathematics Courses

2:00 PM – 2:10 PM
Zeynep Teymuroglu,Rollins College

Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair: Filling in the Gaps in Online Homework

2:15 PM – 2:25 PM
Sara Malec,Hood College

Reflection Paper, Poster, and Presentation: A Unique Final Examination Experience for a Liberal Arts Mathematics Course

2:30 PM – 2:40 PM
Sarah L. Mabrouk,Framingham State University

Math and Civil Rights: An Interdisciplinary Reading Course

2:45 PM – 2:55 PM
Rachel Weir,Allegheny College

Teaching Strategies for Summer Math Courses

3:00 PM – 3:10 PM
Jeremiah Bartz,Francis Marion University

A Collaborative Partnership to Teach Mathematical Reasoning Using Computer Programming (CPR2)

3:15 PM – 3:25 PM
Cynthia L. Stenger,University of North Alabama
James A. Jerkins,University of North Alabama

Critical Thinking and Mathematical Habits of Mind

3:30 PM – 3:40 PM
Marshall Gordon,Park School of Baltimore

Developing Mathematical Authenticity, Maturity, and Aesthetic Experience in Pre-Calculus and Earlier Learners

3:45 PM – 3:55 PM
Deborah W. Devlin,Frostburg State University
G. Gerard Wojnar,Frostburg State University

Pedagogical Strategies for Quantitative Reasoning, Literacy, and Writing for Non-Science Majors

4:00 PM – 4:10 PM
Mike LeVan,Transylvania University

Experiencing a ‘GREAT’ Project in a Liberal Arts Mathematics Course

4:15 PM – 4:25 PM
Mary B. Walkins,The Community College of Baltimore County

Teaching Focused at a Research University: Temple University Mathematics

4:30 PM – 4:40 PM
Ellen Panofsky,Temple University
Maria Lorenz,Temple University

General Contributed Paper Session

Applied Mathematics

1:00 PM – 4:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 3

A New Directed Interval Arithmetic

1:00 PM – 1:10 PM
Sijie Liu,University of Alabama

An Alternative Way of Calculating Area of Closed Regions in Parabolas

1:15 PM – 1:25 PM
Yavuz Sidal,Işıklar Air Force High School

Iteratively Regularized Gauss-Newton Method for Applied Inverse Problems

1:30 PM – 1:40 PM
Leslie Meadows,GSU – Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics

On the Equilibrium Configurations of Flexible Fibers in a Flow

1:45 PM – 1:55 PM
Bogdan Nita,Montclair State University

Master Stability Functions for Synchronized Identical Systems with Linear Delay-Coupling

2:00 PM – 2:10 PM
Stanley R. Huddy,Fairleigh Dickinson University

A Seventh Order Block Integrator for Solving Stiff Systems

2:30 PM – 2:40 PM
Blessing I. Akinnukawe,University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
Solomon A. Okunuga,University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria

Mathematical Modeling of Continuous and Intermittent Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Advanced Prostate Cancer

2:45 PM – 2:55 PM
Alacia M. Voth,Sam Houston State University
John G. Alford,Sam Houston State University
Edward W. Swim,Sam Houston State University

Development and Implementation of a Pharmaco*kinetic Model as the Target Equation for a PID Control System

3:00 PM – 3:10 PM
George W. Carpenter,Louisiana Tech University
E. A. Sherer,Louisiana Tech University
D. P. O’Neal,Louisiana Tech University
I. B. Magana,Louisiana Tech University
P. Adhikari,Louisiana Tech University
Holly Grigsby,Louisiana Tech University
Katie Evans,Louisiana Tech University

A Numerical Solution to Boundary Value Problems and Volterra Integrals

3:15 PM – 3:25 PM
Hamid Semiyari,James Madison University

Identification Problem for Klein-Gordon Equation

3:30 PM – 3:40 PM
Qinghua Luo,Marian University

Reduced Basis Method for Solving the Hyperspectral Diffuse Optical Tomography Model

3:45 PM – 3:55 PM
Rachel Grotheer,Clemson University
Thilo Strauss,Clemson University
Taufiquar Khan,Clemson University

Where Is the Hypergeometric Distribution Used (Besides Card Games)?

4:00 PM – 4:10 PM
Luis F. Moreno,SUNY Broome Community College

Temporal Network Dynamics

4:15 PM – 4:25 PM
Haley A. Yaple,Carthage College

A New Way to Measure Competitive Balance Across Sports Leagues

4:30 PM – 4:40 PM
Jake Lehman,Cornell College
Brian Cristion,Cornell College
Jordan Wolfe,Cornell College
Tyler Skorczewski,Cornell College

Counting Mutations and Anti-Chains in Binary Trees and Motzkin Trees

4:45 PM – 4:55 PM
Lifoma Salaam,Howard University

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#11: Cultivating Critical Thinking through Active Learning in Mathematics Part B

1:00 PM – 5:15 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 1

Using Projects to Enrich and Expand in the Classroom

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Meghan De Witt, St Thomas Aquinas College

Using Learning Logs to Cultivate Critical Thinking Skills

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Roger Wolbert,University at Buffalo

Linked Math and English in an Active Learning Classroom

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Victor Piercey,Ferris State University

Active Learning through Formative Assessments

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Maggie McHugh, La Crosse School District
Jennifer Kosiak, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Making Problem ~Asking the Students to Make Up Problem~

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Noriko Tanaka, Toyota-nishi High School (Japan)

Teaching with Your Mouth Shut – Inquiry Based Learning in Upper Level Mathematics Courses

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Shay Fuchs,University of Toronto Mississauga

Student Centered Learning of Number Theory for Reluctant Mathematics Majors

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Daniel R. Shifflet, Clarion University of Pennsylvania

Putting the “Real” Back in Real Analysis

3:20 PM – 3:35 PM
Justin Wright, Plymouth State University

Discussing Mathematical Creativity at the Undergraduate Level

3:40 PM – 3:55 PM
Houssein El Turkey, University of New Haven
Gulden Karakok, University of Northern Colorado
Milos Savic, University of Oklahoma
Gail Tang, University of La Verne
Emilie Naccarato, University of Northern Colorado

Mathematics Applied Through Programming, Modeling, and Games

4:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Leslie Jones, University of Tampa
Britney Hopkins, University of Central Oklahoma

Blended Delivery and Asynchronous Active-Learning Strategies in Developmental Math: a Case Study

4:20 PM – 4:35 PM
Filippo Posta, Grand Canyon University

Achieving a Successful Active Learning Environment in an Online Math/Stat Undergraduate Course

4:40 PM – 4:55 PM
Christy S. Langley, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Julie Roy, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Synchronous Active Learning in Online and Hybrid Environments

5:00 PM – 5:15 PM
Carolyn Johns,The Ohio State University

Graduate Student Activity

Graduate Student Q&A

2:00 PM – 3:30 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Park Tower 8224

Undergraduate Student Activity

MAA Student Paper Session #7

2:00 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia A

MAA Student Paper Session #8

2:00 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia B

MAA Student Paper Session #9

2:00 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia C

MAA Student Paper Session #10

2:00 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson A

Undergraduate Student Activity

PME Student Paper Session #1

2:00 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson B

PME Student Paper Session #2

2:00 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson C

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#1: The History and Philosophy of Mathematics Part J – History and Philosophy of Mathematics

2:30 PM – 4:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 4

Mathematical Structuralism and Mathematical Applicability

2:30 PM – 2:55 PM
Elaine Landry,University of California, Davis

Designing Mathematics: the Role of Axioms

3:00 PM – 3:25 PM
Jean-Pierre Marquis,Université de Montréal

Does the Indispensability Argument Leave Open the Question of the Causal Nature of Mathematical Entities?

3:30 PM – 3:55 PM
Alexandru Manafu,IHPST Paris

How Does the Mind Construct/Discover Mathematical Propositions?

4:00 PM – 4:25 PM
Carl Behrens,Alexandria, VA

What is an Adequate Epistemology for Mathematics?

4:30 PM – 4:55 PM
Jeff Buechner,Rutgers University-Newark

Panel Session

Panel 8. What Mathematics Do Engineering Students Need to Know in the First Two Years? (And What if it Doesn’t Start with Calculus?)

2:35 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1

Special MAA Centennial Event

Presidential Reminiscences

3:00 PM – 4:45 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Poster Session

Classroom Activities and Projects within the Context of Environmental Sustainability

3:30 PM – 5:00 PM, Marriot Wardman Park, Exhibit Hall A


5. Using Videos of Students Developing Proofs to Guide Teaching and Learning Part A

3:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Calvert Room


8. Getting Started in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Part A

3:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Hampton Room

Undergraduate Student Activity

Mathematical Art for Radical Dashers

3:45 PM – 4:45 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 2

Undergraduate Student Activity

MAA Student Paper Session #11

4:00 PM – 6:15 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia A

MAA Student Paper Session #12

4:00 PM – 6:15 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia B

MAA Student Paper Session #13

4:00 PM – 6:15 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia C

Undergraduate Student Activity

PME Student Paper Session #3

4:00 PM – 6:15 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson B

PME Student Paper Session #4

4:00 PM – 6:15 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson C

Panel Session

Panel 12. Finding Your New Niche: Staying Fresh

4:10 PM – 5:30 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 6

SIGMAA Activity

POM SIGMAA Guest Lecture

What are mathematical objects, and who cares?

5:00 PM – 5:50 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 4

Other Mathematical Session

The Man Who Knew Infinity: Sneak Peek and Expert Panel

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Ken Ono,Emory University

Social Event

Graduate Student Reception

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Marriot Wardman Park,Chef’s Table atStone’s Throw

Social Event

Mathematicians by Day, Musicians by Night

8:00 PM – 9:30 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Friday, August 7


8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Registration 1/2

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#1: The History and Philosophy of Mathematics Part K – Special Session on Mathematical Communities

8:00 AM – 10:25 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 4

A Partial History of Math Circles

8:00 AM – 8:25 AM
Diana White,University of Colorado Denver
Brandy Wiegers,University of Central Washington

An American Postulate Theorist: Edward V. Huntington

8:30 AM – 8:55 AM
Janet H. Barnett,Colorado State University – Pueblo

Combatting the “Legion of Half-Wits”: the Contentious Mathematicians of the Paris Academy of Sciences

9:00 AM – 9:25 AM
Lawrence D’Antonio,Ramapo College

The Mathematics in ‘Mathematical Instruments’: The Case of the Royal Geographical Society, London, in the Mid to Late Nineteenth Century

9:30 AM – 9:55 AM
Jane Wess,Edinburgh University/Royal Geographical Society-IBG

Did American Professors Form a Mathematical Community in the Early 19th Century?

10:00 AM – 10:25 AM
Amy Ackerberg-Hastings,University of Maryland University College

Invited Address

AWM-MAA Etta Z. Falconer Lecture

“A Multiplicity All At Once”: Mathematics for Everyone, Everywhere

8:30 AM – 9:20 AM,Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Erica Walker,Columbia University

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#3: Math Circle Problems in Honor of the MAA’s 100th Anniversary

8:30 AM – 11:05 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 6

Coordinating a State-Wide Math Contest

8:30 AM – 8:45 AM
Abraham S. Mantell,Nassau Community College

Abbot and Costello Numbers

8:50 AM – 9:05 AM
Mary Garner,Gateway Community Math Center
Virginia Watson,Gateway Community Math Center

Exploring the 100 (and 1) Spaces of Prime Climb in a Math Teachers’ Circle

9:10 AM – 9:25 AM
Jialing Dai,University of the Pacific
Christopher Goff,University of the Pacific
Sara Malec,Hood College
Dennis Parker,University of the Pacific

Growing Math Circles for the Next 100 Years

9:30 AM – 9:45 AM
Brandy Wiegers,Central Washington University/National Association of Math Circles
Diana White,University of Colorado, Denver/National Association of Math Circles

100 Problems Involving the Number 100

9:50 AM – 10:05 AM
James Tanton,MAA

The Cell Phone Dropping Problem

10:10 AM – 10:25 AM
Japheth Wood,Bard College
Philip B. Yasskin,Texas A&M University

From 100s in a Number to 100 Squares on a 10×10 Checker Board (Or Are There More?)

10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Victoria Kofman,Quality Engineering Education, Inc.

Spinout, The Brain, Gray Code, and 100

10:50 AM – 11:05 AM
George McNulty,University of South Carolina
Nieves McNulty,Columbia College
Douglas B. Meade,University of South Carolina

General Contributed Paper Session

Analysis and Other

8:30 AM – 11:10 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1, Balcony B

Green’s Functions for Right Focal Boundary Value Problems in Nabla Fractional Calculus

8:30 AM – 8:40 AM
Julia St. Goar,University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Periodic Behavior of Nonlinear 2nd Order Discrete Dynamical Systems

8:45 AM – 8:55 AM
Dan Maroncelli,Concordia University St. Paul
Jesus Rodriguez,North Carolina State University

The Existence of Positive Solutions to an Even Order Differential Equation with Right Focal Boundary Conditions

9:00 AM – 9:10 AM
Britney Hopkins,University of Central Oklahoma
Kristi Karber,University of Central Oklahoma

Algebra, Analysis, and Geometry in the Solution of the Basel Problem

9:15 AM – 9:25 AM
C. L. Frenzen,Naval Postgraduate School

Elementary Approach to End Compactifications

9:30 AM – 9:40 AM
Malgorzata A. Marciniak,CUNY

Composition of Formal Laurent Series

9:45 AM – 9:55 AM
Xiao-Xiong Gan,Morgan State University

An Example for Green’s Theorem with Discontinuous Partial Derivatives

10:00 AM – 10:10 AM
Adam Coffman,Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne
Yuan Zhang,Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne

Equivalence of Some Picard-type Iterations for a General Class of Operators in Normed Linear Spaces

10:15 AM – 10:25 AM
Hudson Akewe,University of Lagos

Operator Diagonalizations of Multiplier Sequences

10:30 AM – 10:40 AM
Robert Bates,University of Hawaii at Manoa

Non-Linear Operators Satisfying Orthogonality Properties

10:45 AM – 10:55 AM
William Feldman,University of Arkansas

A Survey of Best Monotone Theorems in Graph Theory

11:00 AM – 11:10 AM
Douglas Bauer,Stevens Institute of Technology
Hajo J. Broersma,University of Twente
Nathan Kahl,Seton Hall University
Aori Nevo,Stevens Institute of Technology
Edward Schmeichel,San Jose State University
Douglas R. Woodall,University of Nottingham
Michael Yatauro,Penn State Brandywine

Undergraduate Student Activity

MAA Student Paper Session #15

8:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia A

MAA Student Paper Session #16

8:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia B

MAA Student Paper Session #17

8:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia C

MAA Student Paper Session #18

8:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson A

Undergraduate Student Activity

PME Student Paper Session #5

8:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson B

PME Student Paper Session #6

8:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson C

PME Student Paper Session #12

8:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Delaware B

Invited Session

MAA Invited Paper Session: Algebraic Structures Motivated by Knot Theory

9:00 AM – 11:20 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Delaware A

Knots and Knot Theory

9:00 AM – 9:40 AM
Lou Kauffman,University of Illinois at Chicago

Knot Coloring: A Diagrammatic Approach to Algebraic Invariants

9:50 AM – 10:30 AM
Heather Russell,Washington College

Topological Symmetries of Molecules

10:40 AM – 11:20 AM
Erica Flapan,Pomona College

MAA MathFest 2015 Exhibit Hall

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Exhibit Hall

Undergraduate Student Activity

Student Hospitality Center

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Exhibit Hall

General Contributed Paper Session

Probability or Statistics

9:15 AM – 11:25 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland B

An Exploration into Grouped Current Status Data

9:15 AM – 9:25 AM
Lucia C. Petito,UC Berkeley
Nicholas P. Jewell,UC Berkeley

Using the Mathematical Sciences to Protect Data

9:30 AM – 9:40 AM
Paul Massell,U.S. Census Bureau

Stability – A New Way to Compare Statistical Measures: Theory and Applications for Assessing Learner Achievement and Teaching Effectiveness

9:45 AM – 9:55 AM
David DiMarco,Neumann University
Ryan Savitz,Neumann University
Fred Savitz,Neumann University

Lefty-Righty Experiment: A Group Project for An Individual Grade

10:00 AM – 10:10 AM
Tuyetdong Phan-Yamada,Glendale Community College
Walter M. Yamada, III,Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

Statistics and Japan: Bringing Themes into Elementary Statistics Courses

10:15 AM – 10:25 AM
Pat Kiihne,Illinois College

Analyzing Distributions by Visualization in a Probability and Statistics Class

10:30 AM – 10:40 AM
Jason Molitierno,Sacred Heart University

Inverting an Introductory Statistics Course

10:45 AM – 10:55 AM
Gertrud L. Kraut,Southern Virginia University

Probability and Possibilities: A Promising Pedagogy

11:00 AM – 11:10 AM
Deborah J. Gougeon,University of Scranton

General Contributed Paper Session

Teaching or Learning Developmental Mathematics and Assessment

9:15 AM – 11:25 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1, Balcony A

Conceptual Learning in Mathematics Upper Secondary Education: The International Baccalaureate

9:15 AM – 9:25 AM
Neil Hendry,International Baccalaureate

Developmental Mathematics Remediation through an Online Summer Bridge Program

9:30 AM – 9:40 AM
James Sobota,University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Jennifer Kosiak,University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Maggie McHugh,La Crosse School District
Robert Hoar,University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Robert Allen,University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

For Developmental Students, a Different Way of Working with Fractions, Solving Linear Equations, Obtaining the Equation of a Straight Line and Rigorously Defining Real Numbers

9:45 AM – 9:55 AM
Maria T. Alzugaray,Suffolk County Community College

What Should be the Content of a Developmental Algebra Class?

10:15 AM – 10:25 AM
Carlos Nicolas,Ferrum College

A Critical Reflection on the Development and Promotion of Constructivist-Learning Environment in Mathematics at the Intermediate Phase in South Africa

10:30 AM – 10:40 AM
Lateef N. Najeem,University of South Africa

One Student’s Journey on the Road to Sense-Making in Algebra

10:45 AM – 10:55 AM
Janet St. Clair,Alabama State University

The University of Illinois Math Placement Program: A Retrospection on 8 Years and 75,000+ Students

11:00 AM – 11:10 AM
Alison Reddy,Univeristy of Illinois

An Assessment of Student-Centered Learning Across Multi-Sections of ‘Large’ College Algebra Classrooms: An On-Going Study

11:15 AM – 11:25 AM
Perry Y.C. Lee,Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Padraig McLoughlin,Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Invited Address

Earl Raymond Hedrick Lecture Series

Hedrick Lecture 2

9:30 AM – 10:20 AM,Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Karen Smith,University of Michigan

Graduate Student Activity

Graduate Student Q&A

9:30 AM – 11:00 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Park Tower 8224

Invited Address

MAA Centennial Lecture 5

CSHPM Kenneth O. May Lecture

“We Are Evidently on the Verge of Important Steps Forward”: The American Mathematical Community, 1915-1950

10:30 AM – 11:20 AM,Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Karen Parshall,University of Virginia

Invited Address

NAM David Harold Blackwell Lecture

Mathematics, Mathematicians, Mathematics Education and Equity: Challenges and Opportunities

1:00 PM – 1:50 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Terrence Blackman,The University of Denver

Panel Session

Panel 1. A Common Vision for the Undergraduate Mathematics Program in 2025

1:00 PM – 2:20 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1


Beauty of Three Dimensional Polyhedra Workshop (in Celebration of the MAA’s Centennial)

1:00 PM – 2:20 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland C

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#17: Curriculum and Course Development to Support First Year STEM Students

1:00 PM – 2:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 3

Supporting Students in Health Sciences

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Magdalena Luca,MCPHS University

A Watershed Year in STEM Education at Sonoma State University

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Martha Shott,Sonoma State University

FastTrack: A Collaborative Effort to Support STEM Students

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Jennifer Kosiak,University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
James Sobota,University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Robert Hoar,University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Maggie McHugh,La Crosse School District

Summer Curriculum for Selected Incoming Freshmen and Transfer STEM Students

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Amanda L. Hattaway,Wentworth Institute of Technology
Kathleen Grace Kennedy,Wentworth Institute of Technology
Emma Smith Zbarsky,Wentworth Institute of Technology

Implementing Learning Labs as Instructional Support for Freshman Calculus

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
K. Grace Kennedy,Wentworth Institute of Technology
Emma Smith Zbarsky,Wentworth Institute of Technology
Amanda Hattaway,Wentworth Institute of Technology
Joan Giblin,Wentworth Institute of Technology

Thinking On Your Feet Does No Harm

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Paul N. Runnion,Missouri S&T


2. The Mathematics of Games and Gambling Part B

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Hampton Room


4. Recruiting Students to Take More Mathematics Courses and to be Mathematics Majors Part B

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Calvert Room

General Contributed Paper Session

Teaching or Learning Advanced Mathematics

1:00 PM – 3:10, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1, Balcony B

Teaching Quantifiers via Map Coloring

1:00 PM – 1:10 PM
John McSweeney,Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Teaching Linear Independence with Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL)

1:15 PM – 1:25 PM
Kseniya Fuhrman,Milwaukee School of Engineering
Cynthia Farthing,University of Iowa

Four Stages in Teaching Linear Algebra: From Diagnosis, Connection, Deepening to Application

1:30 PM – 1:40 PM
Wen-Haw Chen,Department of Applied Mathematics, Tunghai University

Visualizing the Actions of Abelian Groups

1:45 PM – 1:55 PM
Jennifer F. Vasquez,The University of Scranton

Exterior Algebra in the Undergraduate Curriculum

2:15 PM – 2:25 PM
Boyd Coan,Norfolk State University

Writing Projects in Combinatorics and Graph Theory

2:30 PM – 2:40 PM
Mahmud Akelbek,Weber State University

Empowering Undergraduate Students through Project-Oriented Independent Studies

2:45 PM – 2:55 PM
Zhewei Dai,Alma College

Rekindling Critical Thinking: Heeding Major Errors in Typical “Transition to Proof” Textbooks

3:00 PM – 3:10 PM
Raymond T. Boute,Ghent University

Invited Session

MAA Invited Paper Session: Concrete Computations in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry

1:00 PM – 3:20 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Delaware B

Continued Fractions Can Resolve Singularities?!

1:00 PM – 1:20 PM
Robert Walker,University of Michigan

The Search for Indecomposable Modules

1:30 PM – 1:50 PM
Courtney Gibbons,Hamilton College

The Importance of


2:00 PM – 2:20 PM
Mike Janssen,Dordt College

Pictures of Syzygies

2:30 PM – 2:50 PM
Timothy Clark,Loyola University

When Do 10 Points Lie on a Cubic Curve?

3:00 PM – 3:20 PM
Will Traves,US Naval Academy

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#19: Innovative Approaches in the Calculus Sequence Part A

1:00 PM – 3:35 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 6

Calculus for Life Sciences: A Two-Semester Calculus Sequence for Biology and Health Science Majors

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Anthony DeLegge,Benedictine University

Resequencing Calculus I & II

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Charlotte Knotts-Zides,Wofford College

Rethinking the Sequence of the Content of Calculus I for Deeper Conceptual Understanding

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Jose A. Jimenez,Penn State Hazleton

Multivariable Calculus Reordered and Rethought

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Robert Sachs,George Mason University

An Innovative, Three-Dimensional Approach to Multivariable Calculus Instruction

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Jason Samuels,City University of New York
Aaron Wangberg,Winona State University
Brian Fisher,Lubbock Christian University

Exploring Multivariable Calculus Concepts in Context through Physical Surfaces

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Dale Buske,St. Cloud State University

Inquiry Based Instructional Supplement (IBIS) for Calculus Sequence

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Karmen T. Yu,Montclair State University
Justin Seventko,Montclair State University
Trina Wooten,Montclair State University

An Instructor’s Perspective of Flipping Calculus: The Pros and Cons

3:20 PM – 3:35 PM
Caleb Adams,Radford University

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#2: The Contributions of Women to Mathematics: 100 Years and Counting Part A

1:00 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 2

One of the Most Significant Woman in Matrix Theory – Olga Taussky-Todd

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Sandra Fital-Akelbek,Weber State University

Pie Charts, Pearson, and the Prussian Army: Celebrating Florence Nightingale and FN David

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Samuel Luke Tunstall,Appalachian State University

American Women Mathematics PhDs of the 1940s and 1950s

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Margaret Murray,University of Iowa

African American Women Mathematicians

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Darlene Butler,Arkansas State University-Beebe

Making Her Mark on a Century of Turmoil and Triumph: A Tribute to Polish and Polish-American Women in Mathematics

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Emelie Kenney,Siena College

A Well-Kept Secret: Women in Mathematics Education

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Jacqueline Dewar,Loyola Marymount University

Interesting Women in the Missouri MAA Section

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Leon Hall,Missouri S&T

Life and Research of Vasanti Bhat-Nayak

3:20 PM – 3:35 PM
Pallavi Jayawant,Bates College

General Contributed Paper Session

Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics and Modeling or Applications

1:00 PM – 4:25 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland B

Experiences Teaching an Honors Seminar on Sports Analytics

1:00 PM – 1:10 PM
Russell E. Goodman,Central College

Tapestries In the Teaching Of Mathematics

1:15 PM – 1:25 PM
Hari N. Upadhyaya,Scholars Home Academy

The Importance of “Navigating Ambiguity through Context” for Students in Quantitative Sciences

1:30 PM – 1:40 PM
Aminul Huq,University of Minnesota Rochester
Marcia D. Nichols,University of Minnesota Rochester
Bijaya Aryal,University of Minnesota Rochester

Unique Algebraic Structure to Connect Nanoscale Instance from Mesoscale Material Behavior

1:45 PM – 1:55 PM
Vikash Mishra,University of Arkansas
Craig Mclean,University of Arkansas

Counting Melodies with Fibonacci Polynomials

2:00 PM – 2:10 PM
Kurt Ludwick,Salisbury University

Roots of Polynomials with Generalized Fibonacci Coefficients

2:15 PM – 2:25 PM
Ron Taylor,Berry College
Eric McDowell,Berry College
Jill Cochran,Berry College

The Use of Mathematics in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior

2:30 PM – 2:40 PM
Pablo Duran,The University of Texas at Austin

A Model for Soil-Plant-Surface Water Relationships in Arid Flat Environments

2:45 PM – 2:55 PM
Bonni Dichone,Gonzaga University
David Wollkind,Washington State University
Richard Cangelosi,Gonzaga University

Pattern Formation in the Developing Visual Cortex – The Joint Development of CO Blobs and Ocular Dominance Stripes

3:00 PM – 3:10 PM
Andrew M. Oster,Eastern Washington University
Paul C. Bressloff,University of Utah

A Mathematical Model with Asymptomatic Individuals for Malaria in the Amazon Region

3:15 PM – 3:25 PM
Ana L. Vivas-Barber,Norfolk State University, VA, USA
Eun Chang,Norfolk State University, VA, USA
Sunmi Lee,Kyung Hee University, Yongin, Korea

Bifurcations, Chaos and Fractal Dimensions in Population Models

3:30 PM – 3:40 PM
Tarini K. Dutta,Gauhati University

Tomographic Image Processing

3:45 PM – 3:55 PM
Shylee Ezroni,Wentworth Institute Of Technology
Ely Biggs,Wentworth Institute Of Technology
Jack Reff,Wentworth Institute Of Technology

Understanding the Role of Voltage Dependent Electrical Coupling in a Neuronal Network

4:00 PM – 4:10 PM
Christina L. Mouser,William Paterson University
Amitabha Bose,New Jersey Institute of Technology
Farzan Nadim,New Jersey Institute of Technology

Timing of Action Potential in Auditory Neuron System

4:15 PM – 4:25 PM
Anh T. Vo,Creighton University

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#5: Recreational Mathematics: New Problems and New Solutions Part A

1:00 PM – 4:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 1

Elvis Lives: An Exploration of Greedy and Global Path Optimization in a Game of Fetch

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Steve J. Bacinski,Davenport University
Mark J. Panaggio,Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Timothy J. Pennings,Davenport University

Logarithms are Hot Stuff and a New Rating Scale for Chili Peppers

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Eric Landquist,Kutztown University

Turning Infinity Inside Out: A Seamstress’s Conundrum

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Ellie Baker,Freelance

Geometric Modeling of Hexagonal Joints: Carving Mathematics Out of Wood

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
James S. Sochacki,James Madison University
Anthony Tongen,James Madison University

A Trouble-some Simulation

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Geoffrey Dietz,Gannon University

Penney’s Game and Roulette

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Robert W. Vallin,Lamar University

Multi-Opponent James Functions

3:20 PM – 3:35 PM
Christopher N. B. Hammond,Connecticut College
Warren P. Johnson,Connecticut College

Sylver Coinage – An Algebraist’s Investigation

3:40 PM – 3:55 PM
Jeremy Thompson,USAF Academy

Winning Moves in Fibonacci Nim

4:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Cody Allen,San Diego State University
Vadim Ponomarenko,San Diego State University

Then-Queens Problem with Forbidden Placements

4:20 PM – 4:35 PM
Doug Chatham,Morehead State University

A New Approach to Chinese Chess Knight’s Tour Using Gauss’ Area Formula

4:40 PM – 4:55 PM
Matthew Mak,ACS Independent
Suling Lee,ACS Independent

Invited Session

MAA Invited Paper Session: Algebraic Structures Motivated by Knot Theory

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Delaware A

An Introduction to Quandles

1:00 PM – 1:40 PM
Alissa Crans, Loyola Marymount University

Enhancements of Counting Invariants

1:50 PM – 2:30 PM
Sam Nelson,Claremont McKenna College

An Introduction to Quandle Cohom*ology

2:40 PM – 3:20 PM
J. Scott Carter,University of South Alabama

What is Categorification?

3:30 PM – 4:10 PM
Mikhail Khovanov,Columbia University

From Jones to Chebyshev: Adventures in Categorification

4:20 PM – 5:00 PM
Radmila Sazdanovic,North Carolina State University

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#15: Democratizing Access to Authentic Mathematical Activity

1:20 PM – 3:35 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland A

Mathematics and Social Justice: Perspectives and Resources for the College Classroom

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Gizem Karaali,Pomona College
Lily Khadjavi, Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles

Opening a Gateway to Mathematical Inquiry

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Brian Katz, Augustana College

Seeding Mathematical Interest in Inner-City Latino Students

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Alessandra Pantano,University of California, Irvine
Li-Sheng Tseng,University of California, Irvine
Andres Forero,University of California, Irvine

What Evidence Do You Have? Data-Based Investigations into Contemporary Race Relations in a General Education Math Class

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Victor Piercey,Ferris State University

Mathematical Modeling for Elementary Mathematics Teachers

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Elizabeth A. Burroughs,Montana State University

Undergraduate Research, Outreach and Student Activities for a “Fair” Mathematical Experience

3:20 PM – 3:35 PM
Emek Kose,St. Mary’s College of Maryland

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#4: Undergraduate Research Activities in Mathematical and Computational Biology

1:20 PM – 4:15 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 5

Building a Math-Bio Research Program at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Zachary Abernathy,Winthrop University

Ten Years of Math/Bio Research Collaboration with Undergraduates

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Jeffrey L. Poet,Missouri Western State University
Laurie J. Heyer,Davidson College
Todd T. Eckdahl,Missouri Western State University
A. M. Campbell,Davidson College

Modeling Delay in Axon Circuit

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Mikhail Shvartsman,University of St Thomas
Pavel Bělík,Augsburg College

The Dynamics of Pulse Vaccination Models

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Timothy D. Comar,Benedictine University

Simulating and Animating the Spatial Dynamics of Interacting Species Living on a Torus-shaped Universe

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Boyan Kostadinov,City Tech, CUNY

Leaf Hydraulic Conductance: Modeling Geometry

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Frank Lynch,EWU

Cancer Classification of Gene Expression Data by Top Scoring Pairs, Consensus Clustering and Support Vector Machines

3:20 PM – 3:35 PM
Andrea E. Ekey,Howard University
Louise A. Raphael,Howard University
Ahmed Tadde,Howard University

Integrating Mathematics and Biology Through Mathematical Modeling

3:40 PM – 3:55 PM
Debra Mimbs,Lee University

Classification: A Fundamental Tool in Biology and Mathematics

4:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Atabong T. Agendia,Madonna University Nigeria

Other Mathematical Session

Alder Award Session

2:00 PM – 3:20 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Reality Shifting: Building Mathematical Confidence

2:00 PM – 2:20 PM
Talithia Williams,Harvey Mudd College

A Taste of Research

2:30 PM – 2:50 PM
Patrick X. Rault,SUNY Geneseo

Be Inspirable!

3:00 PM – 3:20 PM
Allison K. Henrich,Seattle University

Undergraduate Student Activity

MAA Student Paper Session #19

2:00 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia A

MAA Student Paper Session #20

2:00 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia B

MAA Student Paper Session #21

2:00 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia C

MAA Student Paper Session #22

2:00 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson A

Undergraduate Student Activity

PME Student Paper Session #7

2:00 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson B

PME Student Paper Session #8

2:00 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson C

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#1: The History and Philosophy of Mathematics Part M – Special Session in Honor of Karen Parshall

2:00 PM – 4:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 4

Leonard Dickson’s Other Doctoral Student from 1928

2:00 PM – 2:25 PM
Della Dumbaugh,University of Richmond

Spreading the Wealth: The Ford Foundation and Eugene Northrop’s Advancement of Mathematics and Science at Home and Abroad

2:30 PM – 2:55 PM
Patti W. Hunter,Westmont College

The Annals of Mathematics: From the Fringes of Civilization to the University of Virginia, 1873-1883

3:00 PM – 3:25 PM
Deborah Kent,Drake University

Karen Parshall and a Course on the History of Mathematics in America

3:30 PM – 3:55 PM
David Zitarelli,Temple University

Fuzzy Logic and Contemporary American Mathematics: A Cautionary Tale

4:00 PM – 4:25 PM
Joseph W. Dauben,City University of New York

American Mathematicians Beyond the Iron Curtain: The US-Soviet Interacademy Exchange Program

4:30 PM – 4:55 PM
Brittany Shields,University of Pennsylvania

Panel Session

Panel 10. Nonacademic Career Paths for Mathematicians

2:35 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1

Poster Session

PosterFest 2015: A Poster Session of Scholarship by Early Career Mathematicians and Graduate Students

3:30 PM – 5:00 PM,Marriott Wardman Park, Exhibit Hall A

Other Mathematical Session


3:30 PM – 5:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland C


7. Teaching Mathematics with Bead Crochet Part B

3:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Calvert Room


3. Heavenly Mathematics: The Forgotten Art of Spherical Trigonometry Part B

3:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Hampton Room

Special MAA Centennial Event

Presidential Reminiscences

3:45 PM – 6:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Undergraduate Student Activity

PME Student Paper Session #9

4:00 PM – 6:15 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson B

PME Student Paper Session #10

4:00 PM – 6:15 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Wilson C

Panel Session

Panel 3. Beyond the Post-Doc: Fellowship Opportunities for Mathematics Faculty

4:10 PM – 5:30 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1

SIGMAA Activity

Web SIGMAA Guest Lecture

MYMathApps: Lessons Learned and To-Be Learned

5:00 PM – 5:50 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 5

SIGMAA Activity

Web SIGMAA Business Meeting

6:00 PM – 6:30 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 5

Social Activity

Pi Mu Epsilon Student Banquet

6:00 PM – 7:45 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia A/B/C

Invited Address

Pi Mu Epsilon J. Sutherland Frame Lecture

G-sharp, A-flat, and the Euclidean Algorithm

8:00 PM – 8:50 PM,Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Noam Elkies,Harvard University

Social Event

Albert’s Bridge: A Tragicomedy by Tom Stoppard, Featuring the MAA Community Players

9:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Saturday, August 8


8:00 AM – 12:30 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Registration 1/2

Invited Address

MAA James R. C. Leitzel Lecture

Calculus at Crisis

8:30 AM – 9:20 AM,Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

David Bressoud, Macalester College

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#1: The History and Philosophy of Mathematics Part N – History and Philosophy of Mathematics

8:30 AM – 11:55 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 4

Some Original Sources for Modern Tales of Thales

8:30 AM – 8:55 AM
Michael Molinsky,University of Maine at Farmington

A Prehistory of Arithmetic

9:00 AM – 9:25 AM
Patricia Baggett,New Mexico State University
Andrzej Ehrenfeucht,University of Colorado

Adelard’s Euclid and the Arabic Transmission Attributed to al-Ḥajjāj

9:30 AM – 9:55 AM
Gregg De Young,The American University in Cairo

Al-Khwarizmi, Anselm, and the Algebra of Atonement

10:00 AM – 10:25 AM
Valerie J. Allen,John Jay College, CUNY

Approaches to Computation in Third Millennium Mesopotamia

10:30 AM – 10:55 AM
Duncan J. Melville,St. Lawrence University

Famous Mathematicians from Iran but Whom You May Not Know

11:00 AM – 11:25 AM
Samaneh Gholizadeh Hamidi,Brigham Young University

The Quest for Digital Preservation: Will Part of Math History Be Gone Forever?

11:30 AM – 11:55 AM
Steve DiDomenico,Northwestern University Library
Linda Newman,University of Cincinnati Libraries

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#1: The History and Philosophy of Mathematics Part P – History and Philosophy of Mathematics

8:30 AM – 11:55 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 5

Finding the Roots of a Non-Linear Equation: History and Reliability

8:30 AM – 8:55 AM
Roger Godard,RMC

J. D. Forbes and the Development of Curve Plotting

9:00 AM – 9:25 AM
Isobel Falconer,University of St Andrews

“Remarkable Similarities”: A Dialogue Between De Morgan & Boole

9:30 AM – 9:55 AM
Gavin Hitchco*ck,University of Stellenbosch

Clifford and Sylvester on the Development of Peirce’s Matrix Formulation of the Algebra of Relations 1870-1882

10:00 AM – 10:25 AM
Francine F. Abeles,Kean University

Polygonal Numbers from Fermat to Cauchy

10:30 AM – 10:55 AM
Susan Martin,Kentucky Employers’ Mutual Insurance

Orson Pratt: A Self Taught Mathematician on the American Western Frontier

11:00 AM – 11:25 AM
Troy Goodsell,Brigham Young University-Idaho

Five Families Around a Well: A New Look at an Ancient Problem

11:30 AM – 11:55 AM
Ezra Brown,Virginia Tech

General Contributed Paper Session

Mathematics and Technology

8:45 AM – 11:25 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1, Balcony A

Introducing the Pi-Base: An Interactive Encyclopedia of Topological Spaces

8:45 AM – 8:55 AM
Austin Mohr,Nebraska Wesleyan University

Cutting Edge Information Technology Applied to the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions

9:00 AM – 9:10 AM
Bonita V. Saunders,National Institute of Standards and Technology

Audio, Documents, and Screens, Oh My! Free and Easy Online Collaboration

9:15 AM – 9:25 AM
Tamara Eyster,Kaplan University
Lea Rosenberry,Kaplan University

Exploration of Best “Flipped” Practices

9:30 AM – 9:40 AM
Emilie Naccarato,University of Northern Colorado
Gulden Karakok,University of Northern Colorado
Spencer Bagley,University of Northern Colorado

Increase Student Engagement by Using Clickers and Smart Phones

10:00 AM – 10:10 AM
Myungchul Kim,Suffolk County Community College

Maplets for Calculus, Rating, Grading and Evaluation

10:15 AM – 10:25 AM
Philip B. Yasskin,Texas A&M University
Douglas B. Meade,University of South Carolina

Enhancing Student Learning Experience through Maple

10:30 AM – 10:40 AM
Marcela Chiorescu,Georgia College
Darin Mohr,Georgia College
Brandon Samples,Georgia College

Updating the WeBWorK Open Problem Library

10:45 AM – 10:55 AM
John W. Jones,Arizona State University
Jeff Holt,University of Virginia

Online Homework Can Provide Desirable Difficulties for Learning Mathematics

11:00 AM – 11:10 AM
Dick Lane,University of Montana

Improving Students’ Learning by Integrating Effective Learning and Teaching Strategies and Instructional Learning Management Systems

11:15 AM – 11:25 AM
Jack Narayan,SUNY Oswego and WebAssign

Undergraduate Student Activity

MAA Mathematical Competition in Modeling (MCM) Winners

9:00 AM – 10:15 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1

MAA MathFest 2015 Exhibit Hall

9:00 AM – 12:30 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Exhibit Hall

Undergraduate Student Activity

Student Hospitality Center

9:00 AM – 12:30 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Exhibit Hall

Invited Address

Earle Raymond Hedrick Lecture Series

Hedrick Lecture 3

9:30 AM – 10:20 AM,Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Karen Smith, University of Michigan

Invited Address

MAA Centennial Lecture 6

Recent Results Toward the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture

10:30 AM – 11:20 AM,Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2/3

Manjul Bhargava, Princeton University

Undergraduate Student Activity

Student Problem Solving Competition

10:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland B

Undergraduate Student Activity

MAA Ice Cream Social and Undergraduate Awards Ceremony

12:30 PM – 2:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 3

Other Mathematical Session

Special Presentation for High School Students, Parents, and Teachers

A Dozen Proofs that 1=2: An Accessible and Quirky Overview of Mathematics for K-12 Teachers and Their Students

1:00 PM – 1:50 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 2

James Tanton,The Saint Mark’s Mathematics Institute and MAA

Panel Session

Panel 9. Quantitative Literacy and Democracy

1:00 PM – 2:20 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Delaware A

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#14: Projects, Applications and Demonstrations to Enhance a Numerical Analysis or Computational Mathematics Course

1:00 PM – 2:35 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 3

The Everyday Examples in Engineering (E3) Program in a Scientific Computing Course

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Mike Nicholas, Colorado School of Mines

Project-Based Numerical Mathematics and Computation Course at Augsburg College

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Pavel Bělík,Augsburg College

A Project-Based Numerical Analysis Course

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
G. Daniel Callon, Franklin College

A Novel Newton’s Method Project

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
James Sochacki, James Madison University

Assessing Student Motivation in a Numerical Methods Class

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Kyle Riley, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology

Invited Session

Special Invited Session: The Geometry of Triangles

1:00 PM – 2:50 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1

A Triangle Has Eight Vertices (But Only One Center)

1:00 PM – 1:50 PM
Richard Guy,University of Calgary

New Ideas about the Geometry of Triangles

2:00 PM – 2:50 PM
John Conway,Princeton University


1. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Mathematics PART B

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Hampton Room


6. Creating Flipped Learning Experiences in the College Mathematics Classroom Part B

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Calvert Room

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#2: The Contributions of Women to Mathematics: 100 Years and Counting Part B

1:00 PM – 3:15 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 2

Teaching Students about Women and Mathematics: A Dialogue between Two Course Designers

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Sarah J. Greenwald,Appalachian State University
Jacqueline Dewar,Loyola Marymount University

Gender and the Pursuit of Mathematics: An Examination of the Participation Gap in Math Careers

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Kevin T. Maritato,Suffolk County Community College

Positive Female Role Models in Mathematics: The Importance, Influence, and Impact of Their Contributions in Attracting Females to Mathematics

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Joan E. DeBello,St. John’s University

The Daughters of Hypatia: A Mathematical Dance Concert Celebrating Women Mathematicians

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Karl Schaffer,De Anza College

Application of Knot Theory: Using Knots to Unravel Biochemistry Mysteries

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Candice Renee Price,United States Military Academy, West Point

Dessin D’Enfants and Shabat Polynomials

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Alejandra Alvarado,Eastern Illinois University

An Introduction to Interval Exchange Transformations

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Kelly B. Yancey,University of Maryland

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#5: Recreational Mathematics: New Problems and New Solutions Part B

1:00 PM – 3:15 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 1

Cracking the SafeCracker 40 Puzzle

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Brittany Shelton,Albright College
Tyler VanBlargan,Albright College

Nonclassical Logic Puzzles

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Jason Rosenhouse,James Madison University

The Mathematics of Triphos, A World without Subtraction

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Brian Hollenbeck,Emporia State University

Counting with Fractals and the Mysterious Triangles of Behrends and Humble

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Michael A. Jones,Mathematical Reviews
Lon Mitchell,Mathematical Reviews
Brittany Shelton,Albright College

‘Cover the Spot’ and hom*othetic Covering of Convex Bodies

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Muhammad A. Khan,University of Calgary

Dissecting and Coloring Polygons Using Power Series

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Alison G. Schuetz,Hood College
Gwyneth R. Whieldon,Hood College

Exploring Two Fascinating Integer Sequences

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Jay L. Schiffman,Rowan University

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#1: The History and Philosophy of Mathematics Part Q – Special Session in Memory of Ivor Grattan-Guinness

1:00 PM – 3:25 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 4

Ivor Grattan-Guinness (1941-2014) and his Contributions to the History of Analysis, Set Theory, and Applied Mathematics

1:00 PM – 1:25 PM
Joseph W. Dauben,City University of New York

Grattan-Guiness’s Work on Classical Mechanics

1:30 PM – 1:55 PM
Roger Cooke,University of Vermont

Ivor Grattan-Guinness’s Legacy to History and Philosophy of Logic

2:00 PM – 2:25 PM
John W. Dawson,Penn State York

“Another Big Book”: I Grattan-Guinness as Editor and Organizer

2:30 PM – 2:55 PM
Albert C. Lewis,Educational Advancement Foundation

“Same Time Next Week?”: Ivor Grattan-Guinness as a Ph.D. Advisor

3:00 PM – 3:25 PM
Adrian Rice,Randolph-Macon College

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#19: Innovative Approaches in the Calculus Sequence Part B

1:00 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 6

Teaching Calculus Using Movies and Television Shows

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Elana Reiser, St. Joseph’s College

Beyond Computation: A Team-Based Learning Approach to the Limit Definition of the Derivative

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Carly J. A. Briggs,University at Albany

Elements of the Successful Calculus Computer Lab Assignment

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Stepan Paul,California Polytechnic State University

Creating Online Problems that Develop Mathematical Strategies and Reduce Student Frustration

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Geoffrey Cox,Virginia Military Institute

Where is the Differential in Differential Calculus?

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Eugene Boman,Penn State, Harrisburg Campus
Robert Rogers,SUNY, Fredonia

Five Things The Calculus Texts Leave Out and What We Can Do About It

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Meighan Dillon,Kennesaw State University

A Small Adjustment to the Definition of the Limit of a Function

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Andy Martin,Kentucky State University

Finite Topological Spaces as a Pedagogical Tool for Teaching Concepts in Calculus

3:20 PM – 3:35 PM
Daniel C. Cheshire,Texas State University

Students’ Perceptions of and Expectations for Videos in a Flipped Calculus Course

3:40 PM – 3:55 PM
Fei Xue,University of Hartford
Larissa Schroeder,University of Hartford
Jean McGivney-Burelle,University of Hartford

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#18: Using Modeling for Teaching Differential Equations: Before, During, After

1:00 PM – 4:35 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia A

Modeling from Calculus to Numerical Analysis (and Everything in Between)

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Meagan C. Herald,Virginia Military Institute

Coloring Inside the Lines: My Experiences Adding Modeling to an Existing DE Curriculum Without Sacrificing Content

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Jessica M. Libertini,Virginia Military Institute

Using Real Data to Study the Heat Equation

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Kimberly Spayd,Gettysburg College

Using Differential Equations to Analyze the Energy Future

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
James Case,SIAM

Validating Groundwater Flow Models

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Michael A. Karls,Ball State University

Predator-Prey Modeling

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Hubert Noussi Kamdem,Roger Williams University

Modeling Duck-Gull-Human Interactions in California

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Christopher Brown,California Lutheran University

Two Differential Equations Projects to Help Students Apply and Synthesize Mathematics

3:20 PM – 3:35 PM
Michelle Ghrist,United States Air Force Academy

Inquiry-Based Learning in ODE Classes: Stable or Unstable?

3:40 PM – 3:55 PM
Randall E. Cone,Salisbury University

Modeling in an Inquiry-Oriented Differential Equations Course

4:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Karen A. Keene,North Carolina State University
William H. Hall,North Carolina State University

Day One Modeling Discussions

4:20 PM – 4:35 PM
Benjamin Galluzzo,Shippensburg University

Invited Session

Special Session: “Notes of a Native Son”: The Legacy of Dr. Abdulalim A. Shabazz (1927-2014)

1:00 PM – 4:50 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Delaware B

Dr. Abdulalim A. Shabazz—Statistically Significant!

1:00 PM – 1:20 PM
Monica Jackson,American University

“In a Beautiful Way”: Lessons for Mathematics Education from Dr. Abdulalim Shabazz

1:30 PM – 1:50 PM
Erica Walker,Teachers College, Columbia University

“The Teacher and the Mentor: A Combination that Instills Mathematical Greatness”

2:00 PM – 2:20 PM
Ronald Mickens,Clark Atlanta University

More than Equations

2:30 PM – 2:50 PM
Gwendolyn Irby,Lockheed Martin

The Impact of Dr. Abdulalim Shabazz on the Business Community

3:00 PM – 3:20 PM
Shree Taylor,Delta Decisions of DC

Dr. Abdulalim A. Shabazz: An Example of a Living Topological Isomorphism

3:30 PM – 3:50 PM
Brett Sims,Borough of Manhattan Community College


4:00 PM – 4:20 PM
Gelonia Dent,Medgar Evers College

Sharing the Impacts of Dr. Abdulalim Shabazz

4:30 PM – 4:50 PM
Talitha M. Washington,Howard University

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#9: What Can a Mathematician Do with a 3D Printer?

1:00 PM – 4:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia B

3D Printed Catalan Wireframes: Designing with Mathematica, MeshLab, and TopMod

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Laura Taalman, James Madison University

I Can Touch the Math!

1:20 PM – 1:35 PM
Lila F. Roberts, Clayton State University

3-D Printing and Triply-Periodic Minimal Surfaces

1:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Rebekah Durig, Southern Illinois University
Oneal Summers, Southern Illinois University
Gregory Budzban, Southern Illinois University

Printing Fractals: Experiences with Julia Sets and Diffusion-Limited Aggregates

2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Mark J. Stock, Independent Artist

Teaching Mathematical Art: Coordinating Design and 3D Printing

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM
Christopher R. H. Hanusa, Queens College, CUNY

Exploring Visualizations: An Overview of a Seminar in 3D Modeling and Printing

2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Nicholas J. Owad, University of Nebraska – Lincoln

How You Too Can Join the 3D Printing Craze!

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Lewis Ludwig, Denison University

Cy: A 3D-Printed Robot for Calculus Teaching

3:20 PM – 3:35 PM
Jason H. Cantarella, University of Georgia

A Voluminous Vessel

3:40 PM – 3:55 PM
Brenda Edmonds, Johnson County Community College
Cathleen O’Neil, Johnson County Community College
Rob Grondahl, Johnson County Community College

Goblet Design in Calculus II

4:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Scott Dunn, University of South Carolina
Douglas B. Meade, University of South Carolina
Philip B. Yasskin, Texas A&M University

Topology, Calculus and 3D visualization

4:20 PM – 4:35 PM
Elizabeth Denne, Washington & Lee University

3D Printing Projects for Multivariate Calculus and College Geometry

4:40 PM – 4:55 PM
Edward Aboufadel, Grand Valley State University

General Contributed Paper Session

Number Theory and Logic or Foundations

1:00 PM – 4:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1, Balcony B

Bijections between Hyperm-ary Partitions

1:00 PM – 1:10 PM
Timothy B. Flowers,Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Shannon R. Lockard,Bridgewater State University

The Graphic Nature of Gaussian Periods

1:15 PM – 1:25 PM
Stephan R. Garcia,Pomona College

The Composite Two-Step

1:30 PM – 1:40 PM
Ryan Stuffelbeam,Transylvania University

The Periods of Fibonacci Sequences mod m

1:45 PM – 1:55 PM
Marc Renault,Shippensburg University

10,000 Ways to Count a Truncated Tetrahedron

2:00 PM – 2:10 PM
Jeremy Newton,Lee University
Debra Mimbs,Lee University

Jacobsthal Sequence in Ternary Represented Modified Collatz Sequences

2:15 PM – 2:25 PM
Ji Young Choi,Shippensburg University of PA

Schinzel’s HypothesisH

2:30 PM – 2:40 PM
Elijah M. Allen

Infinitude of Primes

2:45 PM – 2:55 PM
Sam Northshield,SUNY Plattsburgh

Using Binomial Coefficients to Prove Oppermann’s Conjecture

3:00 PM – 3:10 PM
William R. Oscarson,Cornell

Topics in



-Number Theory

3:15 PM – 3:25 PM
Reyes M. Ortiz-Albino,University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez

The Digital Binomial Theorem

3:30 PM – 3:40 PM
Hieu D. Nguyen,Rowan University

A Bad But Fruitful Way To CountNChooseK

3:45 PM – 3:55 PM
Steven Edwards,Kennesaw State University
William Griffiths,Kennesaw State University

Number of solutions toax+by=cz

4:00 PM – 4:10 PM
Reese Scott Robert Styer,Villanova University

Beal’s Conjecture vs. “Positive Zero”, Fight

4:15 PM – 4:25 PM
Angela Moore,Yale University

Near-Isosceles Pythagorean Triples

4:30 PM – 4:40 PM
Frederick Chichester

Using Strong Notions of Reducibility to Distinguish Complete Sets

4:45 PM – 4:55 PM
Brooke Andersen,Assumption College

Graduate Student Activity

Great Talks for a General Audience: Coached Presentations by Graduate Students Part A

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia C

Histomorphometry-Based Modeling and Simulation of Multiple Myeloma Bone Disease

1:00 PM – 1:25 PM
Catherine Patterson,University of Iowa

Mathematical Modeling of Kidney Function

1:30 PM – 1:50 PM
Julia Walk,University of Iowa

Classifying Tangles

2:20 PM – 2:40 PM
Christine Caples,University of Iowa

Knot Theory through Quandles

2:45 PM – 3:05 PM
Indu Rasika Hamudra,University of South Florida
Mohamed Elhamdadi,University of South Florida

Loops and Operads: An Introduction

3:10 PM – 3:30 PM
Jason Lucas,Purdue University

What is an Orderable Group?

3:35 PM – 3:55 PM
Kelli Karcher,Virginia Tech

Graduate Student Activity

Great Talks for a General Audience: Coached Presentations by Graduate Students Part B

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland C

Polynomials: An Exploration

1:00 PM – 1:25 PM
Joshua Cape,Johns Hopkins University

Demystifying Matrix Multiplication

1:30 PM – 1:50 PM
Erin Griesenauer,University of Iowa

Hopf Algebras: Linear Algebra in Action

1:55 PM – 2:15 PM
Kevin Gerstle,University of Iowa

The Marriage of Two Series: An Exciting Approach to Obtaining Definite Integral Solutions

2:20 PM – 2:40 PM
James Rosado,Rowan University
Tom Osler,Rowan University

A Simple Way to Ruin Bacteria’s Social Life— Mixing and Chemotaxis

2:45 PM – 3:05 PM
Xiaoqian Xu,University of Wisconsin-Madison
Alexander Kiselev,Rice University

Mixing Times for Sorry! Game

3:10 PM – 3:30 PM
Serena Yuan,New York University

Ironing Out the Wrinkles in a Black Hole Horizon

3:35 PM – 3:55 PM
Brian Allen,University of Tennessee

Graduate Student Activity

Great Talks for a General Audience: Coached Presentations by Graduate Students Part C

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1, Balcony A

Can You Reconstruct a Tiger from Its Stripes? The Mathematical Reconstruction of a Medical Image

1:00 PM – 1:25 PM
Rachel Grotheer,Clemson University

Could Topology Provide Insight into Huntington’s Disease?

1:30 PM – 1:50 PM
Leyda Almodovar Velazquez,University of Iowa

Tiling the Bathroom Floor: An Exercise in Counting

1:55 PM – 2:15 PM
Ranjan Rhatgi,Indiana University

Realizing Reality on the Drawing Board

2:20 PM – 2:40 PM
Natalie Hobson,University of Georgia

Spider Graphs

2:45 PM – 3:05 PM
Zoey Guo,Northwestern University

Coloring your World: An Introduction to Ramsey Numbers

3:10 PM – 3:30 PM
Kendra Pleasant,Howard University

Fourier, Duality, and the Uncertainty Principle

3:35 PM – 3:55 PM
Zhengqing Chen,Clarkson University

Undergraduate Student Activity

Industrial Research in the PIC Math Program

1:30 PM – 5:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland B

Other Mathematical Session

Math Circle Demonstration

2:00 PM – 3:30 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland A

Panel Session

Panel 5. Big Data in the Undergraduate Mathematics Curriculum

2:35 PM – 3:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Delaware A

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#8: Mathematics in Video Games

3:00 PM – 4:55 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 3

Using Turn Based Games to Introduce Modeling and Optimization

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Glenn Berman, Dakota State University

Mathematics of Ingress

3:20 PM – 3:35 PM
Kimberly Anne Roth, Juniata College
Erika Ward, Jacksonville University

Quaternions in Action

3:40 PM – 3:55 PM
Susan H. Marshall, Monmouth University

Mathematics of Fez

4:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Raena King,Christian Brothers University

A Math Course for Game Programming Majors

4:20 PM – 4:35 PM
Scott Stevens, Champlain College

Extracting Mathematical Pedagogy from Video Games

4:40 PM – 4:55 PM
Aaron M. Montgomery, Baldwin Wallace University

Themed Contributed Paper Session

TCPS#1: The History and Philosophy of Mathematics Part R – History of Mathematics

3:30 PM – 5:25 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington 4

Humanistic Reflections on Mathematics Magazine Problem 1951 and a Solution

3:30 PM – 3:55 PM
Joel Haack,University of Northern Iowa Timothy Hall, PGI Consulting

The Interplay of “Hard” and “Soft” Analysis in the History of Summabiliy Theory: Preliminary Report

4:00 PM – 4:25 PM
Alexander F. Kleiner,Drake University

The Life and Letters of William Burnside

4:30 PM – 4:55 PM
Howard Emmens,BSHM

Prehistory of the Outer Automorphism of


5:00 PM – 5:25 PM
James Parson,Hood College


5. Using Videos of Students Developing Proofs to Guide Teaching and Learning Part B

3:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Calvert Room


8. Getting Started in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Part B

3:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Hampton Room

Social Event

DC Math Walk

3:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Departs from Marriott Wardman Park Lobby

Other Mathematical Session

Math Wrangle

4:00 PM – 5:30 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland A

Social Event

Closing Banquet Reception

6:00 PM – 6:30 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Marriott Foyer

Social Event

Closing Banquet

6:30 PM – 9:00 PM, Marriott Wardman Park, Salon 1

MAA MathFest Archive – Mathematical Association of America (2024)


How much does it cost to register for Maa MathFest? ›

MAA MathFest returns, August 3-6, in Philadelphia!

Registration fees range from $154 - $694, with virtual options also available for those unable to join us in Philadelphia. Register now!

How many people attend MathFest? ›

As of now, Soto said, MathFest has 674 registrants, compared to 658 at this time last year. In 2019, there were ultimately 1,734 attendees, the organization said.

What is Maa MathFest? ›

It is the largest gathering of professionals from all corners of the mathematical sciences who gather every year to discuss advances in research, pedagogy, and more. Researchers and math professionals present ideas that are accelerating the understanding of mathematics and its impact on our world.

What award did Langarcia receive from the Mathematical Association of America? ›

Langarica won the Henry L. Alder Award for Distinguished Teaching from the Mathematical Association of America in 2019.

Where is Mathfest 2024? ›

JW Marriott Indianapolis

We look forward to seeing you!

What is MAA membership? ›

MAA Membership is your portal to the community of mathematicians and mathematical educators all focused on advancing mathematics at the collegiate level, and on providing you with opportunities to build your network of professionals and peers.

How many people go to Vfest? ›

V Festival
Attendance170,000 (2015)
Organised byVirgin Group
SponsorVirgin Media
10 more rows

How many people attend a mega church? ›

The Hartford Institute for Religion Research defines a megachurch as any Protestant Christian church that draws 2,000 or more people in a weekend.

How many people attend Bemidji? ›

Serving around 5,000 students in undergraduate, graduate and online degree programs, our core philosophy is built upon a commitment to environmental stewardship, community service and global understanding.

What does maa stand for in math? ›

March 2021) The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) is a professional society that focuses on mathematics accessible at the undergraduate level.

What is the meaning of Maa in Indian? ›

Ans: Mother. "Ma" is a Sanskrit word that means mother. In India, it is a common way to refer to one's own mother or to show respect and reverence to mother figures or female deities. It is also used as a term of endearment or respect for elderly women.

What is MAA used for? ›

The radiopharmaceutical macroaggregated albumin (MAA) is used in the perfusion phase of a ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) scan to assess the flow of blood in the lungs. Jubilant DraxImage is the sole supplier of MAA in North America and is committed to maintaining its availability for healthcare professionals.

What is the highest math award in the world? ›

The Fields Medal is the most prestigious award for mathematicians and has been awarded every four years since 1936 at the International Mathematical Congress to at least two young mathematicians for their outstanding achievements.

What award do mathematicians get? ›

The Fields Medal is regarded as one of the highest honors a mathematician can receive, and has been described as the Nobel Prize of Mathematics, although there are several major differences, including frequency of award, number of awards, age limits, monetary value, and award criteria.

Who is the founder of the mathematical Association of America? ›

MAA History through Today

Its founder, Benjamin Finkel, aspired to make it “the most interesting and popular journal published in America.” More than 125 years later, the publication has evolved into a prominent platform within the mathematical world.

How much is a MA RMV registration? ›

How much does it cost to register your vehicle in Massachusetts? In 2021, registering a normal private passenger vehicle in Massachusetts costs $60 and is good for 2 years. In MA, the Certificate of Title fee is $75. You'll also need to have your vehicle inspected, which costs $35.

How much does it cost to register for SICB? ›

SICB/TCS/AMS member rates: Full Member – $75. Postdoctoral Member – $50. Student Member – $25.

How much does it cost to register with Piffa? ›

Fee Structure for Registration
RegistrationFee RS
Student Registration Card350
PPT, Career Plan & Syllabus700
Annual Subscription including Penalty Fee (after 6 Months)1,600 + 1,600 = 3,200
Annual Subscription including Restoration Fee (after 1 Year)1,600 + 2,600 + 2,600 = 6,800
2 more rows

How much is poms conference registration? ›

* Non-member rates include POMS membership at $125.00; and $ 171.00 for Joint membership. * Non-members from Africa/Brazil/Beijing/India/Sri Lanka/Latin America are advised to first become members at discounted rates (i.e., $25) and then register for the conference at member rates.


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Article information

Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.