The Minneapolis Journal from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

in A A A A A A 1 150 10 1 to in ca THIRTY FOUR Friday Evening. THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL May 4, 1934. Slow Rally Boosts Stocks To Gains Above 3 Points New York, May Blow moving rally carried prices Trac-1 tions to more than 3 points above the previous close in the morning dealings on the stock exchange 10- day. Around noon there was a slight recession from htehighs. The rally WAR not accompanied by any sign of activity.

Pressure lifted from all Sections, including WHAT STOCKS DID Thursday. Wednes. Advances 258' 106 Declines 329 5,66 Unchanged 186 142 Total issues 814 New highs 10 New 1934 lows. 21 32 the utilities, which had -been alightly lower. Rails were higher.

U. Smelting rose nearly 3 points in the silvers. Gainso 1 a poitn or more were noted in such issues as Allied Chem1ral, American Smelting, Du Pont, Chrysler, New York Central. Atchison, Southern Railway, Schenley, Western Union and Woolworth. Spiegel, Stern, at one time sold at up It then lost 2 points of the gain.

S. Steel crossed 47, against a previous close and then eased lightly Other steels were firm. Oils were dull at higher levels; Commodities also strengthened. Wheat rose A cent a bushel, cotton cents A bale, silver several points: rubber as much AR a half cent pound; and silk a half cent A pound. DOW -JONES AVERAGES Stock sales Thursday approximated 1,110,000 shares, againat 1,340,000 shares yesterday.

Curb sales today were 177,000 shares, against 204,000 -shares yesterday. Dow -Jones preliminary closing AVerages showed industrial, 98.94, up 012; railroad, 46.54, up 025; utility, 23.95, off 0.15. WITH DEALINGS LIGHT York. May 4 The bond New market WAR A little firmer today, but no great amount of trading incorporate issues was stimterest in ulated by the early improvement in Dealings were light in all stocks. departmonte: S.

governments rather against the Tie were ing trend of recent sessions. Lower priced corporation issues, which had been notably soft since the of the week, apparently met better support, gains were small in most cases. Utility and industrial favorites registered about the same degree of improvement. With business running below the small. volume of yesterday treasury lone during the forenoon, held to small range values unchanged to 5-32ds of a point lower.

Liberty loans also were mostly shade lower. The foreign list wan featureless FOREIGN MARKETS HAVE STRONG TONES London, May (AP) -Inactivity continued to prevail on the stocke exchange today. Giltedged securioil shares and German bonds ties, firmed, trans-Atlantic issued remained steady. Mining shares and home rails were heavy, with rubber stocka irregular. The market closed steady.

Paris- -Rentes led the way to the Improvement on the Bourse today. and bank issues were esElectrical strong, but citroen shares pecially were weak. The closing was firm. Dullness credited to the Berlindoubfful outcome of the transfer conference continued on the Boerse. The closing was steady.

CURB PRICES SHOW STRONGER UNDERTONE New York May 4 (TO A firmer undertone appeared. in the curb to day. Prices rallied moderately, although volume remained light Gains wile fairly well distributed the market's major divisions among Specialties did best, but utilities and the general run of industrial listIngs tended toward improvement after the persistent decline which had marked the earlier sessions this week. Wall Street Briefs New York. May The Railroad Credit Corporation's report to the Interstate commerce commission shows $14.038.634.

or 19 per cent of the fund created by -pooling emergency freight revenues through March 31 1923. bad been to the participaing roads repaid up to April 30. Sexch. distributions have been made since the corpora tion began to liquidate lAst June 1 H. C.

Borack Company's sales, for the four weeks ended April taled $2.415 818, VLA of 12 last over year New York. May Directors of Mengel Company have declared op erative as of May 10 the plan for extending by five vears the per cent mortgage bonds which. tured. March More Than 50 cent of the amount outstanding. 958.600, was deposited, in favor the extension The New York Telephone pany reports -Kai not 4:474 tions in' April contrasting with loss of 14,575 the last year (The gains for four months of 1931 11,185 tele the same period phones whereas of 1933 there was a loss of 10917.

fond In The Pun Bradstreet dex for the last week stands at of $219 at May decline cents. since April The index is. 181 per -cent above ago. The Net York Cotton Service estimates sales fertilizer in of cotton growing states last month, as indicated by tag sates, at 573:000 tons against 856,000 in April, 19331 Compilation of April dividends changes by Standard Statistics Company, shows 82 favorable revisions compared with 144 in March and 25 in April, 1933. Favorable changes for the first four months of 1934 numbered 516-age 156 in the corresponding period of.

last year Year EAW 34 unfavorable changes. as compared with 257 a year ago and 44 in March, 1934. A year ago there were decreases and omissione Th thee first four months- whereas this year the total was National Tea Company's, sales in the four weeks ended April 21 were $4.608.491, A decrease of 8.2 cent from a year ago when the per company was operating 100. more. stores Todays than gold in this statement year's period.

trie! New York Federal Reserve Bank showed receipts of $3.016.400. from England and $697,200 from India, both additional for Saturday. Livestock Markets St. Paul Livestock RECEIPTS Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Cars Today 2,900 2.700 7,500 800 67. ..3.242 2.845 9.943 .823 133 3.074 8.827 607 94 RED.

2.670. 2,514 487 84 South Ht. Paul, May -Bout Mt. Paul was generounly with caltle toda run of 2.900 bend estimated at the outset of trade. A weak market, prevailed for virtually of killer except, handy to heavy weight jonk beeven: These have advanced sharply this week, and while few arrived here to test the market tons keeping with prices paid at outside pointe weet set -around 58 10 58.50 for kinds.

Lightweight cattle sold the other extreme and showed de25c to 50c this week. with most sales today between $4 and $5 50. More desizable lightweights have sold sparingly up 34 50. but handy and heavyweight cattle would bring considerably more if available. She stock, aside from weighty sorta, also proved lower this week, and today's market wAr no exception.

-Heltern sold between $3 and $5 largely, few good grades of ted descriptions commanding $5.50 to $6 and more. Cows brought $2.50 to $3.50 for the bulk. with few weighty kinds priced upward to $4 and above, Canners and cutters mold at $1.50 to $2.50 largely and the Kill market today was about. steady at recent declines, white placed the bulk of desirable light an dheavy bulls at $2.25 to $3 Only A. few weighty sorta sol dabove the latter price.

Veal calver were fully atendy, with choice grades at $6,50, while a range of $5 to 86 accounted for the and good quality calves sold around $4.50. Stockers and feeders were very Blow under a limited deman don local and country account. Beef Steers Good to choice 5.50- 8.00 Medium to good 4.50- 5.50 Common and medium 3.00- 4.50 -Canters and cutters 1.50- 2.25 Heifers Good to choice 4.50- 6.00 Medium to good 3.00- 4:50 Common to medium 1.50- 3.00 Cows Good to choice 2.50- 8.50 Common to medium 2.25- 2.75 Canners and cutters 1.00- 2.50 Bulls Bolognas 2.00- 2.751 Lightweights 1.75- 3.00 2.25 Heavyweights 2.50- Stockers and Feeders Good to choice 2.60- 4.80 Common to medium 1.75- 3.60 Veal Calves Good to choice 5.50- 6.50 Medium to choice 4.50- 5.50 Cull and common 1.50- 3.50 Sheep Quotations Spring lamba. good to 9.00-10.50 Lamba, cull to good 6.00- 9.10 to common to choice 1.50- 4.50- 5.00 8.00 HOGE -A moderate to light run of hogs here today resulted in a fully steady trade at the outset with packers and shippers generally showing an Interest in the supply on hand. The early top WAR $3.45, paid largly by whipers for closely sorted droves of light hogs scaling 170 to 250 lbs.

PackerR aid $3.40 or more similar material and the same weights sold over A spread of $3.35 to $3.45. Trade In medium and heavy butcher ranged between $3 to $3.35 mostly but plain very heavy hogs wold occasionally down to $2.75. Quota: tiona for packing sOWn remained at $2.65, to $2.90, only the better lightweight sorta reaching the latter price. sold Pigs brought $2 to $2.50 and light lights at $2.75 to $3.35 usually. Hog Quotations Light 2.75- 3.25 Light weights 3.35- 3.45 Medium weights 3.35• 3.45 Heavy weights 2.75- 3.35 SOWN 2.60- 2.90 STAKE 2.00- 2.50 PIER 1.50- 2.50 Average Cost Weight of Hogs Thursday, April 26 3.32 219 Friday, April 27 3.26 226 Saturday, April 28 3.30 193 Monday.

April 30 3.18 226 May 3.14 234 Wednesday, May 2 3.17 226 Thursday May -3 3. 22 226 Trend of Hog Values Friday, steady to 10c lower. 2.65- 3.45 Saturday, about steady 2.65- 3.45 Monday, steady to 10c lower. 2.60- 3.40 Tuesday, steady to lower, 2.60- 3.35 Wednesday, about ateady, 10c higher' 2.60: 3.40 Thursday, steady, 5c 2.66- 3.45 Friday. mostly steady 3.45 SHEEP AND LAMBS Firm prices ruled in lamb trade today as liht runs continued at All points.

Top quality fed wooled lambs listed around $9.90 on the early market and other fed wooled sorts wold at $9.75 and below. A range of $8 to $8.50 covered early trade in clipped sorts while common lambs sold down to $6. Wooled killer brought $4 to $5 and the former price was the usual top for clipped offerings. Iron-Steel Institute May Pick President New York, May. Jones Co.

said plans were under way for the appointment of a president of the American Iron and Steel Institute. "Thus far the matter is in its initial stage," the agency asserted, "but informal discussions have been conducted by some members of the board. of directors of the institute looking toward this end. It may be some time before the matter is brought out into open and a the selection made." The institute has been without a president since the resignation of Robert A. Lamont, former secreItary of commerce, last September.

Charles M. Schwab, chairman of Bethlehem Steel, is chairman. "Non-Blue Eagle" Copper Restricted New York, May 4-UP)-The copper code authority has decided no sellers of copper with quotes under the code should quote "non-Blue metal, which comprises metal not produced under. code specifications, until May 22. It was explained, this is to permit -determination of the exact status of such copper as well as how it shall be sold and under what conditions It can be used.

RFC Disbursements 5 Billions Up to May May the 4. (P) Reconstruction DisFinance Corporation up to April 30 totaled $5.139,430,378 including 344.064.992 disbursed to other gOVernment agencies and for destitution relief. Advances on loans to banks, railroads and other organizations totaled which 828,921 has been repaid; the corporation's latest report shows. Loans authorized by the corporation exclusive of the government allotments have been $5:274.645.284 of which $437.635.070 was canceled or withdrawn. Allis Chalmers Co.

Re-elects Directors Wilmington. Del. May 4 -(P) At stockholders meeting All dinectors, were re-elected today of "the Allis-Chalmers- Manufacturing Company. Other business transacted was of a routine nature: Chicago Utility's Net Income Rises Chicago, May 4. (P) -Commonthe.

first quarter, compared with wealth Edison Company of Chicago reported net. income of for $2,155,440 a year ago. The figures Fare before year-end adjustments which last year brought the net income for the quarter up to 020. Per share earnings were $1.54 for the quarter. Gross earnings totaled $19,606,773 against $18,506,107 last year.

RISK FIRM LIFTS DIVIDEND Chicago, May due to generally improved business situation, the Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Company announced has increased its scale of dividend distribution on compensation cies by 23.4 per cent compared with rates paid the last year, Check in Trade Spurt Indicated New York, May 4. There is now considerable evidence the general business. expansion which has been in progress since the beginning of the year is coming to a halt, according to the Alexander Hamilton Institute's current bulletin, which says: "The rise in steel mill activity to the highest rate of the year apparently was stimulated by the announcement of higher prices rather than to any increase in actual consumption. The present rate of activity, is consequently not likely to be maintained for any length of time. Automobile production reached the highest rate of the year in the third week of April, but the Increase over the previous week was relatively slight, and it is apparent the upward movement has practically run its course.

Since production reached an annual rate of 4.767,000 care, curtailment soon must put in appearance because actual sales this year are not likely to exceed 2,600,000 cars. "Freight car loadings have failed to reflect any business expansion in the last month. The latest port shows loadings 5 per cent below the 1934 peak "in March. The value of department store sales in New York in the first half of April was lower than a year ago. This the quantity of goods sold since the price level was 29.1 per cent higher chan a year ago.

Private building contracts in the first half of April were 15.1 per cent smaller than first half of March. In addition to these indications of a business setback, there was a sharp break in grain prices, a particularly unfavorable development." Radio Programs LOCAL PROGAMS TODAY wecO 6:00 p.m.- -Music. 6:15 p.m. -Easy Aces. 6:30 p.m.

-Human Relations. 7:15 p.m. -Ruth Etting. 7:30 p.m. -Marvelous Melodies.

8:30 p.m.- Jones and Ernie Hare. 8:45 p.m. -Music. 9:00 p.m.- -Edith Murray. 9:30 p.m.

-Musical Potpourri. 9:45 p.m. -Musical. 10:30 p.m. -Arlie Simmonds and Orch.

11:00 p.m.- -Dance Program. KSTP 6:08 p.m. -Eddie Dunstedter 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. -Babe Ruth 7:15 p.m.

-Orchestra 7:30 p.m. -Phil Baker 8:00 p.m. -First Nighter 8:30 p.m.-Sham and Rock 8:45 p.m. -True Stories of the Sea 9:00 p.m. -Amos 'n' Andy 9:15 p.m.

-Gene and Glenn 9:30 p.m. -Orchestra 9:45 p.m.- Money King 10:15 p.m.- -Derby Eve 10:35 p.m. 11:00 p.m.- -Dance Orchestra 12:00 Vagabonds WDGY 6:15 p.m. -Misson. 6:45 p.m.- -Doris Plante.

7:00 p.m.- -Speech-Norman B. Harrison. 7:15 p.m.- Johnny Beardsley. 7:45 p.m.- -Reveries. 6:00 p.m.

-George Higgins. 6:30 p.m. -Buddies. 8:00 p.m. -Frank Chermak and Orchestra.

9:05 p.m. -Jewish Players. 10:00 p.m. -Red Sievers' Orchestra. 10:30 p.m.

-Orchestra. 11:00 p.m.- -Red Sievers and Orchestra. WLB 7:00 p.m. -German Lesson, Professor 0. C.

Burkhard. 7:30 p.m. -French Lesson, Professor J. T. Frelin.

LOCAL PROGRAMS SATURDAY wCCO 9:00 a.m.- -Jack Sprat. 9:15 a.m. -The Magic Hour. 9:45 a.m. -Better Drama League.

10:00 a.m. Carlile and London. 10:15 a.m.- -Pete Woolery and the Canadians. 10:30 a.m. Syncopators.

11:00 a.m. Enoch Light and Orchestra. 11:15 Ensemble. 11:45 a.m. -Harold Knight and Orchestra.

1:00 p.m.- Garrigan Orchestra. 1:30 p.m.- Varied Program. 1:45 p.m.- -Ann Leaf. 2:00 -Jim Fettis and Orchestra. 2:30 p.m.

-Russian Gypsies. 2:50 p.m.- -Baseball, Mpis. at Louisville. 5:00 p.m. -Kentucky Derby.

5:30 p.m. -State Fed. of Labor. 5:45 p.m. -Isham Jones and Orchestra.

6:05 p.m. -Studio Party. 6:45 p.m. -Zuhrah Shrine. 7:00 p.m.

-Grete Stueckgold and Ensemble. 7:30 p.m.- Roy Helton. 7:45 p.m.- -Fray and Braggiotti, pianists. 8:00 p.m.- -Byrd Antarctic Expedition. 8:30 p.m.

Peter the Great. 9:00 p.m. -Sylvia Froos. 9:20 a.m. -Little Jack Little and Orchestra.

9:30 p.m. -Carl Hoffmeyer and Orchestra. 10:00 p.m. Carrol Dickerson and Orchestra 10:30 p.m. -Louis Panico and Orchestra.

11:00 p.m. -Dance Program. KSTP. 7:00 -Breakfast Club 8:00 a.m.• -Edward McHugh 8:15 a.m.- -Morning Parade 9:15 a.m.- -Musical 9:30 a.m. -Henie and Grenadiers 9:45 a.m.

-Household Talk 10:00 a.m. -Ambassadors 10:15 a.m.-Soloist 10:30 a.m.- -Vic and Sade 11:00 a.m.-Words and Music, 11:30 a.m.-Farm and Home Hour 1:00 p.m.- To 'be announced. 1:30 p.m. -Springtime Concert 2:30 p.m. -Lady Next Door 3:00 p.m.3:30 p.m.- -Organ 3:45 p.m.- -Jimmy Grier's Orchestra 4:00 p.m.

Eb and Zeb 4:10 p.m.- -Orchestra 4:30 p.m.-Cecil and Sally 4:45 p.m.- Orphan Annie 5:00 p.m.-Kentucky Derby 5:33 p.m.- Unele Tom 6:08 p.m.- -Eddie Dundstedter 6:30 p.m.- Across the Border 7:00 p.m.- -House Party 7:30 p.m. -Beatrice Fairfax 8:00 p.m.- Travelcade 8:30 p.m. To be announced 9:00 p.m.- -Orchestra 9:30 p.m. One Man's Family 10:15 p.m.- -Carnival 11:00 p.m.- Orchestras 12:00 m. Vagabonds WDGY 6:30 a.m.- -Organ 7:15 a.m.

Varieties 7:30 a.m -Christian Science 7:45 a.m.- -Family Altar 8:00 a.m.- -Georgie Porgie a.m. Varied program 10:00 a.m.- -Trio 11:00 a.m.- Frank Transcription Zdarsky's orchestra 10:30 11:45 a.m. Accordian 12:00 m. Surf Riders 1:00 p.m. -Buddies 1:30 p.m.- Music 1:45 p.m.

-Paulos and McLeod 2:00 p.m. Varied program 2:15 p.m. -Records 2:45 p.m. Blue Ridge Trio 3:00 p.m. -Music 3:30 p.m.

-Records 3:45 p.m.- Georgie Porgie 4:30 p.m.- Music 5:30 p.m.- -Broadway Temple 6:10 p.m.- Minnesotans 6:45 p.m.- -Orchestra 7:30 p.m. -Piano Earl Gardner 7:45 p.m.- -Reveries WRHM 6:00 a.m. -Morning Meditations, Rev. P. H.

Pollock. 8:30 a.m.- -Buddies. A 9:30 a.m.- Rev. James R. Gronseth.

10:25 a.m. Organized Unemployed. 11:00 -Orchestra. 12:15 p.m. Whoopee John.

12:30 p.m. Julia Hayes. 2:00 p.m.- Golden Reveries. 2:00 p. Dance Music.

4:00 p.m.- Frank Zdarsky and Orchestra. 4:45 p.m.- -Indian Friend. 5:00 p.m. Varied Program. 5:30 p.m.- Surf Riders.

6:00 -Geo. Higgins. 6:15 p.m.- Tommy Thompson and Orch. 6:30 p.m. -Buddies.

8:00 p.m.- -Dr. Geo. Mecklenburg, 10:00 p.m. -Red Sievers and Orchestra. 10:45 p.m -Orchestra.

a.m.- -Orchestra. p.m.- Red Sievers and Orchestra. WLB 7:00 p.m.-Symphonies. WEAL 9:45 a.m.-St. Olaf College Chapel.

Schlif PRESENTS ITS SPOTLIGHT REVUE COLUMBIA COAST TO COAST. NETWORK WCCO 8 P.M. Central Standard Time New York, May 4-(P)-Fox 13 March 31 consoliFilm Corporation, reported for the dated net profit, after reserve for federal taxes, of $805,376, to 33 cents a share on. the capital stock. For the first quarter of 1933 the company reported loss of $557,122.

Fox Film Net Profit In Quarter $805,376 Fraternal Orders ZION COMMANDERY NO. 2, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR SPECIAL FUNERAL NOTICE Funeral services for our late brother, Sir Knight Jean Koch, will be held Saturday, May 5, p.m./ from Burd Johnston Funeral Parlors, 2301- Dupont ave. S. Please attend in full Templar uniform. RICHARD JOHNSON, Commander.

Florists FUNERAL designs, wedding bkts, pot plants. Weinholzer Floral. LO 4841: 3546 Henn. Monuments Markers REST assigned bronze markers, memorial urns and vases with Luxor "moist air Also some urns without our system cheap. Our goods sold in 24 states.

Luxor Metal Vase Co. Mfgr's. 22 EAST HENNEPIN BRONZE Grave Markers Monumental Vases in Bronze, Aluminum Cast Iron. Many attractive designs. Prices reasonable.

See samples on display at our office. CROWN IRON WORKS COMPANY Tel. GR 3556 1229 Tyler St. NE. FOR a square and honest deal buy direct from us.

The Eckes Monument Co. 517 West Broadway. CH 6468. GREENE-GRIGNON AND PETERSON GRANITE COMPANY 36th Henn. Minneapolis.

RE 2412. Obituary Notices BARRACLOUGH, ESTHER 64 years, of 1069 24th av SE. Survived by her husband, one son, Harry, Funeral services Washburn Mortuary chapel, 412 Central av, Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Interment Rio, Wis. BELL, GERTRUDE- -Age 73 years, passed away Wednesday at Napoleon N.

D. Services Saturday, 2 o'clock, Gethsemane Lutheran church, 47th and Colfax N. Interment Mound cemetery, Brooklyn Center. Remains at Swanson's funeral chapel. DEUTEL, PAUL -Age 62, of 415 16th st.

Services 3 p.m. Saturday at the National funeral home. Interment Hillside. BUNDGREN, of 4320 CHARLES EDWARD- -Age 61, Minnehaha av. Survived his wife, one son, Paul: one daughter, Alice; parents, four sisters, and two brothers.

Funeral services Vanderburg Presbyterian church, corner 30th AV 33d st Saturday 2 p.m. under the auspices of Cataract lodge No. 2 A. F. A.

M. Interment Acacia Park. Washburn mortuary service. HOUSTON, LOWELL -Age 19, formerly of Wood Lake, passed away Wed. Funeral services Sat.

2 o'clock Welander-Quist chapel. Broadway at Fremont. Interment Lakewood. KNICK. WILLIAM 61, passed away Thursday.

Funeral services and interment Sunday, Brownton, Minn, Welander-Quist service. KOCH, JHAN 3112- Holmes AV. passed away May 3rd. Services Saturday at 2 o'clock at Burd P. Johnston Mortuary.

Interment Lakewood. LARSON, GEORGE-Of 2400 12th av 8. Funeral services and interment Breckenridge, Minn. Washburn Mortuary service. LEAVEY, WILLIAM-Age 47, 1076 18th av SE, on Friday.

Notice later. Arrangemets by Leo E. Rainville. ULVEN, CARRIE 73 years, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Carl W.

Tucker, 4837 Park May 4. Survived by two daughters: Mrs. Tucker and Mrs. Lloyd Uglum, Adams, five sons: George and Edward, Sioux Falls, S. Carmie of Pacific Palisades, Elmer, Adams, Fred, Rose Creek, Minn.

Funeral services and interment at Adams, Minn. Washburn Mortuary service. WAGNER, JENNIE FANNY--Age. 73, wife of John W. Wagner of 3309 Girard av 8, passed away Thursday.

Funeral services Saturday afternoon, 2:30, at the Seventh Day Adventist church, 27th and Stevens. Interment Lakewood cemetery. WelanderQuist service. WIESEKE. ERICH F.

69, passed away N. Thursday at his home, 1823 25th av Services Saturday at 3 p.m. at Immanuel Lutheran church, 22d av and Girard. Interment Hillside cemetery. Remains at the home after 7 p.m.

Friday. WILLSON, MARY ELIZABETH- -Residence 3807 Garfield aV S. Survived by son Richard and daughter, Katherine, also three brothers and three sisters. Funeral Monday 8:30 a.m. from' Gill Brothers Funeral chapel and Incarnation church 9 o'clock.

Interment St. Mary's. Card of Thanks WE WISH to express our sincere thanks to the many friends who gave their kindness, sympathy and beautiful floral offerings during illness and death of our beloved wife and -Mr. E. F.

Mar- key and Daughter. Funeral Directors WELANDER-QUIST CO. 2 CHAPELS 1825 Chicago av. 1200 Broadway For Over 75 Years WASHBURN MORTUARY DONALD R. McREAVY.

BR 3421 McDIVITT FUNERAL HOME 2825 E. Lake St. DU 2102 DAVIES MORTUARY CO. 1403 Harmon pl. cor.

14th. Ma: 4351 EARL FUNERAL HOME Flynn-Wagner Mortuary Leo E. Rainville. GE 5434 GLEASON MORTUARY 0. LARSON, Mortuary, 2301 Central Residence 1217 Monroe st.

GR 4791. BARNEY ANDERSON. SON 8644 Chicago av. LO 0771. ENGER FUNERAL HOME Grant St.

at Park Av. GE 1661 BURD P. JOHNSTON 2301 Dupont S. at Henn. KE 0550 SUNDSETH FUNERAL HOME Established 1892.

Lyndale, 21st av N. CH 2095. Personals IF In Debt The BOYD System WILL GET YOU OUT Boyd Credit Service, Inc. J. BOYD THOMPSON Mgr.

512 Andrus Building, WE PAY YOUR DEBTS How to pay your honest debts with what vou have to spare. See Us Today! Service Bureau, Inc. 514 Baker Arcade Open Mon. Eve. RECOUP, your on lapsed building and loan stock, investment securities.

three year life insurance policies and unpaid death losses. Correspondence invited. What have you? Box 3833. Journal. MONEY needed tor worthy Christian cause.

Any gift acceptable. Call Floyd Jones. Minnesota Bible University. GL 5979. DRESSES dry cleaned only, 2 for 75c del d.

hangers. Suits extra trousers cleaned pressed. $1. Artistic Cleaners. MA 0401.

OPEN -Parlor suite, $49.50. to- Furniture. 2201 Marshall Northeast, Terms: Do repairing. GR 2002. LET us give your loved ones best nursing.

board and room in our cheerful home. Reas. rates. 3020 RE 7681. MAINSPRING, 50c.

Dobrin, 504 McKee 18 4th st. Watch rep. at wholesale. WIGS TOUPEES MADE TO ORDER MAISON BERNARD CIE. 117 8 9th.

Beer Beverages BEER. Win. $1.39 case up. pony. extra special malt syrup 3 cans for $1.00.

J. Weisburd, 232 7th st. BR 1802. BEER, ANY SIZE KEG, CASES. 3727 M' haha.

DU 5113. Open till 12 p.m. Bus Transportation UNION BUS DEPOT Low bus tares everywhereCor. 7th st 1st av N. AT 0551 CHICAGO $5.

ROUND. TRIP $8 LOS ANG, $24. N. Y. $20.

BUS DEPOT, 815 Henn. AT 4444 Lost- -Found Rewards MINK scarf. 3. skins, lost between garage 2552 Garfield 8. Reward.

Can days or RE 8329 evenings, 3515. Reward. ORANGE pomeranian lost vicinity 3609 Clinton av. Child's pet. Call LO 4986 for reward.

BRIEF case, black Reward. leather, 2931 contains Franklin keys and tools, lost. terrace. apt. 3.

AT 6951. PURSE, brown, contain. bank book: "contents valuable to owner only, lost in Donaldson's store. Reward. CO 8078.

BUNCH of keys on chain lost in Neisner's store. 7th 1 Nic. HY 4610. FOUND, YELLOW ANGORA CAT CALL CO 2026. RED CHOW dog.

female, lost, answers to "Tuffy." Call 4859 for reward. ET EYE Sun. glasses KE 4320. in Benson Rew. optical case lost BANK BOOK LOST, CONTAINING $100.

REWARD. AT 7690. BELT, red white check, lost on Nicollet near Franklin. KE 8211. LEATHER case, keys No.

C2034 on one, lost. Reward. Von Ende. 600 N. Y.

Life bidg. PARTY who found baby's pal, white fem. poodle, Wed, nite, return to 3512 Minnehaha Lost Rewards SPRINGER spaniel, male, 5 mo, white and liver color. Answers to name Tippy. KE Business Service Collection Service INC.

MERCHANTS Bonded. 529 7th COLLECTION st 8. GE AGENCY 3169. GO Moving, Hauling, Storage For Your Household Goods SAFE STORAGE in cur heated Fireproo: Warehouse No hazardous open floors. LOW MOVING RATES -Local and Long Distance.

CUT FREIGHT RATES In. pool cars to the Pacific EXPERT PACKING- Storage Shipment Boyd Transfer Stg. Co. 400 LAKE STREET. Phone RE gent 5271: WANT part load to International Falls, Duluth or Hibbing, Milwaukee Chicago and pt Id return insured.

DR 1077. MOVING, hauling, $1 2 men, or free est. on job. Spec. on lake trips.

CH 4517. SPEC. hsehold moving, $1.50 2 men; $1 extra for piano, Ige. vans. DR 1077.

NEED your moving, local, low rates load from Fargo, Duluth Akron, 0. DU 5975 Patent Trade Mark Attorneys WILLIAMSON WILLIAMSON, Est. 1885. One of firm former examiner U. Patent Office.

925 Met. Life Bldg. 'GE 4551. ANDREW E. CARLSEN, Patent Lawyer, 1143 Plymouth Mpla.

MA 6602. HOME Service GUIDE LAWNS RAKED. Gardens spaded and cared for. Reas. by hour or job.

WA 5623. Black Dirt, Cinders, Sodding NUTRIA- -A high lime pulverized peat, holds moisture, lightens heavy sott, binds sandy soil -fine top dressing for lawns. GR 4343. Nutria Peat Co. RICH black dirt, big Id.

$2.50. Cinders $2. Cow manure, peat, filling, grading and sodding. Hauling of all kinds. WA 2642.


GRIMES, KE 2079. SOD 10C PER YARD DEL'D, SPECIAL LAWN SOIL, $3 PER LOAD, SODDING REASONABLE. HY 1514 FIELD. FERTILIZER, Brighton Brand, the natural plant food for lawns, garden and shrubs $2.75 per 100 lbs. del'd.

GR 1321. BEST quality black dirt and rotted cow manure for lawn dressing, black dirt $1 yard; manure $1.50 yard. CO 8613. OH MIN! CALL MA 0683 Best black dirt peat at lowest prices. RICH bik.

dirt, 3 sod sodding; crushed rock; tree service. Free est. CH 8988 LAWN WONDER FERTILIZER $3 per 100 lbs. delivered. MA 0834.

BEST UPLAND BLACK DIRT ALSO GOOD FILLING CHEAP. WA 6405. CLOVER sod 10c per yard. Good black dirt $1 per yard. del.

LO 4832. SODDING, black dirt. seeding, shrubs, trim. Free est. Turner AT 6998.

RE 7169. BLACK dirt or peet. Pay for hauling only. Also cheap filling. WA 6029.



Bullders, Contractors, Jobbing FOR remodeling or repairs on your home as well as the building of a new home call C. G. Birtness MA 8894. AMERICAN LUMBER WRECKING CO. Garage and remodeling on monthly payments.

CH 3381. homes, free lake terms. cottages, CO repair- 1473. remodeling, Cement Contractors Plastering, Repairing CEMENT work, any kind, plastering patching, reas. Refs.

Free est. CH 1994. Cleaners, Dyers, Launderers Men's SECURITY suits ex. trousers Dyers, clean'd, GE press 0811. $1.

Cleaners 3 dresses cleaned only $1. Del. on hangers. Electrical ServiceAppliances, Repairs Pick 215 E. Lake st.

RE 1616. Elec. motor repairs of all kinds. LIC'D elec. wants any elec.

work, repairing, etc. by cont. or job. Reas. CO 2714.

Floor Refinishing Resurfacing FLOOR sanding, good work at fair. price. Prompt service. P. B.

Olson. CH. 4356. Fur Repairing FUR storage, cleaning, repairing, now at summer prices. Jackets from your old coat $10.50.

New coats to order at a saving. Phone MA 4853. We call estimate, no obligation. Globe Fur Co. 703 Hennepin.

Furniture Upholster, Repair Economy, upholstering and repairing. Phone any time. Free estimates. KE 1342. WILL upholster davenport chair, jabor materials, $25.

Work guar. GE 3631. ERIC JACOBSON, KE 7818, for expert refinishing upholster. reas. 911 Lake.

SAVE money Guar. upholster' Free est. LO repair' 6672. moth proofing. WE REPAIR AND UPHOLSTER FURNITURE.

DR 3916. Gardening Tree Trimming DAHLIAS GLADIOLUS! Prize winning varieties; large surplus stock, priced to move; select your garden needs today. GLADAHLIA GARDENS. 5332 '32d LYNNHURST GARDENS Bridal wreath, buckthorn, barberry, 10c; evergreens, trees, shrubs, lower prices, free est. on landscape work.

RE 5351. 5500. Lyndale 8. HILLCREST FLORIST Spiren, Buckthorn, Barberry 10c; Bik. Hill Spruce, Roses 25c.

56 Lyndale S. RE 2929 FRENCH LILACS, SEVERAL VARIETIES PEONIES, A-1 STOCK, REAS. Franklin Nursery, 61st Portid. RE 5739. SHRUBBERY, sodding, black dirt.

fertilizer, tree work, work guar. RE 5730. DAHLIA gladiolus bulbs cheap: vigorous. large flowering. 5332 32nd av S.

Lawn Mower Service BICYCLES. lawn mowers, new old sharpened, repaired. 307 Lake. RE 0665. Mattress Renovatore MATTRESSES.

DOX springs, sterilized, 1 aay ser. Regal Mattress Co. RE 5454 Painting, Paperhanging and SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK 75c Wall paper cl. 75c per rm. Dough process, Paint washing, painting papering.

ZIMMER. Est. given. 8079. Paperhanging Painting WALLPAPER CLEANING Guar.

work, low prices. CH 0852. WALL PAPER cleaning, 35c room; paint washing, plastic wall' cleaning specialty; kalsomine cleaned. DR 4519. FOR your paperhanging, decor' painting.

all kinds, call HY 0456, free est. We positively guarantee our work. WALL PAPER, 3c ROLL AND UP 15c. to 50c papers, choice, 3c to 18c roll. $3 varnish, $1 gal.

820 Lake st. WALLPAPER CLEANING 75c room, paint washing $1.25 plastic walls a specialty KALSOMINE CLEANED. Rets. RE 3809. PAINT papering, est.

large or small jobs. Lund, CH 9561. 2919 Morgan N. WANTED or painting. papering.

odd job Work. moving hauling Free esti CA 3669. SAVE. painting. have your house washed, reas.

Storm window work. BR 2332. A-1 8072. PAPERHANGING, in outside painting. DU SPECIAL LOW PRICES.

PAPERING. painting. Prices reas. Work guar. Call DR -2728.

A Johnson. WALLPAPER 4c roll and up, sold with borders to match. 703 Lake. RE 5335. IN outside wall cleaning.

Reas. by exp. Free est. Neumann. MA 9653 IS HOMEM Service "GUIDE Chicago Chicago Stocks Etocke DiT.

Actual Rate High Last' Prod Bore 106 2050 Mach 600 Bend. Br 201 do Dexter 120 100 700 MarCh- 300 Pad 5,0 MidI 100 A Leath 100) SO: Sec Inv: (1) 100 Co 50 6 Potter Process Corp Pub Her pf (6) 62 aid Dredg nf 100 Co 460 Swift Int (2) 350 311 31 Vortex Cup (1) 50 111 Ex- dividend EX-Firat sale since ex-dividend dater. XR-Ex-righte. A -Plus extras. D-Induding extras.

Pant year 1-Payable In stock. Paid far thin year h- -Cash or Accumulated dividend paid thin year. -Alto extra CARD or stock dividend paid mince January 1. Investment Trust Company Funds New York May Over the counter market at 12 Bid Admin Fund ww 15 20 16 72 ARNDC Stand 01l British Type Inv 50 Bullock Fund 12. 13 Cumul Tr Shra 3 93 Corporate Tr 2 01 do AA 1 95 do AA mod 25 2 38 Corp Tr accur 95 Diversified Tr Ahra 00 10 3 40 do Dividend Shra 20 1 22.

Fidelity Fund Inc 45 99 54 Incorp Investors 17 19.16 Independence Tr Ahra 2 15 2.45 Low Priced MAN Investors Tr 1A 20 36 Nation Wide Secur 32 do vte 1 25 1.35 Bank 314 No Am Tr A1 do 1955 33 do 1956 31 Quart Inc Shre 30 1.40 Selected A.m Shra 2 61 do Tar 128 Selected Cum Shre 6 70 Relected Inc Ahra 49 4 00 State Street Invest 65 75 71.01 Sup Cor A Shra A A 15 do BB 17 5 66 do 68 Supervised Shra 28 1 40 Trust 8td Oil Shra A do 8 FI ahra A 131 2 00 2 10 do vte 74 .86 Bank Stocks NEW YORK BId Asked Bank of Manhattan 31 33 Bankers 64 66 Brooklyn Tr 105 110 Cen Han 135 139 Chase 29 301 Chem 40 1 42 City Div 29 31 Comml 143 153 Conti 131 Corn Exch 521 544 Empire 194 First 1675 1715 Guar 364 369 Irving Dive 18 Mfr 22 Trust 105 108. Publle 33 35 Tital Guar 9 11 4 CHICAGO Rid Asked Am Nat Bank Tr Co. 100 ChICAgO. Title Tr 76 78 City Nati 95 103 Cont Ill Nat Bk Tr 44 45 Trust Bay Rk 65 Drovers National First National- Bank 111 113 Harris Trust 240 248 Liberty Bank 200 Merchandise Rk Trust 60 70 Merchandise Bank Tr 43 47 National Builders Bank 20 30 Northern Trust 375 390 (From Paine, Webber Co.) Canadian Stocks MONTREAL High Low Last -Bell Tel 119 119 119 Brazilian 103 Brit Am 011 15 1.3 15 Can Cement Malting. 32 32 Can Car Fdv Ind Alco Cons Smelters 160 140 160 Bridge 34 Dom Ford Can Hiram WAlker 4 34 011 15 14 Montreal Power 38 Imp.

Not Brew Steel of Canada' 361 361 A 174 175 TORONTO High Low Last Bobjo 50 48 48 Bralorne 50 14 10 50 El Dorado 99 4R 1 97 44 1 97 God's Lake 46 Hollinger 15 15 50 15 60 Hudson Bav 00 12:85 13.00 00 Kirkland Lake 54 55 Lake Shore 75 Mcintyre Premier 28 San Antonio 91 90 20 15 20 Sylvanite 56 Sudbury Basin 70 75 Hughes 00 5 90 00 193 95 Wright 8 50 085 Ventures Was ride White 33 33 (From James Richardson A. Land Bank Bonds Bid Asked FIR Nov. 1957. 100 1001 FIR May 100 100 1956-35 100 01004 FIR 10014 FIR 1005. 1004 FIR Nov.

1958 1004 1011 FIR May 1942-34 -100 1004 ot July 100 100 4 FUR 4 Jan. 1955-35 10014 100 Jan 1956 476 4100 1011. July 1953-34 100 100 Jan or July 100 of Nos 101 100-19-32 102 2-32 102 5-32 Skelly Loss Less Than for Year Ago York. May -Skelly reports net loss of for the first quarter of 1934 after all, chatges This compares loss of $1282.679 for the corresponding period last year. Purity Bakeries Net 10 Cents on Common Chicago, May (P) -Purity Bakeries Corporation in weeks ended April 21 earned $73,428 or 10 cents share on outstanding stock.

against $116.094. of 15 cents in 1933. A dividend of 25 cents a share was voted, payable June 1 to stockholders of record May 15. N. Y.

C. FREIGHT CLIMBS New York, May New York Central freight traffic last week -totaled 101,429 cars, compared with 97,842 the previous week and 83,250 a year ago. ATLAS VOTES DIVIDEND Wilmington, May 4U.P.) The Atlas Powder Company declared a dividend of 50 dents a share off common stock payable June 11, on stock of record May 31. Chicago, May 4. Hogs.

15,000 inIctuding 9.000 direct. market, slow; about steady with Thursday; 180 to 250 lb, $3.85, top, $3.85, 260 lb, $3.50 to 140 to 110 lb, $3.25 to most pigs, $2.50 down; packing sows, to $3.10. Light light, good and choice, 140 to 160 $3.25 to. light weight, :160 to 200 Iba, $3.50 to $3.85: medium weight. 200 10 250 Ibs, $3.70 to heavy weight, 250 to 350 Ibm.

$3.50 to packing. SO WE, medium and good, 275 to 550 IDE, $2,75 to good and choice, 100 to 130 to $3.25. Cattle. calves, 800; general market slow, no rellable outlets for inbetween krade yearlings and light steers: good heftera 10c lower: bulls weak, 10c lower; vealera fully steady, some well finished yearlinga being taken off market; early top medium weight steers, $7.60: Slaughter cattle and vealers: Steers, good and choice. 550-900 $6.

to $7.75 56 to 1.100-1:300 155. $7.50 to lbs, $8 to common and medium, Ibs, 10 heifers, good and choice, 550-750 Iba, $5.25 to $6.50 common and medium, $3.50 to: $5.25: cows, good, $4.25 to common and medium. $2.85 to low cutter and cutter. $1.75 bulls (yearFlings excluded), good (beef). $3.25 to cutter, common and medium, $3 to vealers.

good and choice, $5 to medium, $4 to $5.50: cull and common, $3 to $4: stocker and feeder cattle, steers, good and choice. Ibs, $4.75 to common arid medium, $3.50 to $5. Sheep, fat lambs active: cents opening sales and indications 15 25 or more higher; woolskins, $10 to $10.25: best held higher; clippers held above sheep steady; top shorn ewes, $4.50. Slaughter sheep and lambs: (Quotations on shorn basis). Lambs, 90 lbs.

down, good and choice, $8.65 to common and medium, $6.25 to 90-98 lbs, good and choice, $8.50 to ewes, 90-150 IDA, good and choice, $3.25 to all weights, common and medium. $2 to $3.90. OMAHA LIVESTOCK Omaha (last report) -Hogs, moderately active, mostly steady to 5c higher; packing SO weak; better load 170-280 choice lbs top $3.40 for part 1236 Ibm; medium grade better 260-350 Ibs few choice 280 lbs $3.30: 140-18 lbs feeder pigs mostly most packing SOWS stags down; average cost Wednesday $3.05, weight 250. Cattle 5.200, calves 300: fed steers and yearlings uneven; small supply good. and choice weighty steers and medium weights active, strong: slow, weak, on predominant supply of light steers and stockers yearlings; and feeders other killing classes steady; scarce; bulk fed steers and yearlings 7 50; around 1,000 lbs yearlings choice 1.668 lb steers and around 1,250 lbs weights mostly few lots bulk beef cows small lots good choice 5.00; cutters medium bulls 3.10; heavy fat bulls practical top vealers $6.00, choice selecta quotable up to $7.00.

Sheep 6,500, including 1,300 direct: lambs opening steady to 25c higher, most advance on spring lambs: early sales fed. wooled lambs to shippers fed clipped lambs native spring lambs up to sheep strong; shorn ewes up to $4.35: shearing lambs $9.00: 58-Ibs one average. load Texas shorn feeding lambs, $6.00. SIOUX CITY LIVESTOCK Sioux City, May -UP -Cattle, 1,500: killing classes steady in cleanup trade; part load cholee $8. scattered males medium to good steers and yearlings, $5 to load 763 pound helfers.

odd lots, $5.25 down; beef COWS largely $3 to better grades, $1.75 to $2.50. Hogs, 6.500: slow: medium and light hogs to. shippers steady; SOWN steady to 10c higher: beat major packers inactive: top early bulk better grade 180-250 pound weights. $3.20 to nothing done on heavier weights: odd lots, 140-170 pound weights. $2.75 to $3.10: ROWS, $2.65 to bulk, feeder pigs up to $2.65.

Sheep. 2,000, including 300 direct and 300 billed through; salable supply one load shorn Texas feeding lambs balance fed wooled and clipped lambs: no early ACtion. asking stronger on slaughter lambs or up to $10 and above for desirable ed Akins; best clippers eligible around $8.75 down. MILWAUKEE LIVESTOCK Milwaukee (last report) -Hogs, 2,000, steady, unchanged, 250 lbs and up. 13.80: 250 lbs and down.

Cattle 1,000, weak, unchanged. Calves, 3,000. steady, unchanged. Sheep 200. open, bidding 25 or more lower, unchanged.

SIOUX FALLS LIVESTOCK Sioux Falls (last report) 5 cents lower; top. bulk, medium weights, stock, Cattle, 400, packing steady. RAW HIDE FUTURES New York (last report) -Raw hide futures closed barely steady, 4-5 lower. High Low Last September 11.20 11.10 11.05B December 11.50 11.50 11.40B March 11.75N June 10.56B Sales 720,000 B-Bid: N--Nominal. Livestock Receipts Chicago, May stock receipts today: Chicago Kansas City Omaha St.

Louis St. Joseph Sioux City St. Paul Pittsburgh Buffalo Cincinnati. -Estimated live- Hogs. Cattle.

Sheep 15.000 1.500 9,006 3.000 700 2.500 7,500 2:000 7,000 7,500 1.000 1.200 5.000 1,000 4,500 6.500 1,500 2,500 7.500 2,900 500 1,800 100 500 2.500 100 1,000 5,000 300 500 4,000 1,100 200 BOSTON WOOL Boston (last report) -A few manufacturers inquired for combing wool, but they apparently were not in any hurry to buy. Occasionally they took a few sample bags. In many cases the chief interest was in determining the qualities, amounts, And prices of wools available. Quotations were about steady to firm on spot domestic wools. There were of sentiment being bolstered up A little in this market by the fact that opening prices at London this week were off less than their previous close than had been anticipated before the opening.

MINNEAPOLIS HAY Carlots, 1 b' Minneapqolis: No. 1 timlothy. $14; No. 2 timothy, No. mixed, d.

No. 2 mixed, d. g. No. upland.

No. 2 upland. $13: No. 3 upland. $12; No.

1 $9. No. 2 midland, packing hay, $6: wheat straw, $6: No. oat straw. No.

1. rye straw. $6: No. No. 2 alfalfa, standard alfalfa.

$14.50. -Steel Exports Set Five- Year High Washington, May -Iron and steel exports for March" reached the highest volume for any month since July, 1929, the commerce department reported. Total shipments of iron and steel material in the month amounted to 261.269 gross tons, compared with 151.184 tons in February and 80.567 tons in March 1933. Exports of automotive products for March increased 194 per cent over exports for March, 1933. In March, 1934, these exports had total value of $21.185,961, an in(crease of $7,647.271 over February land The $13,997,269 valuation above of March, automo- 1933.

tive products for March exceeded that of any month since June, 1930, when foreign shipments were valued at $22,790:356, the department said. Contractor Code Rules Out Soon Minnesota contractors soon- will be notified of the procedure sary to obtain official copies of the labor provisions of the construction code for posting on construction work in this secton. The asGeneral Contractors of Minnesota have been notified by the divisional code authority for general contractors, Washington, that request forms for use by the contractors in obtaining of these official labor provisions will be ready for local distribution before May: 15, it was, announced by C. T. Naugle, president of the Minnesota general contractors' association.

Upon receipt, these official labor provisions of the construction code are required to be posted conspicuit ously on all construction projects in the state. It is anticipated more than $20,000.000,000 in Minnesota construction will come under these regulations this year. Painting, Paperhanging and DecoratingWALL PAPER CLEANING Painted Walls Washed NO MUSS, STREAKS OR DIRT! Inside outside painting. Paperhanging. Storm windows removed, screens put on.

Est. free. Special C. A. Campbell, AT prices this week.

7795. Butler Plumbing, Heating, SuppliesCesspool Cleaning PLUMBING htg. sewer, new repair. C. Stiller 0129 10th st.

GE 1966. 50 1200 502 200 Radio Repairing AUTO radio service repair. Aerials of all kinds. Service calls. Jalisco Radio Service.

AT 1215. 1215 Nic. Rooting Repairing FOR FREE ESTIMATES on rooting, siding painting, call GE 0888. U. S.

ROOFING 904 Henn. RU-BER-OID MATERIAL USED. WE STOP LEAKS, all type roofs gutters repaired. Work guar. Reasonable prices.


Stove, Furnace Repair STOVES. FURNACE BOILER REPAIRS Dunnam-Scott. 17 3 st. GE 8671. White Sand WHITE SAND FOR PLAY BOXES.

1915 38th st. DR 3980. Miscellaneous for Sale POTATOES, cobblers and round white, 706 bu. No. 2, 39c bu.

Quantity discount. Potato Warehouse, Lindstrom, Minn, WALLBOARD, slight defects, $25, 1,000 sq. ft. 3009 Lake st. DU 6707.

ONE LAWN MOWER SHARPENER FOR SALE. CALL HY 2104. Auction Sales AUCTION Special sale of all of the very high grade furniture In the home of C. Salisbury, executive member of Foshay 1221 24th st, top floor, Mpis. Private and exhibition sale Thursday, May 3, till 9 p.m.

Auction sale of all goods left, Friday, May 4, 10 a.m. Including chaise lounge, 2 brocade velvet sofas, oriental and chenille rugs, walnut occasional tables, combination radio cabinet, rare walnut dining set, Electrolux vacuum, 2 high grade bedroom suites, floor lamps, full set Haviland china. W. D. Gordon Auctioneers Boats, Canoes, Motore CHRIS-CRAFT New and used Chris-Craft also a few special buys in outboard boats and motors.

Also new and used sailboats. Mtka. Boat Works, Wayzata. CABIN CRUISERS, BARGAIN AT RAMALEY'S, ORONO, MR. BORT.

GE 5084. Building Materials HOT. bed sash $2.50, asphalt shgs. $3.60, smooth rig. 80c, cottage doors $3.25.

Canfield Yard. 5825 Excel. Blvd. WA 5371. NOW wrecking houses corner Central 20th av NE.

Buy on the job save. Empire Wrecking. 1422 Cent. GR 3588. PLUMBING, heating supplies, stock mine now tanks, pump well supplies, wholesale retail.

Standard, 2nd av Wash. Coal, Coke and Wood KINDLING dry mill wood, 500 1,000 oak chunks, seas. 60 daye $4.25 T. Nash Fuel, 44 Bdwy. NE.

MA 0667 WOOD FOR SCRIP Extra large loads. CH 3669. Clothing Furs FUR COATS cleaned, glazed, relined, cluding choice silk lining, complete, Jackets made complete, incl. lining. $12.

Chokers made, $2. West Lake Furriers, 314 Lake, near Grand av. Open eves. DRESSES, coats, suits, salesman's ples, stunning styles, all sizes, low prices, shown day nite till 10 p.m. 1471 Portland av, St.

Paul. MI 2308. MEN'S high grade suits, topcoats, women's dresses. cheap. 306 MARQUETTE.

SUITS TOPCOATS. NEW USED. At very low prices. 1502 Thomas N. Household Goode AGITATOR Hoover, Eureka hand vacuum Graybar vibrator.

A-1 cond. CO 6847. LIBRARY table, folding cot, typewriter, doll buggies, beds, dolls, etc. WA 2166. REAL buy, 5 rms.

of furniture, cheap taken at once. 2627 Nicollet, Apt. 3. KLEARFLAX RUG, 9x14, SUNROOM FURNITURE. RE 4563.

Household Goods Dealers Electric Refrigerators One MEDIUM FAMILY Size Floor demonstrator One LARGE FAMILY Size Floor demonstrator WILL BE SOLD WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 Open Eves. Harold L. Schaefer, Inc. 1620 Harmon Place MA 0521 GAS RANGES. $2.50 TO $10 FIRST COMES.

FIRST SERVED The new 1934 Universal gas line on display HAROLD L. SCHAEFER, INC. 1620 HARMON PL. MA 0591 Open Evenings Till 10 ICEBOXES $2.50 to $10 first come first served. Wonderful buys.

New elec. refrigerators on display Sunday. HAROLD L. SCHAEFER, INC. 1620 HARMON PL.

MA 0521 Open Evenings TIll 10 2-PC living room suites, brand new good looking. Why buy used? Reliable Parlor Furn. Factory. 2940 Nicollet. UNCLAIMED furniture from storage.

Good used household goods cheap. J. W. Olson Furniture 314 Lake st. RE 7120.

HEAVY floor covering, 50c per sq. yard. 3009 Lake DU 6707. Jewelry- Watches, Etc. SPOT cash for diamonds, goid.

sliver, gold teeth, old jewelry. Sell to a reliable tablished firm and get full value. STANDARD GOLD REFINERS 630 Andrus Bldg. MA in 4928. CONVERT TRASH INTO CASH We pay best prices for Diamonds.

Old Gold teeth, gold filled jewelry, silver. UNITED GOLD REFINERS. 532 Andrus Bide. 5th floor. HIGHEST spot cash tor diamonds, old gold sto state lewelers.

811 Hennepin: Lumber PINE shiplap boards, $25. Insulation boards, $30: $34. Garage doors, house doors, $2.60. in. fir plywood, POCKRANDT LUMBER FUEL WALNUT 3130 St.

Louis Park, Minn. Musical Instruments Radios PIANOS--REAL BARGAINS, REGENT BROMBACH $60, fine BROMBACH GRAND $275. AAGAARDS. 81 S. 8th st.

120 BASS ACCORDIONS, USED, $65 $75. LINQUIST MUSIC 75 8th ST 8. DAINTY Midget upr. to rent. $5 mo.

Priv. of buying. Cable's, 72 8th st. BUSH GERTS, upright piano. Excellent condition, $25.

AT 9172. Radio Service Supplies AUTO RADIOS, new, used. Terms. All pop. makes.

Serv. Flash Radio, 423 11. BR 3028 Sewing Machines FINGER $5.50, Domestic $3.50, Singer. TOtary $15, rents $1. 2749 Stevens.

RE 9315. Barter Trade TRADE wood for ice boxes, kitchen tables and chairs, dressers and? CH 3669. Store Office Equipment TWENTY WALNUT BOOTHS, THREE ELECTRIC BAKE OVENS. DOUGH MIXER, BREAD WARMER. THREE FRIGIDAIRE COMPRESSORS WITH RE FRIGERATORS.


Bar. equip. Headquarters for glassware, supplies, steam tables, stainless sinks $25 up. Cash register. Convenient parking.

Schaaf 320 4th st. EMPLOYES time clock. time stamp. job clock, mailing scale, post scale. Dowling Lewis, 340 Franklin av, MA 3796.

WE JACOBSON BUY- SELL EXCHANGE. FIXTURE EXCHANGE. 219-21-23 5th st 8. MA 8828. LIQUOR bars and back bars.

stainless sinks, booths, fountains. Palen, 112 Henn..

The Minneapolis Journal from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.