Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Washington, District of Columbia

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T9lephoneREpubliel2i4i i 1 Shadow able EVENING PROGRAMS 1:30 Nit Owl Theater Radio Notes Radio Programs Scheduled for Today Anne and Bill AND US EVENING PROGRAMS AWARDS HEAR HOLLY WRIGHT and the News 7 em Mon thru ri WRC LUCILLE BALL front doughnuts to $30000 week! GAO Rulings THE WILLIS CONOVER SHOW ORM STONE ISSUE NOW ON SALE NEW GET YOUR COPY TODAY DAY or NIGHT NIGHT or DAY REE GITji MICK IN ATEBNOON PROGBAMS Milton ord Milton vrd Milton ord Holly Wright Washington's most listened to morning newscaster presents a fresh and accurate re port of news made during the night Get the "Wright" habit tune to WRC each morning at 7 Tnt rirur (Jerome 10:00 10:18 10:10 tour with it later on Jose er office wouldn't reveal the name of the star today but ex plained that he had been in over 11:1 a itsae 11:13 WMAL Channell (Listen to and Us on the air Saturdays at 12:30 pm over WEAM 1330 on the am dial) Jack Berch Victor Back to the Bible You II enjof every bite SEA OOD Bernie Sand may be correct about being the first instru mental to make the On New day Milt Grant (WOL) in playing hits of the past 50 played (as we now recall) for 1927 If we are correct in the year then it must have been before lyrics were added as Hoagy once told his radio listeners that Mitch Par rish wrote the words several years after he had written the tune Please tell Les Sand to hurry back he knows so much about records and his radio fans all miss him so SALLY IRENE AND MARY Negotiations Reopened To Continue New York Tho the May 31 closing date for "The still stands a deal is on to get a Hollywood film star to reopen in the blay here in August aryl the week end to see the play and would have to return to Holly wood this week Strong Double Space Cadet Cadet Tdlewlld dial 980 939 on MUTUAL PROGRAMS to be heard over WASH today in clude: 2:30 Say it with Music 3 Paradise 5 Sgt Pres ton 5:30 Sky King 5:55 Cecil Brown 7:30 Gabriel Heatter 7:45 Newsreel 8 Casanova 8:30 Bill Hardy amily 9 Bill Henry Rod and Gun Club 9:30 Roundup 10:15 1 Love a Mystery WCST lOftS Mrs 7 am to A pm WTOP 943 Meg WRC 939 Me WWDC EM HILI Me WMAL 1073 Me moderator and all around an nouncer has been asked by the agency to do the series and now rearranging his riday sched ule so he can handle it It may mean flying about the country a bit as the series will undoubtedly originate from various points 90 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE on all PARTS CC OICIAL RETIRING Henry Long CC employe since 1934 and now chief of the accounting compliance in the common carrier bureau will re tire this month been in gov ernment since 1919 when he started with the Army quarter master corps Lend Lease the Marshall Plan UNRRA Point our European military aid are the public devices of such aid in addition we havemade special contributions to Turkey Yugoslavia Na tionalist China and to many other countries The full amount will never be known until a committee I of Congress is able to investigate every America rueypenditure from 1938 to 1952 In addition we have been asked thru a series of arrangements go ing by the general name of to adjust our tariffs to the neces sities of Europe without regard to the necessities of our own indus tries several of which fre already WRMWnaTIOJVj Beth Kirsten is featured in rhe Sunday dramas on Mutual (7 pm WWDC and WASH M) tain of errors that may crush will go by default The price power is often too high (Copyright 1952 King eature Syndicate Inc How did Lucille Ball (I Love Lucy) rise from a "one doughnut to star of top show? Read hilarious true life adventures in the new issue of LOOK utnn we asked: you think the will be smart enough to grab rank Blair for a regular assignment on the newly BUMPS AND LUMPS DEPT: Curvaceous Mary Lou who does the exercising on highly rated figure ormula show (WNBW) did her bit so enthusi astically the other morning she rolled completely off the platform taking the rug and all with her to the floor Inga screamed and went into a quick sign off with "Look pretty HOLLER DEPT: A number of viewers who watch the Rosecroft Raceway harness races via WTTG seem to think that Jim Gibbons is responsible for the fact ihatJthe with the odds and prices shown act of the matter is that it be shown without incurring the wrath of the CC Comes under the heading of encouraging gam bling a very unpopular heading to be under at the moment We cayght the telecast Monday night about halfway thru the hour program and were im pressed with Don camera work plus affable cheerful manner at the mike The same crew that works the ball games for DuMont is handling the night racing schedule and their experi ence under the arc lights reflects (no pun Intended) in their work Howard Lewis for male appli WHY WAIT? PROTECT WITH CHAIN LINK ENCING REE ESTIMATES NO DOWN PAYMENT Alaska Coal Brick Co NA 58ft OT 7800 IS Years ia BaalneM wait! The weather is right Let us schedule your order now Call OLiver 2200 ORMSTONE CRATERS 4113 lottaii 1hm bfliaida Mi EntMMl Rifltgi It Mf iri 4w taLnInfo chg cintillitliM Imrllm bi4o kr tnlln rtiHoi Bstworiil iflw na Hus 4ir nitTDATT Washington area federal em pjloyment in March the latest month for which official figures are available Increased by 532 over ebruary the CSCommisslon reported yesterday This brought total government employment here to 248748 Overall federal em pioyment figure is 2559168 an In crease of 11428 in March 19g rh TORPEY WINS POST Dr William Torpey person nel officer at the Naval research laboratory has been elected seere treasurer of the eastern region of the Civil Service as sembly professional organization of civil service I A feeling the strain of unfair compe tition Some Americans were sufficient ly courageous to believe that there might be a return for all this as sistance They assumed that when 1 NATO was organized the Euro 1 peans who were able to mobilize ample divisions to meet their needs in two wars against Ger i many would provide some similar defenses to guard their countries i against the new enemy Soviet i Russia That did not happen irst we were told that they would provide sonfe such force by 1952 now we are promised what amounts to a token force by 1954 Meanwhile the United States is fighting a war against Soviet Russia in Korea and is shipping men and supplies to Europe to serve in NATO The rench are heavily involved in IndoChina and Morocco the British are short of manpower and money the West Germans are not certain whether they want to be in another war the Italians fear that the Communists might win the next and so it goes The United States finds itself in the curious situation that every domestic matter is affected by for eign affairs The Europeans pooh pooh our fears of Soviet Russia and speak of oiir hysteria Yet we are organizing our cities for civilian defense As we travel in our cars we read big signs telling us what is to happen on the roads when the day of doom comes Yet the Europeans are not do ing any of these things They wonder why we do them True they realize that the final con sequences of World War have been that the United States found its permanent enemy Soviet Rus sia and that a new aggressor nation has appeared in the world Soviet China But in some of the European nations a large and expressive public opinion seeks a road to neutrality between the United States and Soviet Russia This must be the principal issue in the next Presidential campaign because it is the realistic factor in our current history If we fail to determine in this election whether ffie Ameficaii people pre fer to subordinate their lives to what is called "foreign the opportunity to rectify a moun tain of errors that may crush us of Lore Cifala Navy gift from jewelers 1319 St NW second floor Dale Doty PC flowers from Blackistone TI A r)AiSAIGTPV THURSDAY MAY 22 1952 9:30 AM 10:30 PM nakM TV After repair work la done Take a Ion time to pay CENTRAL TV GE 4300 or GE 2088 Inc 1407 St NW Audrey Bur 'Tnett GAO gift from Lynn jew elers 506 St NW (Bill) Bowers chicken supper for two from Hot Shoppes Inc Catherine Kirby National Science oun dation a pair of passes to I starring Esther WOL M1 Meg to 1 am WASH 971 pm to 11 pm WBUZ M7 Me 7:15 pm Tuesday and Thursday Popular disc jockey Willis Conover presents your favorite vocal and instrumental artists on film Williams at Capitol George Wait NMA a pair of passes to "Belies on Their starring Jeanne Crain Myrna Loy and Edward Arnold Barbara Brayton Weather Bu reau a pair of passes to "Singing in the starring GeneKelly and Debbie Reynolds at Columbia To get the passes and Hot Shoppe awkrd if your name is men tioned above call REpublic 1234 Ext 327 during business hours Monday thru riday 8:00 News: Pop Pops Contort 1 Wagner :45 I McBride NO DOWN PAYMENT! 36 months to pay! Now easier than ever to beautify your home with famous Hand Sculptured Scene and By AERNIE' HARRISON GUARANTEED TV SERVICE OR99 home CALLS All Work Gaarantoei Quality Repairs In Til 3QQQ Your Call 1 Wi "Spintex" Rock Wool INSULATION Alsto ROOING Asbestos and Brick SIDING NO DOWM PATENT Call HU 6400 or REE EatimaM 9mm tnsnlatlen 5 IngrevMint 1834 Witcontin Ava NW Bar a beautiful ro tatw top mahog any finish TV table at the lowest priee ever! Makes your TV sereru risible from any location hi tho room IT local Mi Sth I I Meek factory Jkh ib brJinch store 3528 14Hi St NW 4543 Wiaconain A NW CREDIT NITE DAY TV REPAIRS Bays guarantee Within ths hour our man will be there Service chg vrnnt rrpa money down first payment eays NO 3111 BELMONT 14th St NW Est 1945 Kukla AO Willie Conover Dinah Shore News Caravan Ton Bet You: Treasury Men in Action TV TABLE amily Playbouao Jones' nnilly Playhouse amily Playnouee News Bryson Rash Sports Gibbons Lone Raner Lone Ranter The Ruggles (Comedy) Chance of a Lifetime Mr Arsenic Turkus Mest ths Champ Meet the Champ Wrestling from Chicago Wrestling from Chicago News Pete Pete Cassell Clubhouse 1 299 Clubhouse 130 News 1390 Warmup Timo Cincinnati vs Brooklyn TV SERVICE TV REPAIR AU 1 GO TWO HOCB MAKES Chg SERVJCM The Racket Squad Crime otografer Crime otografer Telenews porta The Late Show The Late Show ilm Klavan Some letters from radio listen ers that speak for themselves: Bernie: I made a very stupid mistake in the letter refer ring to Sam Brown which ap peared in column when I said 'in regards to Bill Herson I listen to him no matter what he played I really meant those remarks for Sam Brown reason for mentioning Bill was to say that Sam brown had no right to criticize him or any other disc jockey Bill Herson is a grand person I nave met nun many times at the Doll house Please print my apology "THELMA Ted Malone Break the Bank rank and JackBon School Newe rank and Jackeon Music Variety Winter Jerry Strong Muaic Newe and Sports 9:00 Dragnet 9:15 Police Drama 9:90 I Jamea Melton TVarenekjold Martin Kane Private Bye oreign Intrigue oreign Intrigue Newa Movie Movie PlayhoUae Albertaon In Mr Burton Nora Drake Brighter Day Hilltop Hou Houee Party Houae Party Smith Harri Mark Evane Mark Evan Mark Kvau Mark Bvaa Newa Top Spot" Top Spot Curt Curt Maaaey Baukhage New Hasel Market Prixe Party Milton ord Prixo Party Newa Party Prixe Party Milton ord 1 rise Party News ord Party New Milton ord Prixe Party News 1350 Club Willi Conover 1260 Club Wlllla Conover Newa 1200 Club Will i Conover Sgt Preaton Sgt Preaton Sky Kin King Brown ia "Wo men in Brown" Sports Allen Cronkite Newa Mark Evana Mark Evan Edward Stork Club Burna and Allen (Comedy) Amo n' Andy Amo Andy Man Against Crime Bl Town i LOOK Helen Trent Our Gal Sunday Bi Slater Ma Perkin Dr Malone Guiding Light 10:80 11:00 11:15 11:80 11:45 Btty7Nw Song Shop Song Shop Song Shop News Dlatrict Matinee Geo Crawford JVislTir VMat ea New Matlne District Matinee Geo crawford District Matinee New Matine District Matlne Goo Crawford THatrlcJ Matinee New District Matinee Ge Crawford District Matin New Grant Milt Grant Milt Grant Sports Katifmai Baseball Baseball Baseball Baaoball Baseball Baseball Baaeball Baseba 1 1 Box Score Nat Allbright Nat Allbrlght Nat Allbrlght News Nat Nat A llbrlght Lily and Curley Lilly Ailbright Early TV Shows am Today Garroway 715 Look to This Day Today 9 Nancy's Notebook 9:30 Blair's House 9 Inga TV Highlights 7 pm HTOP Mark Kvefia Show Jta circus night with auh guests elix AdlVr King of tho Clowns ft pm WTOP Burns ad Allen Mamie Kelly and her three youngster descend on the Burns' home 9:30 pm WNBW James Melton Show Comedian Billy Gilbert and vocalist Dorothy Warenakjold visit 9:30 pm Meet tha Service boxing bout from the Marine case ar nan i'iru 10:30 pm oreign There's trouble nver involving Robert Cannon Thor) Radio Bests 7:45 pm WCM Bea St hreinrr In terview actress Violet Hemin 1:30 pm Playhouse Barbara Stanwyck a an out standing Washingtonian of tha 19th century 9:25 pm BftaebalU Washing ton pls ya St Loui 93fl pni WASH Roundup en Russell D) of Georgia la qutsxed by newsmen 10 pm Screen Guild Theater Linda Parnell and Paul Douglas in to Three OTHER RADIO STATIONS 1600 Kilo am to 4 :46 pm 730 KU 6 a tn to 3 :15 pm 7R0 KU 7 am to 1050 Kilo 9 a to 9 :46 pm 1120 Kilo 6:16 to 5:30 pm 1220 Kllfe 7 am to 5:45 pm 1340 Kilo 7 am to 1 am WGMR 1035 Me Am tn Midnight WARVM 10S Me 11:30 am to 9 pm Thursday Naw Bho Shop tha Tows Moppatt Mrt Tima for Beany Capt Video CapL Video Candid Camera Cart Berger Thia ia Music (Music Variety) Broadway to Hollywood Playhouse (Drama) Harness Racing rom Rosecroft Charlie Wild Detective Harness Racing rom Rosecroft Movietone Naw Nite Owl ilm "Broadway These Days By George During most of the history of this country our foreign relations were of small importance our armed forces were not extensive costly our attitude toward other nations' was generally limited to the necessities of trade and the movements of persons Durlng nearly the whole of this period certainly from 1815 to 1945 the passport of the United States was generally respected and the government of the United States accepted no back talk from any country Until 1917 Europe was a place from which immigrants came to this country and to which we sent our young men for higher educa tion and our young women to marry a lord? The rich did the which meant going from London to Paris to Rome looking at ruins and art galleries with side trips to the Black or est Switzerland and Spain It was all very pleasant and did not cost much ew Europeans toured (America those who came here hoped to stay In our generation however all s6rts of ideas developed concern ing our relations with 'Europe Altho it was this country' that aided Europe in two European Produced wars the whole thing was twisted into their helping us The last war cost the United States more than $300000000000 Out of the concept that World War II was really a preliminary twar between the United States and a victorious Hitler the Europeans have reached the curi ous conclusion that 154000000 Americans obligated to help not only the nations of Europe but the nations of Asia and Africa as well Congress II Tndcrv 1 At viwar whn missAil the other and have been chided by friends for passing it by like to comment briefly on the qualities that made it pounce As noted in this space sunaay which follows and on WTOP TV must generate a certain amount of excitement in order to compete The outlook is stem particularly when the preceding programs make an effort to deviate from the usual line of murder and mayhem Such an effort was made Tues day night turned to Charles Dickens for a plot and rounded up a fine cast headed by Stella Andrews John Baragrey and Arnold Moss We see which followed but sev eral viewers have volunteered praise for Don excellent performance in a routine yarn about a crook who outmaneuvered himself into the clutches of the law That was the set up for which then proceeded to top its rivals by the simple trick of underplaying a style that has be come increasingly the vogue since The story titled "The told of a crook who went back to the scene of a robbery to kill the one witness who could identify him No one raised his voice his girl try to dissuade him In fact she calmly disposed of some chop suey and fried shrimp while they waited for the time to strike No glamor here A cheap crime involving calloused criminals and told simply and directly arouses no sympathy or envy The camera work by the way was excellent ilmed by Bing Crosby Enterprises the drama i made excellent use of long shots i to establish a realistic background CSCommission Opens New General Clerk Test irst Offered Since Last October BY HOWARD or the first time since October a general government clerk examination is open Starting today applications will be accepted the CSCommission announces for grade gs 1 inru gs viei nppviiivjutciivo plications may be filed at main CSC Seventh and streets north west offices The gs 1 jobs pay $2500 a year to start with salaries ranging up to $3220 including seniority raises the range for gs 2 is $2750 to $3470 for gs 3 $2950 to $3670 and for gs 4 $3175 to $3895 There are several interest i angles about this lat est clerk test The conunis sion says a good many of the jobs will be for short term aep ointments The cominis inn also is ein nViocfoinff it need cants this time altho it will take applications for females A commission official said clerk registers from previous exams uhave been pretty well depleted chances are pretty good for early appointment from this pending test which will be rated by quick machine methods devel oped by CSC in recent years Th the past clerk exams have been the most popular of all tests Aftei World War clerk exams I attracted tens of thousands of ap plicants each time they were an nounced In recent years the number of applicants has dropped oft sharply but nevertheless a large number of people are ex pected to take advantage of this latest exam '1 Appointees those not ap pointed on a strictly temporary bakllt will be given mostly indefk bite type appointments and will be' placed under social security I generally rather than undev regu civil service retirement 14 RED CROSS STAERS WORK A RS The popular news commentator VTV UTT 4 onrt allnrnnnri an ourteen members of the na tional staff of the American Red Cross retiring after a total of 344 service were honored yes terday at a reception in the or headquarters here They are: Al Chamberlain fund raising service Watler GiBions building maintenance Mrs Ada Grier safety William Hammer ac counting Mary Hawthorne health Hughes counselor and Mrs Miriam Xnox health Also Mrs Edith McAllister dis aster Moise veterans ad ministration: Bernice Nolan building maintenance Annabelle Petersen nursing Maurice Reddy disaster Mary Taylor mili tary hospital and Mrs Constance Webb office of reference informa tion served every RIDAY at just Ulcntierful food 165 5 CONN AVE 'S' Csaaoenutlon Birmwew PrinoUo nrfnnrf Tn view ot the provleion in eectlon 1310 ot the Supplemental Apwoprlauon let ot HS2 that no person In any ex jweullve department or agency whoae po ition taaublert to tha Claaailloattqn Act ot 1949 an amended shall be promoted or tranaterred to a higher grade aubject to such act without having nerved at least a year In the next lower grade in employe who la promoted In ronlro vention ot such provlalon la required to refund the excess salary receded ns result ot the promotltm Comptroller Genersl Warren to the Secretary ot the Interior May 1952 (B 101230) gemdaya and Trmirary Per Annum Employee A temllorary employe who oecuplea a position as a classified employe in a Lil time statue and ilntitled fixed on a per annum basis ia entitled compensation Tor a holiday wher wo work la performed when the holiday falla within the til hour tourot duty the statue tor leave purposes b'tVmrtrXrGenral Warren to RC McNrf of Aricultur May MHHBM SOUTHEAST RSERVIIE JUST PHONE US gf JO2 6666 SOUTH CAPITOL TY 3921 JO CAP ST 2:00 2:80 2:45 8:80 1:45 4:00 4:15 4:30 44S Iootllfht "ThRani 0:30 Buster" ootllfbt ilm 7:00 SENATE Meets at noon Labor and public welfare sub committee 10 am (Open) Labor disputes Old Supreme Court chamber Capitol Interstate and foreign com merce committee 10 am (Open) i Transportation in Maryland and Virginia areas and tran 1 sit system 16 Capitol Post office and civil service subcommittee 10 am (Open) To armed classification act 135 8OB Judiciary subcommittee 10 am (Open) To amend Constitu tion on making df treaties 424 SOB Agriculture committee 10 am (Open) Grain shortage investi gation 324 SOB oreign relations committee 10:30 am (Executive) To hear Gen Ridgway oreign Relations room Capitol Armed service committee 10 am (Executive) Calendar 212 SOB Appropriations subcommittee 11 am (Executive) Civil func tions bill 39 Capitol District of Columbia subcom 10 am (Executive) room Capitol HOUSE Meets at 10 am Appropriations subcommittee 10 am (Executive) Military con struction Committee room Cap itoi Armed services committee 10 am (Executive) Public Works bill 313 A Old building Banking and currency commit tee 10 am (Open) To amend defense production act 1301 new building Education and labor commit tee 10 am (Open) Investigation of WRge stabilization board 429 1 old building 1 Interstate and foreign com merce 10 am (Executive) Air mail subsidy bills 1334 new build ing Interior and insular affairs sub committee 10 am (Open) ive Indian bills 1324 new building Judiciary subcommittee 10 am (Open) Issuance of '300000 spe cial nonquota immigration visas to refugee persons of German ethnic origin and nationals of Italy Greece and the Nether lands 346 old building Post office and civil service 10 am (Executive) Pending bills 213 old building Public Works coihmlttee 10 am (DpeoJv Granting consent of Congress to supplemental agree ment between New Jersey and Pennsylvania 1304 new buijdlng Rules committee 10 am (Open) To amend legislative re organization act to create joint committee on budget readjustment assistance act Com mittee room gallery floor Cap itol Un American activities commit tee 10 am (open) uommuiust activities in Los Angeles 226 old' AST WORK: In Tuesday's col building 12:00 Nw: Blair 12:15 Lunch Mlod! 12:39 fttudlo Lunch 12:45 1 0 1 New: fttrln Ti 1:15 Op Encore 1:20 IConcart Star Gerahwln News 8ympnony Schumann Bym Matin Debuy Nw Taylor Deem Taylor People' Masi At Keyboard News Cafe Mualc Cat Muelc Quii Mualc Cafe WTTG Channels Teat Pattar Cartoon Early Bird ilm Early Bird ilm Early Bird ilm "Broadway Early Bird ilm 51 WNBW Channel 4 Proloua to the uture Breakfaat Party Breakfaat Party Mia 8 A Mr 8 A a Problem iranau Naw Godwin Archer Here'a Archer Here1 Archer Here's Archer Nancy Oood Nancy Oaseod Random Willson Live Lika a Millionaire Ufa Beautiful Road of Life Pepper Toun Hanplnea Hackatae Wife Stella Dallaa Wldder Brown Woman In Hous Juat Plain Bill arrell Lorenxo Jone Doctor' Wife $2" TV ALL MAKES SWAMI PREMAKANDA INDIA A TONIGHT AT 45 tIO STATIOM WUH 971 Me The Swami noted anther nod scholar speaks toniyht and every Thnraday nlht at 6:45 on the problem of our life today in th light of philosophy and Yofa Channel WTOP Newa Doan Arthur Godfrey Bride and Groom Surprise gtore Tew Parker Surprise Store Strike It Rich Strike It Rich DORSEY'S TV SERVICE QUALITT KEAIM Di TOV OWN BOMB All vrit Curtatal if lour Hmm 1800 ta 2Mn 40 77 PAGE 12 liBi $2 O' i i 1'iwl unniiw '4 I 4 4 6 I $695 Ruth Lyon Club nd I Ruth Lyon Noontime Now Love of Llfo 12:80 The Little Tako the Break Search Tomorrow 12:45 Theater Take the Break Tq Me Our grhool 1:00 Playhouse ilm Johnny Oleen Hollywood ilm Inside Our Schools "Girl rom Johnny Olsen "The Adopted Inside Our School 1:80 1 ilm Mother" Garry Moore 1:45 Playhouse ilm Midday Chapel Hollywood ilm Garry Moore 8:00 I Playhouse ilm TV Diac Jockey Hollywood ilm Garry Moor 2M5 Gueat Book Art Lamb In the Garry Moore 2:80 Angle Shop th Town lrat 100 Yearn 2:45 Angle Dianne Cameron Hollywood ilm Mik and Buff I Bi Payoff New Dino Jockey Modern Woman Mike and Bu I 8:15 (Giveaway) TV DIm Jockey RuthCran' Mike and Buff I 1:8 Johnny Dugan Art Lamb for Give and Take 5 8:45 (Variety) TV Diac Jockey tfHIm) Give and Taka 4i00 Kata Smith Show New Diac Jockey Pick Temple' 415 Tad Collin TV Di Jockey Kindergarten Cowboy Playhouae 4:80 Kat Smith ihoW TV Dlc Jockey RuthAnne' Tex Ritter Kate Smith Snow Art Lamb Aletha Kindergarten "Th I 1 Haw kin aH New Die Jockey 5 O'clock Theater Tick Temple I ftslft I Gabby Hayea TV Di Jockey Carson pick Temple I 8:30 I Howdy Doody TV Dlc Jockey Ride The Early Show ft I Howdy Doody Tony Wakeman 9 O'clock Theater Conrad Nagel WGMS579 WMAL WRC WWDC 16 WEAM 13M I WOL 145 WTOP NwiCUmIc Hodge Nw Nw Wrixht Art Brown New Owen llltS 7ll Mornlnv Srmpk Jim Gibbon Bill Hrwn Art Brown Don Own Mik Hunnlontt Mark Enna Untart rim (Uhhnna Ntvi' Hpm olc Wash Weather Don Mike Hunnicutt New Werahha MnaJSST Nw Itonndm MH Ollher 8:09 New: En Rout Jim Gibbon World New Art Brown HUB2lcHH JorM Nw Rout Jim Gibbon Bill Hereon Art Brown Don Owen Mike Hunnicutt 8un Dial a News Concert New Gibbon Bill Hereon Newa Brown Don Owen Mike Hunnicutt Eddie Gallaher 5S Bai Bill Hereon Art Brown Don Owen Mike Hunnicutt Bun Dial a ftn i' Nw r7n7Lr Breakfast Club Bill Hereon Art Brown New Cactu Newe Mike America Naw prnutr Sb 111 HraoU Art Brown Cactu Mtt Mik Drotlon Tou'r th Top ini CamlSkhon Breakfast Club Bill Heraon Nw ord Ari School Bob Dav Elinor 9:45 avorite Melodi's Breakfast Club Bill Heron and Parrot 1390 Showcase Musical Baaaar Nancy Dixon iiMTMit True store Welcome Milton ord Bulletin Board Newe Davla Godfrey Show Story StTeSte Traveler and Parrot Morn'r Worehip Bnb DavW Godfrey Show laai Whispering Sta Doubleor Neweord Pete Caaaell Musical Godfrey Show Notting MUton ord Pat CII Har it nA I K1! Hthd Lone Journo? Strike It Rich Ijldla air Naw Pat New Dari Or dtry Show 11rt lNChrrtchaa Hearing Strike It Rich air: Newt Pete Caaaell Bob Davla Oodtrer Show tidal ShJi mmo Ruth cfan Bob and Ray Qun lor Pete Caaaell Mualcal Grand Siam 11 I MuaTJlo Crane Co'to DaV Garrowar I Dap Pet eaa11 Baxanr Roamrr 1 aiternoon friximams Mt I Nw Showoaaa News Newa Eld Bob WoHt Newa Lllr Newa Tim NW Jarkenn 'IS I Boaton Pon Glbbona Nw Bari Godwin US0 Bandatand and Curie tor Crawford Cochran Poll Ml Dinner interlude Dinner Date New Berkman Newa: Melod Lily and reta Time Newa Arch :5 UN Today Phil Wllaon 1 Star Extra Rosary Hour Gurley leets Time Io well Thoma 7 00 I News Recital Congreaa Today Muaicade ulton Lewie Jr News Lily Newa Poll Beulah 1ft I In Recital Elmer Davin Honor Roll Band Berger and Curley Inside Gov't Jack Smith OneraBox Silver Eagle NewaBeatty Gabriel Heatter Pete Caeel MlltGrant Peggy Show straua Silver Eagle Man amily B'datand Newa Pete Caerll Milt Grant Murrow 8 00 I Nowa Sym phony Cato latanbul ather Know New: Alex'der Newa Pete Rquet BI In I Hln Oft (drama) Beat Bill Alexander I ete Daeaell Granted end War allo I P'lrT Defen Nightboat NewM I960 Club Don Owen Requeet Playhou S'48 I Bloch Attorney (Drama) WlilWConover lon Owne GraiKA Stanwyck Ml I New Concert Amateur Hour Dragnet Henry 1260 Newa Matt Reueat Mr Chamlaon lftl Amateur Hour Dragnet Dugout Gam cactu Matt Granted Mr Chameleon a'an I MtrnleeM Amateur Hour Counterspy Washington Cat lua Malt Request Mr Keen 0 45 1 KodSr Hybrid Tea Root Counterpy at St Loul Cattt Malt Granted Drama la na I nw MuiTo To'rrow'a Newa XourHIt Haaeball Newe Matt rank Edwards Screen Guild Beethoven Club Can Do Parade Baaeball Cactu Matt Gueat Star Theater IO 8O I Muaio Ton Want Hotel Edison News Tin Pan Baaeball Lullaby Train Star Tim Box 13 With 10:48 I Puccini Orchestra Valley Baaeball Lullaby Tram John Hanly Alan Ladd it 00 I News Mualo 'tiiT Hatch Newa News Sport Baaeball New Train New Starttm News Svareld HuCuMMrht Th Night Hour of Dream Baaeball Lullaby Tie In Honeycomher News: Snort Moxart Watchman Lee Dayton Tenth Edward Lullaby Train VDamona Moondial 11'48 1 aure Jerry Strong Hour of Dream Edward Ma we Lullaby Train JTltafford Gallaher I We Slink: Jerry Strong Newa 101) Maaaey Newa Train New Hanly Newa Moondial 1300 1 Headline Jerry Strong Palladium 100 Maaaey Lullaby Train Garner Eddie Gallaher Nocturn Orchestra Newe Mauer Lullaby Train Como Gen Klavan Dance Pat 100 Maaaey Lullaby Train Miller Gn Klavan DAY or NIGHT NIGHT or DAY.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 6348

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.